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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. I really really hope that they do a weekly coach's call-in show. And that we can listen to it online somehow.
  2. Here's a solution to the eating people issue at least...
  3. well he's going to certainly widen the field all right when he introduces the Jet package. I wonder if Brock Ralph is looking for work as an OC...
  4. Maybe he wants to have more kids? lol his wife is actually pregnant again. Saw both of them at Buck's wedding social on Saturday. Hope that you stopped her at four beers then....more then four can cause some serious brain issues for the baby, or at least that's why my mom said she always stopped at four, and then switched to vodka.
  5. CFL News ‏@CFL_News 33s #RedBlacks sign non-import WRs Justin Chapdelaine & Liam Mahoney, as well as non-import DB Justin Farrell.#CFL via @RedBlacks Mahoney!!
  6. easy solution - let all the Victor Li's out into society but then also make it mandatory that all adults carry a weapon to defend themselves from being eaten. It basically then just turns society into an episode of the Walking Dead.
  7. LOL - in the dictionary under "Hutterite" your profile picture could be used.
  8. @jetsbomberboobs is definitely worth the follow... Is that a feed that re-tweets our local media's offerings? Yeah except at least this is one Twitter feed that hasn't blocked me
  9. I'm doing searches on these Twitter handles and turns out I follow most of you guys and didn't even know it!
  10. I knew the old Mormon network would take care of its own.
  11. Especially if Goltz wins the starting job in TC from Willy. Start planning the parade, it's a done deal. Did we hire a QB coach, or a QB coach/Miracle worker? LOL - I notice Griller isn't so "pro Goltz" anymore like this time last year....speaking of which, isn't Morning Big Blue turning one soon?
  12. @jetsbomberboobs is definitely worth the follow...
  13. it's been rumored that Aprile soured with the Bombers and doesn't want to come here Yeah they didn't want to pay for his hair-care products as part of his contract.
  14. Especially if Goltz wins the starting job in TC from Willy. Start planning the parade, it's a done deal.
  15. What you just described are a group of people who are paid to cover pro football in Winnipeg, but who really aren't fans of the game. You can tell when a reporter is actually a fan. He/she doesn't have to be a homer, but to be any good, they do have to understand and love the game. Growing up, outside of playing for the Bombers, a dream job for me was writing about them - and getting paid to do it! What an incredible job! Being paid to write about something I love so much. It wouldn't even be a job to me. I don't see anyone in the media in Winnipeg that truly loves the game of football, which is why they are going to spend as little time as possible in the stands, studying the players, and instead finding distractions on tablets and personal devices to get through their boredom. Give me a reporter who is also a fan, and try to be as unbiased as possible, and I'm happy as a Rider cheerleader looking for a date at a family gathering. I'm not sure why that's a lot to ask of our current professional writers in Winnipeg, because it wasn't that way in the past. Vince Leah and Jack Matheson are proof of that in spades. Those guys just plain loved the game, and it showed.
  16. and in other news, it's been revealed that Bloi-dei Dorzon has changed his name to Travon Jones.... LOL
  17. I agree on Aprile but on the other hand it didn't sound like he had much interest in playing in Winnipeg. He didn't even bother to show up at camp last year.
  18. LOL. They should pack up Fisht and send it to Hamilton, then they'd have half a chance of having it ready in time for June.
  19. All right. Well then, here's to all the success in the world for Mr. Dahlquist. I think the bigger story here is that we actually hired a QB coach. Even if they had hired Troy Kopp or Russ Michna, at least it is somebody the QB's have on the sidelines to talk to rather than just walking off the field after yet another two and out to sit on the bench and wonder whether they'd be better off working in a Target in Oklahoma than being here in this foreign land with no support whatsoever.
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