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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. I thought he was a keeper when I went to a TC practice and couldn’t tell him and Kenny apart from a distance.
  2. We developed a 26 year old QB that can make all the throws for 3 years, let him go for nothing so that we could guarantee one 10 years older double his salary.
  3. Maybe they could replace the useless guard with one of the other 2 they dressed to play Tight End?
  4. 3 OL standing upright walking up to a running play. Lmao.
  5. Mitchell doesn’t really seem too fast, but he makes up for it by not securing the ball well.
  6. This is exactly how I thought it was going to go. This ******* sucks. I don’t want to hear that the coaches know how to put the gameday roster together better than us ever again. They don’t. Watching Jake Thomas, I’m actually insulted as a fan.
  7. I’m just tired of him as our punter period. Has he ever actually one time kicked us out of trouble?
  8. Or the ol Alan Boyko return, catch the ball and fall down.
  9. Wonder if they’d consider Vanterpool at guard while kicking Neufeld out to tackle?
  10. Right? I use those DB fundamentals to chase my 2 year old all the time haha Agree 100%. Strev can sling it as well as any QB in the league if he gets the chance. Anyone who doesn’t think so, go watch his first 2 starts when the actually let him play QB. Yeah he can put it together, just don’t let him call the game
  11. So after watching that video, Kolo starting over Eli is even more perplexingly ridiculous.
  12. I’m thinking around there. Silver lining, 11-7 might still be good enough to win the division this year. Every team has at least one glaring weakness, I don’t see a lot of pack separation tbh
  13. Ok, to appease a few on here.. I’m really pumped to see what Wheatfall can bring. I like Bonds, think he can be a legit star. After seeing how bad BC’s offensive linemen sucked last game, I’d rather our problems than theirs at the moment.
  14. Darren Cameron too. That guy does a lot to bring players in. Unsung hero.
  15. “It’s the process” Except it’s not. The (16-21) successes resulted from Walters bringing in high level FA’s, not building ground-up with the same guys. The Jesse Briggs of the world alone get you the same results as the 14/15 teams had. Medlock, Dressler, Harris, Willie ect were all-stars before they got here. Walters doesn’t get enough credit for the cups and MOS gets too much. There, I said it.
  16. It hasn’t been since they puked all over the place in the 22 GC
  17. It’s absolutely not based off one Week 1 loss. It’s based off a gradual decline since the end of 2022.
  18. Yes. That’s a microcosm of everything that bugs me about Osh.
  19. For a team that starts more than the required NI’s this is inexcusable If Rosery came on MOS might have to coach him. I think he just wants to let the vets run the team and tell Jeff Keeping stories.
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