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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Skunk always reacts by laughing when he is criticized which means one thing. He is nothing but a troll & is only here to be a troll.
  2. Some individually great players but these are two brutal teams.
  3. Yes, I've certainly had my ups & downs dealing with a lack of self confidence in my life which from what I've read is a by product of children of alcoholics. We all deal with things differently. Anyway, I have no sympathy for Hughes. I just hope it isn't a peek into what he's like away from football.
  4. Trestman doesn't like Franklin from everything I've read. He's not a Trestman guy, apparently. But MBT is so bad he was forced to play Franklin again. So, the question is.. Is Franklin a flash in the pan or is it the system he plays under?
  5. You look a bit peaked. I'd call in sick as you don't look well.
  6. He was shell shocked. Did you see his facial expression on the play he was sacked & lost his helmet? He was done. How many times did we see that expression with Drew Willy?
  7. That happened to my father in the 1960's. A cop noticed him driving erratically but never pulled him over. They followed him home & he narrowly missed our fence pulling into the driveway. Cops gets out & tells my father if he had hit the fence he'd have been charged with drunk driving. He never gave him a ticket even though he was inebriated. Just one more day in the life of my late father. I loved him so much but he was so lucky with his driving over the years. Never had an accident or a ticket. But what heartbreak our family suffered with him because of his alcoholism. My mother was the strongest person I have known. She kept her marriage & our family together through all that chaos. It also is hard to cope when you're a 10 year old & you realize the man you admire the most in life is an alcoholic & is different from all the dads your friends have. Just makes me sad thinking about it.
  8. The other thing is Reilly is supposed to be tough & he is. But he doesn't like getting hit & he'll rush his throws or make bad decisions if he's constantly being hit.,
  9. The deep ball only worked a couple of times last night. No sympathy for those poor Esks as that was their bread & bvutter for years with Reilly. Take that away & he's just an average qb. He can't lead his team downfield on 10 or 12 play drives very often. On one deep ball it looked like it was blown coverage or the BC dbs forgot how to cover downfield. Like watching 11 year olds covering a deep ball. No clue.
  10. Well, it's been years of ineptitude there. I'm not surprised.
  11. That's all he does. Chuck it deep. He always got away with a lot but circumstances are catching up with him.
  12. Even Krekor knew he'd have to make a name change.
  13. Give Ottawa fans credit. They're making a lot of noise. Just a great atmosphere.
  14. Well, a CFL record. In the NFL they don't use a kicking tee. The ball is kicked right off the grouns.
  15. I would feel the same way if it was a Bomber who did it. I grew up with an alcoholic father. I saw stuff that most people haven't. Absolutely no sympathy from me for anyone who drinks & drives. Puts others at risk.
  16. You mean gathering evidence the way OJ did? There had to evidence at all the golf courses Simpson used to frequent back in the 90's.
  17. Maybe the Rider Prez stepped in. Anyway, one game is better than none. Our league is pretty effed up at times.
  18. Only one point. To have something to complain about.
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