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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. you misunderstood my post. I'd start Glenn at safety.
  2. Cauchy for Glenn? I'd do that trade. I'll also trade you this nice bridge we have in Kelowna for your house.
  3. Since starting to follow the Bombers in the late 1970s I can only remember the following players wearing #5 - Dieter, Tim Jessie, Kevin Glenn and Chadd Simpson. Thorpe was before my time.
  4. hope that he spends the day at the zoo to celebrate. He never won us a Cup, but we got the guy that did thanks to Dieter going to Hamilton. Dieter was my hero for many years, had his poster on my wall right beside Lukowich and Hawerchuk.
  5. He's coaching frat boys at beer pong and chug a lug contests.
  6. You obviously never saw the turnstiles that Khari had to stand behind most of his time here. A good QB can make any Oline look half decent, especially if he has a quick release. Even turnstiles require two seconds to get past to the target on the other side.
  7. Just providing a list of NI-WR we have on our roster right now (not commenting on their viability as starters): Watson Kohlert Brescacin Feoli-Guidino Renaud (Taylor) Fitzgerald (drafted with an H back type role in mind I believe) Guys drafted and coming back: Alli (Not sure about DiCroce) It's going to be interesting to see how they approach the ratio this season. Dicroce was grabbed off waivers by Calgary.
  8. so why don't we want Gilmore back? Was he one of the 2013 quitters? I'd really like to see that list, if anyone has it.
  9. http://cfl.ca/article/fa14-ticats-argos-make-biggest-splash-on-day-1 Surprise! Hamilton won the free agent Grey Cup - again!
  10. Yikes. And this was my favorite thread today too. That tweet from Mike to KG was pure gold.
  11. We'll just have to go after his brother Cruise.
  12. well said, and I'm not saying I condone it, but how the hell is a tweet by some random dude about wearing a robe in a change room interfering with anyone else's freedoms? I just hate to see the random actions by some boneheads expressing poor judgement be used as an excuse for the state to become even more involved in our day to day lives, stating that they are protecting "freedoms". Anyway, it's 2:00 pm here in Maui, happy hour just started, so aloha.
  13. I wish that were true...would have led to fewer awkward moments for me on the beach as a 14 year-old whenever hot girls were around. Wait...you mean after 14 the awkwardness around hot girls is supposed to disappear?? Doh....
  14. I wonder how long before people start calling for Newman to cut his "hippie" hair. IIRC some members here were pretty jealous of Drew Tate's flowing locks. In the off season "Graig" can earn some extra dough being a stand-in on Game of Thrones. Pretty sure I saw him a few times last summer hitch-hiking, with nothing but a guitar case and a small suitcase full of hopes and dreams (and weed).
  15. Pierre Lavertu There's a decent chance Ottawa takes him. next center available in the draft after him then. Let's just take all olinemen this draft.
  16. Ageism!!!! Sensitivity training for you!!!!!! For shame!!!!! Wait, what were we talking about?
  17. I get that there still is rampant homophobia in the Christian community, and that's wrong. I also get that to put this in perspective, if this guy came out in Iran, he'd be executed. And that's just completely f'ed up.
  18. Mitchell couldn't crack one of the weakest olines in the CFL. We don't need a Morley clone.
  19. careful you're going to start a giant rant Lol bring it pinkos. I agree with Max, you can't win on this topic unless you are morally outraged, and that's fine. Bruce will never play professional football again, and that's punishment enough for his stupidity. He can go stock shelves at Target now. The only folks who seem "morally outraged" are the ones who don't think Turner's comments should be lumped in with Bruce's. Ahhh...not from where I am standing. Anyway, what Turner said was wrong. Should not have said it. I totally agree with that. I'm done.
  20. Good point. I've always found his football comments to be enjoyable and informative, while his political comments have inspired the exact opposite feelings.
  21. careful you're going to start a giant rant Lol bring it pinkos. I agree with Max, you can't win on this topic unless you are morally outraged, and that's fine. Bruce will never play professional football again, and that's punishment enough for his stupidity. He can go stock shelves at Target now.
  22. It is Bryant Turner after all. All humans want to see his junk, even Chuck Norris.
  23. Yes it is. Both comments show ignorance and are uncalled for. That's like someone calling a homosexual a "fruit" while another calls that person a "****". The words don't matter, it's the message behind them does. edit: European cigarettes!! Yes, the thought police can decide what is allowed to be said, and by whom. Fantastic idea. We already have the thought police in Canada - human "rights" commissions.
  24. I'd like this if it happens. This way if Matthews does go we have a Imp replacement. Think we will be find with Kohlert, Watson, ??? as our NIs. Kelly?
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