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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. The difference is that receivers in this system *ARE* getting open. The throws are there. Pierce isn't making them. That's not to say that there aren't issues with what Crowton is trying to do but things would look markedly better if QB1 makes quicker decisions and could hit the broad side of a barn.
  2. And getting beat up in the process wouldn't be a bad thing either ..
  3. Nice to see you posting over here BFFC .. welcome! As for the game .. should be a good one .. always fun and for the most part .. the Saskabush fans who make the trip are pretty decent .. you're in for a great time!
  4. I'd rather a DB interfere with a receiver if they're beat / going down and give the defense a chance to regroup and get off the field than give up an easy 6 points. Simple fact is, the coverage was decent good on that particular play. The unfortunate thing is JJ lost his footing .. but he still managed to prevent a walk-in touchdown by Bruce.
  5. Until teams realized that he was more or less a one trick pony .. then his production fell way off ..
  6. He had ice around his elbow / arm late in the fourth quarter but they'd been looking at the arm for the better part of the game.
  7. Awesome. Thanks for putting this together!
  8. Just a quick question: does your pick have to be different from one week to the next (ie. no reusing picks)? Just curious.
  9. Just wanted to share this .. came across it reading the paper this morning and think fans here would enjoy: http://bcove.me/fut4kg3t
  10. I disagree with this whole heartedly .. our defense showed itself to be quite capable .. held Calvillo to 260 yards passing, a completion percentage of 57% and for the better part of the game, made life miserable for him .. when you consider how often we gave Montreal a short field .. the quick changes .. the special teams TD .. I think our defense acquitted itself quite well .. questions were answered about the strength of our linebackers (or at least the initial indication are that Parker and Dunn should be fine moving forward - only to get better) .. we generated decent pressure .. now it's about consistency.
  11. The truth. People can point to the statistic that says we win games when Buck starts and finishes a game .. but that has more to do with continuity at the position rather than overall performance.
  12. There were reports Buck was limping a bit after the game .. aside from that .. just my liver.
  13. I think Bob, Mitch and Doug nailed it on the post game show last night: the East is going to be a dog fight this year. We demonstrated that we have the talent to compete and the firepower to score in a hurry. Now we just need to be able to develop some consistency.
  14. Bizarre .. I actually had really good cell phone coverage last night .. noticeably better than in the old barn .. how was the live chat in here last night?
  15. I'll put together some thoughts on the game a bit better .. but I will say this .. traffic in and out of the stadium tonight .. was very well managed .. zero issues getting in or out.
  16. He did .. he just finishes quickly .. much like our draft. *innocent look*
  17. Just wanted to say great work to everyone in League 2 .. we knocked this draft out in about 3 days .. looking forward to a bit of trash talk throughout the season!
  18. When you think of the Fly .. think Wing-T or a spread option offense .. it's predicated on mis-direction .. use of no huddle .. bread and butter being a WR / Slot Sweep .. it's an offense that provides you with a balanced attack (not in terms of run / pass ratio but rather from all areas of the field .. sides .. depth etc .. then blends in an effective mix of run and pass). The idea is that this type of balance doesn't lend itself to tendancies and keeps a defense off balance.
  19. It's going to be really simple: we get pressure on the quarterback .. we're going to be successful .. if not .. this defense gets exposed.
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