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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Yup great end to what turned out to be an awesome Olympics. I am not as depressed that they are over as I was about Vancouver (given I actually went to Vancouver and participated in the festivities and attended a few hockey games) but I still couldn't help feeling a bit sad when that giant creepy bear blew out the flame in the closing ceremonies. Back in 2010 I thought that waiting for 2014 would be a long wait, but it turned out to come and go faster than I ever thought possible. I am interested in going to Pyongchang in 2018, who's with me?? Here's the sad bear....sigh...
  2. I just hope this guy isn't another Mike Kelly or Gary Crowton. Those guys apparently knew a lot about being a QB too, and yet all they knew how to do was fail spectactularly.
  3. Paul Friesen ‏@friesensunmedia 8m What's this, the #Bombers have a quarterback's coach? Will wonders never cease?
  4. That's a good list. I believe we also had Tim Jessie in there from 1988 - 1992. I think he was our running back for the 1988 and 1990 Grey Cups. And he wore #5!
  5. Players paid more attention to what their head coach was telling them back then.
  6. They should just switch home fields with the Argos. I would bet Hamilton would get more fans to games in Rogers then the Argos do. And if only 10,000 seats are ready at Tim Horton's field that's still 5,000 more than the Argos need.
  7. i'm guessing they are waiting for Cooper Harris for the LB coach, either Wylie or Himebauch for the OL caoch any names for the QB coach ? Dieter Brock Is that true? or just a guess? wishful thinking. I'd love to see Dieter on the Winnipeg sidelines again.
  8. what? Are you saying we are like the Vikings? Minnesota variety?
  9. i'm guessing they are waiting for Cooper Harris for the LB coach, either Wylie or Himebauch for the OL caoch any names for the QB coach ? Dieter Brock
  10. Wow Taman is just taking one hot steamer in his pants this offseason. about a foot long
  11. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that it happens to coincide nicely with Mayor Ford's annual eat-and-drink-open-buffet-wherever-he-goes event. What about his crack-smoking events he holds bi-weekly? They seem to coincide with his bi-weekly drunken stupors.
  12. I'm always a sucker for CFL gossip, but I would bet this last year was a doozy in terms of the crap that went on in that locker room.
  13. Didn't Austin coach at Cornell? That's what the Nard-dog told me anyway.
  14. I could never figure out why Calgary let that guy go. It would be like BC giving us Eliminian.
  15. The original mascot looked like Kevin Glenn but they changed their minds and went with an even older more experienced version.
  16. Hmmm....wonder what problems? Seems unusual for a team with a 3-15 record and a vacant stare for a head coach.
  17. Yeah the old Bomber teams in the 1980's used to pick up guys from other teams that were deemed expendable and still squeeze some good years out of them. John Helton was another one, as well as David Shaw. Under Mack all we did was sign youngsters with no experience and be shocked when they looked like lost sheep on the field. It would be great if we could go back to those old days where we get the best out of guys that other teams didn't want any more.
  18. They should hire Mack as a consultant, then they could be one of the youngest and least talented teams in the CFL.
  19. Agreed. One thing I won't miss was his annoying habit he developed in the past two years of complaining to the refs after every incomplete pass to call pass interference. I hope that the receivers this year stop doing that. All it does is make the refs not want to call the PI, even if it's blatant.
  20. so is Sims-Walker coming back? His twitter feed is an enigma.
  21. Nate was mentioned in another thread and I just saw this post-mordem post of his on Riderfans: T Edwards was an above average import receiver who managed to coax 9 years out of a hurt body and a turf toe foot. His speed was average (or less), his hands were above average - he even ventured into unthinkable territory to nab suicide passes from guys like Pierce, Brink, Elliott, Goltz, Hall, etc. He's an instant entrant into the Blue Bomber Hall of Fame where the main standard (at least in last 15 years) is what kind of a community guy you were. His statue will be right beside Wadzilla Miller and Big Bubba Brown, other "Hall of Fame" bombers. Part of the 'amazing core' Mike O'Shea expounded loudly in his acceptance press conference. Of course, most bomber fans with a brain knew instantly he was just trying to be nice. Other than Muamba, Drew Willy and a handful of above average men, the bomber roster has been putrid. I don't miss that guy.
  22. Nasty Nate told me $150,000. Then it must be true.
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