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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. hardly. faceoffs are a skill no matter where they occur on the ice, which is why some guys make a very good career out of being face off specialists.
  2. Cato had that good start to his career and fell off the map after wards, seen it happen a ton before so why are people so gung ho on him? Davis might be a total bust but I don't believe Cato is actually the player he initially showed either.
  3. oh god if you think face offs and coin flips are the same thing then this isn't going to go anywhere.
  4. Hockey is totally different, it's a fluid game where the action naturally goes back and forth, in that scenario a sudden death format is completely equitable because both teams have a chance to get the puck right off the opening face off, in football though one team gets the ball based on a coin flip. Sure you can say stop them and get your own chance with the ball but to have the potential of losing without ever getting a chance with the ball is a tough way to lose. The shoot out that the CFL uses might not be perfect but I like it a hell of a lot better than sudden death OT.
  5. I didn't watch the game because fuck the NFL and I really hate the NFL over time format but come on, you engage in gay curling like Atlanta did you deserve to lose. I saw the score in the 3rd quarter was something like 25-3, that's an all time pants shitting.
  6. That's just not true, you can literally ask them to vote on anything. Some places call referendums purely constituational matters and call everything else a plebiscite if you prefer that term but you can put a vote to the electorate over what ever you like.
  7. yeah but having such an extreme policy like that is what makes him a weak candidate. You don't appeal to the masses by sitting so far on the edge. Middle ground wins in Canada and I don't believe Bernier has the appeal to win across the country either.
  8. And changing how we vote doesn't alter the law? This is an argument of semantics and the word referendum has multiple meanings but if you ask the people to directly vote on something it's a referendum.
  9. That's one definition, however the other definition is simply any vote put before the electorate. Federally Canada has had 3 referendums, one on the Charlottetown accords, one on conscription and one on prohibition so clearly in Canada the usage is not solely for constitutional matters.
  10. you can call a referendum on what ever you want and personally I think that if the way we are changing how our government is elected then it should be put before the people and let them directly voice their opinion.
  11. well I always disregard that when Noeller says it, he's prone to exaggerating.
  12. it's not a play on words, it's misuse of the language that have become commonly accepted because people care more about exaggerating than actually putting in some effort into creating more meaningful statements. A lot of your criticisms of the commissioner come across as simply "I don't like the look of the guy so therefore I don't like any of it" Give the guy a chance before we cast judgement. I mean the concussion statements are done for legal reasons no other so it's worthless to even judge him on that, I dunno what all went on with the drug testing but come on, the CFL has been a joke with drug testing long before he came along.
  13. No I think he's dangerous because he is too free market and government out of everything. Government does need to maintain some over sight otherwise the corporations just have free reign to fuck everyone over. Same reason Kevin O'Leary is dangerous, except I can understand why O'Leary is the way he is, he wants to be the guy fucking everyone over and making money doing it.
  14. They've been doing that since Bush Jr got in the first time.
  15. reading is your friend, he said UNLESS
  16. hey in his world 12 wins is a down season for the Riders, Pederson there is showing a lack of faith in the regime.
  17. too bad the Conservatives are running a collection of horrible candidates. But really this Liberal government is governing pretty much exactly like they have in the past which as we've seen is good enough to keep getting elected many times. Both the NDP and Conservatives are in a precarious position with their leadership and it will take them a while to rebuild to the point where they can threaten the Liberals. The Liberals simply avoid fucking up too badly they'll win the next election handily.
  18. Not without a referendum he shouldn't. Honestly I don't know why people even believed him when he promised that, it was clearly something they promised only to motivate a certain segment to vote for them.
  19. Can we just simplify them and call them Jam-man and Jab-man? It's a new superhero duo
  20. At what point does Affleck just throw a bone to his old pal and known comic book geek Kevin Smith? I mean you don't even have to let Smith write the whole thing but at least the man will keep them from going too far off the rails in regards to the characters. Just don't let him direct.
  21. but the suits keep thinking it's a gold mine waiting to happen so they keep doubling down on their stupidity. It's kind of funny to watch truthfully.
  22. I suspect that this year the Argos will basically know that it's a write off and just get a place holder until they can do a proper search next season. At least that's what would be smart if you ask me. How do you bring everything together this close to the season when you can't pick people from other teams? Take a knee this year and make next year their focus.
  23. which is why you are losing sight of the argument at hand. We're not talking specifically about success here, we're talking about doing things right which is part of the process of getting to success. Which is why the "if you're not first you're last" mentality that some here are displaying is bullshit.
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