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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. BC's a good team who lost their starting Phenom QB in the middle of the season and still managed to make it to 2nd place overall. They're good enough that VAJ has a winning percentage at QB. Their offence is 2nd in points for, 2 ahead of us & number 1 in net offence, despite losing Rourke. Their defence is 2nd in points allowed, 20 behind us & number 1 in picks. The only team a Rourke led Lions, lost to was the Bombers. They beat Calgary twice, once with Rourke and once with VAJ. I wouldn't take them lightly.
  2. If Rourke gets hurt again his season is over. If he doesn't play, his season is over. Same outcome. The risk is IF getting hurt again costs him next season or an NFL shot. @GCn20 I don't agree that both organizations look bad. I don't think either of them look bad.
  3. I agree that Rourke is much more important to BC than Ellingson is to Winnipeg, but that doesn't mean that the Lions organization looks bad for letting him play or even that they are forcing him to play. Either both organizations look bad or neither do. I take the neither side on this one.
  4. I'm saying when the Bombers do it, it's called bad luck if the player gets hurt, but if BC does it, it's what he deserves, an IToldyaSo moment, and the entire organization looks really bad. I'm scoffing at the double standard, not arguing that it's a good idea. We don't know that the Lions are rushing him back, but that's what folks around here are calling it. We had one poster argue that the Lions were rushing him, and arguing that the Dr's didn't give him the go ahead to to throw in practice, which means he's pushing himself, not that the team is pushing him. FTR: Rourke threw during the time that cameras are allowed, not behind closed doors, so the Dr's and team absolutely knew it was going to happen and gave him the go ahead. The Dr's, who know way more than we do, have given Rourke the go ahead. The team, who have everything to lose if Rourke gets re-injured, have given Rourke the go ahead. Rourke, who would lose an NFL shot next year if he gets hurt again, is ready to at least give it a try. It adds interest to a nothing game this week.
  5. All Nationals will be required to sign a minimum 2 + 1 first contract and follow the salary grid at outlined below: “A” Grid – 1st or 2nd round C.F.L. Draft Choice “B” Grid – 3rd or 4th round C.F.L. Draft Choice 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Max. - Min. Salary $65,000 $65,000 Option year base salary to be negotiated - not to exceed 10% more than the 2nd year base salary Max. Sign or Housing (Optional) $7,500 $7,500 50% + 1 based on offence and defence snaps (Optional) $7,500 $7,500 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Max. - Min. Salary $65,000 $65,000 Option year base salary to be negotiated - not to exceed 10% more than the 2nd year base salary Max. Sign or Housing (Optional) $5,000 $5,000 50% + 1 based on offence and defence snaps (Optional) $7,500 $7,500
  6. He's on his first CFL contract after being drafted. The Lions have asked the league to let them pay Rourke more than the CFL max for Cdn's on their first contract. From the collective agreement: Third year: Option year base salary to be negotiated - not to exceed 10% more than the 2nd year base salary
  7. Because the CFL rules say BC can't pay Rouke 5X as much next year.
  8. The Bombers let Ellingson come back early and he didn't last a whole game. Are you suggesting that Ellingson deserved it and that the entire Bombers organization looks really bad? Of course not. What's different about Rourke and the Leos?
  9. If you believe in Karma (I don't), then you have to be worried about meeting Calgary in the playoffs. Calgary coulda woulda shoulda won at least one, maybe two, of the those games. They have the best running game in the league and the best backup QB.
  10. I used to have one of those T-Shirts. I wish I still had it.
  11. Ellingson was playing great, got hurt, came back too soon, got hurt again. Some would call that the Bombers pushing players into coming back too soon. I'd call it bad luck.
  12. Great news to start my day. Collaros is THE difference maker on our team.
  13. Nope, I expected the Lions to be last or 2nd last at the beginning of the season because of their QB situation. I think Rourke was the best QB in the league when healthy. I don't think that's called a man crush, but whatever. @Booch So you got nothing on the spin front, cuz you don't read what I say, but you call it spin anyway. Sound about right coming from you. You don't need the Dr's OK to throw at practice. As a trainer, you really believe that? Is Rourke ahead of schedule ATM? Sure. Will he remain ahead of schedule? Neither you nor I know that answer, but I'm not pretending to know cuz I'm not a Dr and I don't play one on the internet. Last time I thought I knew more than the Dr's, I thought that Collaros wouldn't last past his first hit. I'm very happy to have been wrong about that, but it taught me a lesson. Don't pretend to know more than the experts. One day, maybe you too will learn that lesson, but likely not cuz you used to almost be someone in the football world.
