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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Just change the playbook to lame duck lobs to the middle of the field, everyone go for the jump ball. EDIT: in before JBR/Brandon say "isn't that our playbook now?"....
  2. I think you've been watching a bit too much porn lately....
  3. LOL! Yeah if hitting guys hard on the run back after they've picked off yet another bad pass is a judge of an OL, then Edmonton wins hands down! It was nice to see Diamond Ferri laid out though, I honestly didn't know that d-bag was still in the league.
  4. Buck has to limit those floating ducks. That first pass he threw from scrimmage was so bad even Geoff Tisdale could pick it off. Then you know it's bad.
  5. From today's Freep: At today's practice, defensive lineman Zach Anderson was held off the field to rest, after he got kicked in the shin at Monday's session. The first-year pro, who is up off the practice roster and slated to replace injured JT Gilmore, will be ready to go in Montreal, Burke said.
  6. I think it was the way Carr did it - agreed verbally to a contract with us, then signed with Edmonton for a bit more and didn't even let us counter it. It was just extremely unprofessional, and as often happens, those kind of moves end up biting you in the butt. If he had kept up his level of play, I see no reason why he wouldn't still be a Bomber right now.
  7. sucks about the US health care system. Wish they could get their **** together down there.
  8. Hey Iso , I know it's going to be a tough one to win in Montreal. AC is especially effective at the start of the year. We definitely got the short end of the stick playing them twice to start the year, when AC is at his best. By September I'd wager he's about 75% of where he is now, just due to wear and tear, and I've seen that drop-off get worse and worse as he gets older. Anyway, I just want to see the Bombers put in a good try. I liked what I saw last week. The Bombers didn't just roll over and die after going down 14. In 2012, the game would have been already over at that point.
  9. ouch. Talk about a bad decision to leave the Bombers. If he had stayed we probably would have kept him. We utilized him quite effectively. So do we bring him in for a look or just stay with Doug Pierce/Anderson as back-ups?
  10. Burke said that Anderson got kicked in the shin but should be good to go. He definitely wants to play, his whole family will be watching the game in the US for the July 4th holiday.
  11. we play any other team other than Calgary in Week 1 at home and I think we are 1-0 right now. I didn't see much from a lot of other teams. Edmonton is brutal. BC has taken a big step back. The Riders only looked good because they got to beat up on the Esks. Toronto and Hamilton's defences look like swiss cheese, and Hamilton is going to find all new ways to lose again this year. Calgary and Montreal look like the early favorites, but if AC and Tate go down early, all bets are off.
  12. Well Hervey schooled Mack I guess in that he was willing to engage in tampering to get Reilly, while Mack wanted to follow the rules. Stupid Mack. I assume that the league was willing to look the other way on the Reilly tampering given all the tampering that went on in the Ricky Ray deal. I doubt that Mack would have been afforded the same courtesy.
  13. oh man. That is brutal. Looks like Hervey is picking up from where Tillman left off in terms of letting the Eskimos get ass-raped. Unbelievable.
  14. have to agree, been there to games many times, and it wasn't very enjoyable. Of course, almost every time I was there was to watch the Bombers get pounded...soo....
  15. what was the trade exactly? The way Zontar wrote it it makes no sense whatsoever. Rockhill and Kanya for Masoli, Wojt and Lawrence?
  16. As per Global. Frazier coming back after being cut last week.
  17. You probably are right on that Bluto. If getting to games is tough then it's going to affect the crowds. I can't see the CFL being any less popular than say in Vancouver. Every time I'm in Vancouver and go out to watch a game at a bar, and even if its a Lions game, I have to tell the bartender to switch it to the game, while he stares at me puzzled going "CFL? What's that?" "Lulay? Never heard of him. Does he play defense for the Canucks?"
  18. Riders weren't much better. Dwight Anderson is such a ******-bag.
  19. Yeah I agree. I wish the kid had given the Bombers a chance to sign him instead of taking this suicide mission with Edmonton. Behind a decent o-line or even our o-line who knows how good this kid could be. Right now I just hope he makes it out of Hamilton next week alive.
  20. Edmonton is just ******* brutal. In every aspect of the game. Even we might hang a beating on them in the home game. Just putrid offence. Their o-line is even worse than I thought.
  21. man BC is having serious snapping problems.
  22. Another horrible PI call. Total crap.
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