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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. I can't see anything bad about this program, well done.
  2. Well we always new rider fans were a virus, this is just confirmation.
  3. but horrible for people who have to travel any sort of distance who don't want to stop every couple hours to charge. I thought it was somewhere in that range and is still a major draw back for me.
  4. If you can't consistently pressure opposing qbs it doesn't really matter who you have in your secondary, they're going to give up yards. The Bombers DL was pretty bad last year.
  5. The good news is that the one area Walters has actually been able to consistently find rookies for is DB.
  6. I dunno, I think I'd rather force a team outside than inside.
  7. what's the range on electric vehicles these days?
  8. Well one of the things the Bombers did well last year was having a good duo on one side in Washington and Adams, we know how good Randle was in that CB spot the prior year so if Adams can move into the middle you get another good duo on one side of the field. It just makes complete sense to me. The other side of the field is where you hide your weak CB so throw the token Canadian over there and use the roster flexibility somewhere. Why have a good corner back in a nothing position?
  9. Yeah but to me that says more about knowing what a joke the 50 shades movie was than anything else. Lots of people turned down that movie. Quite frankly I don't expect her to do a lot more nudity in game of thrones anyway, they have been moving towards just using gratuitous nude scenes from nobody extras for a while now anyway.
  10. Yeah the secondary is good, Definitely a group that can compare favourably with other teams in the league. It was a lot of other things that were issues.
  11. Well the idea is that the half back spot is more key in a defense than corner is so you're basically moving your best DB to a more important position on the field. Regardless of Randle moving back to CB or not I would have suggested trying Adams in the spot vacated by Washington anyway.
  12. I don't see her being named though, like I said it was lots of speculation. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't but the general consensus was that it was Shae refusing do do nude scenes, which makes sense considering she did a brief one in the first season and nothing else. Remember this is the actress with a past in dirty movies who did get some actual acting acclaim overseas. Would make sense she wanted to focus on her acting ability rather than the past.
  13. No she didn't, the very episode after all that speculation started she hauled em out. No the one who refused to do any more nude scenes was likely the actress playing Shae. Kind of ironic considering her past.
  14. She's a pretty terrible actress. She over acts everything. Quite honestly she is lucky that she gets to play a pretty well written character in Game of Thrones, but even then she lessens the character with her shitty acting.
  15. That's because Alberta never really wanted Notley in the first place, they just wanted to really stick it to the PCs and when they woke up and realized what they had done the night before they regretted it.
  16. The problem is that it won't change peoples behaviour unless the tax is so much of a burden that people can't afford to not change, but that's not what happens because the infrastructure isn't there to just change like that. We just got a carbon tax in Alberta, you know what it's going to do? Going to make me pay more for gas and more on my electricity bill, you know what actions I'm going to take? I'm going to ***** about having to pay more and keep on living my life.
  17. Probably more often than you think. Size for receivers is one of those things that is nice but I think it really does get over rated sometimes. The CFL field is big enough it's better to have the speed to make plays rather than relying on winning jump balls.
  18. But it's a worthwhile expense. It's sort of like saying "well the foundation of my house needs work but it's pretty expensive to do it so better just leave it as is" Alberta switching to burn natural gas also has the added benefit of actually using a plentiful fuel source in the province. Forget oil, natural gas is really what Alberta is rich in.
  19. See my problem with the carbon tax is that they talk about it doing one thing (helping climate change) when the reality is that it's simply a wealth transfer scheme. Call it what it is and stop pretending that implementing that is saving the world. Just say it's wealth redistribution and stop trying to bullshit everyone that it's actually something to help with carbon emissions. This government really hasn't done anything, that's my problem. They are so worried about being electable next election they are afraid to actually tackle the issues. Half measures and sleight of hand won't do anything to help this province so for that reason alone I will not give them credit for doing a good job. All they're doing is trying not to rock the boat, trouble is the boat is currently upside down so it could use some rocking.
  20. No they're not really doing that at all. The Carbon tax they put in is supposed to be revenue neutral so it's not like they're trying to combat a deficit that way. It doesn't even really do anything about greehouse gas emissions if that's the goal of such things, all it does it take money from the people with more and give it to people with less, the ultimate socialist wet dream. They raised taxes a bit but they're still increasing the deficit spending. They should have kept rolling back the public service wages like the PCs intended to do because Alberta is paying too much as they had to pay salaries that were able to compete with the oil and gas industry, except everyone has taken a cut in that industry (if they're lucky it was just a cut) so why should the government keep paying artifically inflated wages? If they really wanted to make an attempt at doing the best in a bad situation they would have bit the bullet and put in a PST. Something that could actually raise revenue for the government, but nope they're just doing half measures hoping that people won't turn on them next election but it's not going to happen unless the oil and gas industry turns around in a hurry.
  21. This is one of the few things that I actually like about what they're doing. Why use coal here? The province is awash with natural gas and it's a cleaner burning more efficient fuel source, should have switched to that years ago.
  22. To me the use of big words and trying to be overly verbose isn't about smugness, it's about a guy trying to come across as smarter than he is and it's just annoying because anyone with any kind of intelligence sees right through that crap.
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