  14. I bet BA gets a financial penalty for the hit. Picking up a player who has given up, after the whistle, and driving them head first into the ground is UR and should be called in this day and age. If it was the '80's then it was a great hit.
  15. I'm not spinning anything, no matter how many times you accuse me of it. FTR: What do you think I'm spinning? You obviously think BC's handling Rourke is wrong, which means you disagree with his doctors. It's like anti-vaxxers who think they know more than the Dr's who have spent their entire lives studying the problem. Hint: If you disagree with the experts, it's most likely that your opinion is the one that's wrong & no, being a trainer doesn't make you an expert. I threw shade on you, not on everyone who played the game or coaches. It's better than calling you names. Maybe you're an ex CFL player, all star, who coaches at a professional level, but even that wouldn't make your opinion unassailable nor would it make you right about how BC is treating the Rourke injury. Why, because it's a medical issue. MOS tells the media that all his players, who still have their limbs attached to their bodies, are going to play. Do you think he's endangering his players? Of course not. BTW: Why won't you answer the questions I asked about training injured players? That is your expertise, isn't it? That's my first post on the matter. I didn't call you or ISO out personally. If you see yourself as an Internet Dr pretending to know what you're talking about then you are an Internet Dr. pretending to know what you're talking about. You could have just said to yourself... "That's not me" and moved on, but you chose to go on the offensive and repeat your "I used to be someone, now I train folks who may become someone" schtick.
  16. Bailey - Great catches and played angry Grant - His returns kept us in the game Jefferson - Knockdowns HH: Lawrence took some 50-50 balls away from BC
  17. Try answering the questions instead of dreaming of ToldaSo's. Why are you still arguing that you know more than the pros who are in charge of BC's franchise QB? @Mark H. Booch is no MOS or Pierce no matter how much he wants to be. Booch is just another nameless, faceless, internet keyboard warrior who thinks his opinions shouldn't be questioned. As an athlete, I'm sure it frustrates him that he can't physically intimidate me. Instead, he's made up a whole fake persona about me. He doesn't know me or what I did before I semi-retired at 50 or fully retired at 57. It doesn't matter what I did when I was working anyway. That has absolutely nothing to do with the argument. It's just a poor attempt to belittle me. @Arnold_Palmer Sometimes mistakes are made. Sometimes the doctors get it wrong. Most of the time they get it right. Booch and whateverhescallinghimselfthisyear are arguing that BC is taking chances with their franchise QB by letting him throw the ball early. They can't know that because they don't have the information from Rourke's doctors. BC's coach saying the Rourke is likely to play again this year is like MOS saying players are close and he expects them to play again this year. IE: It doesn't matter at all.
  18. My 'Narrative' is that the Doctors know more than all the internet keyboard warriors combined & that BC wouldn't take stupid chances on their franchise QB. Lets try this another way... What percentage of elite players think they can beat the odds and come back sooner than average? Most? If you were training one who wanted to try to throw earlier than expected and that wouldn't hurt them, would you tell them no or let them throw? Would you as a trainer get the final say? I'd guess not, but it's your area of expertise so I'm asking. Even if throwing too early sets them back a couple of weeks, it doesn't matter as the season will be over anyway. I know I've hit a nerve when you and others change from arguing the point and start calling me names. I take them as meaning I've won yet again.
  19. I'm not the one claiming they know more than the doctors in the Rourke case. I'm not the one who had foot problems in their 60's that thinks that's the same as what Rourke's going thru. I played sports, but I'm sure you played at a higher level than I did. That means you were a better football player than me, not that everything you say shouldn't be questioned. You can't play any more so you coach and train to stay 'elite athlete adjacent'. As they say those that can do... those that can't teach... those that can't teach, teach gym aka coach. You think training players & playing football at a high level makes you know as much if not more than the doctors who are treating Rourke? NO IT DOESN'T! Take a look at the @wbbfan post. That's how you keyboard warrior. It's not about calling folks assbags or telling them to shut up or whatever ****** is.
  20. I don't care what you do. Unless you're one of the Dr's on the Rourke case, you can't possibly know as much as they do.
  21. Has absolutely nothing to do with Rourke. You're reaching way beyond your expertise and making fools of yourselves, yet again.
  22. I was a kinesiology student 20 years ago and I had reconstructed surgery due to arthritis so I'm an expert on Rourke's injury. LOL. Give me a break. You folks actually think either of those things make you an expert? What egos!
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