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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Miles certainly earned an invite to next years TC.
  2. I'd take Harris in a heartbeat. He is a good starting NI and we NEED better starting NI's. The fact that he is from Winnipeg would probably sell tickets and we need to sell tickets, especially after this season. The fact that he's had an off year, would help in contract negotiations, so he might not even be a huge cap hit. Even if he is, he'd be worth it IMHO.
  3. Toronto's success is more than just Ray. They win with him and they win without him.
  4. As soon as I read that article I thought.. What a bunch of bad choices followed by a bunch of bad reasons. Then I thought... The folks on the forums know more than Penton. Finally I thought... I should get a bowl of popcorn and see what the folks on the forums are saying. Turns out it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. Now I have half a bowl of popcorn left.
  5. I expect AC has already played his last game. Montreal isn't going to protect AC. Ottawa won't take him anyway. Unless AC's brain is completely befuddled, he wouldn't go to Ottawa even if they drafted him because having an old, immobile, expensive QB behind what will be a patchwork O line is a recipe for disaster.
  6. Smith is the real deal folks. One of the two best arms in the league. Doesn't look like a rookie, in his first start. Can run, but still looks down the field to make a throw. Is reading the defense pretty well for a vet, let alone a rook. The good news is that Smith should take Montreal out of the Collaros sweepstakes.
  7. IMO: Ottawa will spend their NI draft picks on starting or closest to starting: 2 Guards, 1 Center, 2 Receivers, 1 DT/DE, 1 other NI starter, probably a safety. If there are 3 rotational DT/DE's available, they could take all of them to rotate over 2 spots. They took a Guard in last years 1st round of the 2013 draft and a DE in the second round, so their backups should be OK as long as they can sign them. For QB's, it's either Tate cuz they are guaranteed to get him or Colaros even know he is a free agent. Both would make some sense, but would mean one less 'vet' in another spot. They could also take Tate in the draft and make a good offer to Colaros / Glenn / Burris if they are still available in FA. There are a couple FA kickers available, so I don't see Ottawa using any draft picks on a kicker, even know they will get a lot of work in the first couple of years.
  8. Congrats. You have just proven that Jade has slightly more yards per catch than the other players.
  9. Exactly my feelings on every count. Couldn't have said it any better. Of course you would agree. Wouldn't expect anything different from the two of you. You're two are brothers from different mothers. It's tired and archaic thinking. The kid is going to be good. I hope it's with us. What on earth are you basing your opinion of Jade on? What makes you think he will be adequate, let alone good?
  10. It's funny that you blame everyone but Jade. Of course fans blame players production or lack thereof on the player. Every receiver on our team is saddled with awful QB's and a brutal staff. Most if not all of them have done better than Jade. (Kito at least started right away, but he has been almost as bad since then) Lets call it the 'Stoddard Syndrome'. If you like a player then lack of production is everyone else's fault. You can't extrapolate a few decent games into a full season. It simply doesn't work that way. Jade had one great game, 2 average for a first round pick games and the rest of the time he hasn't been worth anything. In the meantime, he has been slurping up 1st round money and taking up an NI spot on the 46 for 3 years. You, 17 and others are pulling for Jade to finally show the potential that Mack said he had and are disagreeing with everyone who doesn't see it your way. You still want to win the 3 year old argument: 'was Jade a good pick at 4th overall?' even know it's pretty clear by now he wasn't. My take on Jade... He was a huge reach when he was picked. There were better choices on the board, especially at receiver, who had more experience and could contribute at least on special teams RFN. Nope, it wasn't his fault, but it does color the way fans see him. If Jade had been a 3rd round receiver, fans would see him as the project he still is and would have lowered their expectations for at least a couple of years. They would probably be calling for a replacement by now anyway. I was stoked when he had a couple of good games early in the season. I thought, probably wrongly, that he had turned the corner and we would finally see some return on our investment. Sadly, that hasn't happened. I'd be surprised if he is protected or taken in the Ottawa draft. I have no problem if the Bombers re-sign him, as long as it's not for 3 year NI starters money, because he hasn't earned that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in Rider green next year as one of their development players.
  11. I like that we got a young somewhat experienced NI O lineman and I don't care that we had to give up Hall for the rest of the year. I do think that giving up our 2nd round, the 11th overall pick, next year is overpaying for Neufield who the Riders would have probably lost for nothing to Ottawa. We need to upgrade our NI's and the top two rounds of the draft is where our NI future lies. I don't care about any 4th round picks as they truly are a crap shoot.
  12. Play Hall for the rest of the season, then get a new QB. Nothing to be gained from bringing in a has been or never was just because they have some experience.
  13. It looked like Sorenson on TV. No idea what was said but TE had to be held back.
  14. I have no problem with Boltus getting the start in the second half. Hall had a bad first half. I have tons of problems with leaving Boltus in after his first two series. It was obvious by that time, that he just wasn't ready to play. He couldn't even fake a hand off successfully. We should have put Hall back in to get him more game reps. Iso.... your conspiracy theory doesn't make any sense. Burke pulled Hall because of the Int's. Once he made that decision, he wasn't going to go back on it so we got to see Boltus for the second half.
  15. Pressure by the Stamps D caused the Hamilton mistakes, TBurg but that Fg hitting the uprights sure helped. Burris tried a stupid jump pass in FG range. That's all on him. All he had to do was eat the ball and they could have kicked the 3.
  16. Why? It was between Winnipeg and Edmonton. Reilly was already getting the starting job in Edmonton. Winnipeg didn't have anything to offer other than money. Do you really think that Mack would have outbid Edmonton for Reilly? I don't.
  17. Yes Mack should have released our QB's if that got us a better shot at Reilly. He released them anyway a few weeks later. (Bad decision to release Elliott and Brink and keep Buck anyway)
  18. The 4th Quarter was all about Hamilton mistakes. A stupid Int by Burris in FG range followed by a missed short FG. Take those away and add 6 points to Hamilton's score, and they wouldn't need to go for a TD in the end. A long FG would do.
  19. Personally, I couldn't care less what a coach says about the players as long as it's true. Elliott was a turnover machine and Washington did drop the ball too much and Burke didn't have him returning punts for the rest of the year (IIRC). I also don't care what Hervey said. He was just being honest with the press, which I like. This whole 'Throwing the players under the bus' is way overblown IMHO. The players are adults. They know when they have been playing well and they know when they have been playing badly. They should know what their bosses think about them anyways. It's likely not the first time they have heard the comments that they see in print. They chose a public life, so they sometimes get a public dressing down. It comes with the territory. As for Burke's comments on Hervey... Pot meet kettle.
  20. I love that the Bombers will be back in the West. Now all we need to do is go back to those sweet Banjo Bowl jerseys full time. Personally, I'd like to do away with the East/West and have a single division where the top 6 teams make the playoffs.
  21. This is my first chance to see Pencer in action. I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do.
  22. And if your team is up by __ points at the half, what then? If the starting QB has under 50 yards passing, I'd still pull him, because he'd be playing badly. The score isn't always a good indicator of how well the QB is playing.
  23. I personally think that Hall has shown more than Goltz, but I'm happy with either getting the start next week. I would like, however, to see the starter pulled if he is under 50 yards passing in the first half.
  24. You're wrong. Stupid mime shows are stupid mime shows and will create complaints among some fans, especially the ones who are over 40.
  25. Montreal has looked better without AC than they did with him. I'd guess we have already seen his last game.
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