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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Of course you do, you're a blind homer who can't accept the fact that your team is a circus and that Chris Jones isn't the saviour everyone thought he was.
  2. It's not so bad if the weather is nice and people aren't being ******* and getting into accidents that close the highway for hours upon hours (or bridges wash out). But if the weather is less than perfect no thank you. I drove from Vancouver to Calgary 2 summers ago in some pretty heavy rain and it was not the most fun drive, saw 2 separate vehicles flipped over cause apparently people don't know that when there's water on the road it can be slippery and you should probably slow down going downhill around corners.
  3. Well then it sounds like the right decision was made.
  4. That's what I was afraid of, guess I'll try it just to see but they had some good breweries in that lineup, guess they went with odd choices.
  5. It really does remind me of when the Bombers had Mike Kelly. Being right and proving everyone else wrong is more important than doing the right things for the team. An out of control ego is a dangerous thing.
  6. well maybe some people just don't see skin colour?
  7. I drank a beer from Lighthouse Brewing which I believe is in Victoria, 150 heritage ale or some such, basically maple syrup with a hint of beer, the most canadian thing ever. Not a great beer, but pretty damned Canadian so that counts for something. I expect there are a lot of heavy on the maple beers for the Canada 150 thing. I am curious to get one of the across the nation taster packs with a beer from each province, have you guys tried them at all? Any reviews?
  8. Wait Lord and Miller were doing the Han Solo movie? Was it going to be a comedy? Cause honestly that seems like a strange choice. Guys are funny dudes no question but for a Star Wars movie?
  9. The whole thing was an exercise in jerking off the rider fan base. Not sure if they figure that Rider fans might not watch if they don't pump sunshine up the Riders asses or if they just want to avoid all the **** talking from that fan base if they do anything but praise the glory of the Riders, but either way I don't think they actually believe that, just trying to placate the Rider fans for what ever reason.
  10. He sleeps 8 hours a night! Well he was pretty normal when it came to that
  11. Probably more akin to asking why a running back can't just play receiver.
  12. It's Lapo, we've seen him with all sorts of teams over the years, I got sick of his **** when we had Khari Jones, Milt Stegall, Arland Bruce, Charles Roberts and Mike Sellers on the same team so how much talent does the guy need?
  13. Cause there's always the right combination of desperate and dumb among general managers in the CFL.
  14. Is Jerome Messam a thing again? Cause I am going to go with the safe pick and say him.
  15. You would think they would know the guy's reputation for burning bridges. Guess they get suckered in with the promises of big pay days because he's such a hardass and won't let GMs run roughshod over the players. I feel bad for the player but I really love that the Esks are sticking it to that prick of an agent.
  16. It's a Lapo thing to me. Not that they never take shots, it's that Lapo is a pretty conservative coach and will default to trying to not lose when some times they would be better off knowing when to take a shot to try and beat the other guys. I mean you don't want to be balls to the walls all the time, but you gotta identify when those moments to go for it are and I think Lapo overall doesn't excel in that area. He's more of a play it safe, try and win the field position battle kind of guy.
  17. Beaten fanbase. We've had any fleeting success ripped away from us as fans for such a long time people just expect the worst.
  18. Ray and Willy both suffered from the same problem, too much pressure in the pocket, difference obviously is that Ray has the ability to over come that, where as Willy got himself shell shocked and couldn't pull out of it.
  19. Think back to some of the mid 2000s teams and think about the good linebackers and crappy halfbacks we had and see if you still hold that same line of thinking. No one has stood out at mlb in the last few years, even good players (though naturally outside guys not inside guys admittedly) so that to me indicates that the defense we are running isn't set up to make the mlb the playmaking star.
  20. I think all this average talk really is meaningless, in the CFL there's really only 2 levels of quarterbacking, good enough or not good enough. If you have good enough you can win with enough support around the guy and if it's not good enough then you aren't going to do a lot of winning no matter what.
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