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Everything posted by GCJenks

  1. Here's something that just occurred to me. If Zach doesn't come back he won a Grey Cup with the Bombers having never lost a game. Has a QB ever done such a thing before?
  2. I need to stop reading this thread at work, there is always another story that gets the tears streaming... By 2000 I had given up on the Bombers but was hired by a great man that had a 1991 ring. He worked on my for years, gave me his tickets for some games but shirts for all the staff every time they appeared in the Cup. 2007 I got my own season tickets, I lost my father in 2009 and never got him to a game, lost my professional mentor in 2010 and he never saw the new stadium or another Grey Cup for the Bombers. I know you watched Bruce, thank you for re-kindling my fandom.
  3. You deserve it too. You became a fan when you followed Poop here. He's gone but you are still here. Cheers to you.
  4. Still can’t express how I feel about this win. So happy for AH33, wish he’d called out whiner Wyman by name but he wasn’t the only media hater. I wonder what that hack writes now...
  5. Harris is hungry and in the zone. Evans was cold and having to hold back tears at half time. Don’t let up and we got this.
  6. **** them all, including Friesen and especially Wyman.
  7. Is this when we are supposed to make the “face for radio” cracks? p.s. Would love to be there with you.
  8. Those Tiger Cats are going to be tough to beat. Can’t wait to see who matches up against them. Bombers will put up a good fight and have a shot, Criders will get crushed.
  9. An hour to game time. Go Blue!!!! (Sick of “Shop like a mutha”)
  10. Thanks for the reminder. I think I have this on the PVR too, will be a great pregame warm up for this week.
  11. Out of curiousity, if not Fajardo who do they have? We need to be better next weekend than we were yesterday, not to beat the criders but because you always need to be improving or you are going backwards. The Bombers can and will be better, Collaros will not make those bad reads and will be better. Harris will be better and Strevs will be closer to 100%. GO BLUE!!!!
  12. That’s not what I got from the post game interview. They had just asked him about returning to Sask for revenge, he wasn’t giving the Criders any bulletin board fodder. Walked away with class.
  13. I had hope last week when Glenn Suitor said he would vote for Harris. Sadly our locally "journalists" are useless.
  14. Props to Mike Miller for his statement. WPG Sports media that aren't Bob Irving are dead to me. What a bunch of F&*king tools.
  15. I don’t know if this is the place to see it but looking around the league at coaches there is only 1 I’d want here other then Osh and that is Khari. If we can’t land Khari then I am okay rolling with Osh and different coordinators. As far as I know none of our Ops staff have contracts beyond this season so we should have room in the Ops Cap to sign anyone.
  16. It's not like Streveler is prone to brain farts like spiking the ball behind himself to try and end a play...
  17. More than okay with the outcome today. Thought Bailey looked good despite some early struggles, needs more time and will be excellent. Big Chris was decent and Harris was a beast. the Jets come back again and are 4-2, pretty good Saturday for Winnipeg sports fans.
  18. Just win!!! Have a feeling that Winston Rose has a bounce back and provides a spark with a defensive TD.
  19. Was away for work all week and not able to follow the run up to the game. Made my picks early this week, criders were the fav when I brought it back to even. FU to all of you that picked those a$$holes.
  20. Defence gets one too! Couldn’t look better than if they were hanging this on the Riders again.
  21. I was a little nervous early with all the plays to Demski, really happy seeing it spread around now.
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