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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. I have vivid memories of throwing darts at Gretzky rookie cards. All of the Oilers. We hated them so much...
  2. Thanks for posting. Interesting that no team was really interested in signing him. I guess they feel he's just too injury-prone now. Saddened to hear (at the 9 minute mark) that he was thinking of playing in Sask but with Yoshi there I guess it would have made it somewhat tolerable. I like the interviewer's comment "They don't like nobody there" lol....
  3. That was the focus of the last season of the Rock's show on HBO. Watching Calgary going through now what we went through 20 years ago. Amazing how teams cycle through history, never seeming to learn anything from others or past mistakes. Calgary needs a new facility, so bad.
  4. wish I had a time machine to go back in time and buy up 10 boxes of cards....though an investment in NVIDIA would probably have been even more lucrative...who knows...
  5. he's got to understand the next relegation is to the Nic Petan world.
  6. I see Iafallo as a grinder that we're going to really see show his worth in the playoffs.
  7. They'd never think to add a functioning indoor bathroom.
  8. So it's settled, Austin Matthews in for Damian Jackson this year as the import FB we don't want or need. He should be available after the first round of playoffs....again....so just in time for training camp....
  9. around the 6:30 mark I had to stop and go get the hanky. Wow....you hear about how much the fans and the organization are loved by the players, and vice versa obviously, but when you hear it spoken in such a heartfelt manner, it really hits home. How often do you hear players in leagues like the NBA or NHL talk like this? Not very often. They're in a city, get their paycheque, maybe win a Cup or two, and they are off to the next place in free agency, see ya later. Amazing.
  10. Bwhaa haa haa Canucks fans are such whiners...band-wagon jumping losers....
  11. Yup live in Kelowna. Winnipeg has an NHL team? Since when?
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-CA/sports/icehockey_nhl/pinning-canucks-loss-on-referees-discredits-more-composed-jets/ar-BB1isvrA?ocid=sapphireappshare
  13. Bad call on Pionk. Good thing Canucks PP is worse than ours.
  14. Haven't watched any Canucks games this year but man they are dirty sob's. Scheifele got called for embellishment??
  15. And we ended up drafting future hall of famer Faith Ekakitie with our draft pick....
  16. uh no...I want them to suck as bad as TJ Heath. Thought that was obvious....
  17. The look on Strevie's face when Friesen was asking him those mindnumbingly stupid questions during the conference call was priceless.
  18. yeah so what would the rules be? Would the Alouettes get to play 12 guys just to make sure that the score stayed under 300 points against?
  19. may they all go on and have TJ Heath style success with their new teams.
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