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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The house came with no Rug Rats. C'mon man.
  2. Hartford would be a better draw than Carolina. Don't know why they don't upgrade the arena in Hartford & bring them back permanently.
  3. IIRC, he was upset at the NDP because his Workers Comp claim was denied or he wasn't getting the benefits he thought he deserved. The only thing theses 2 guys have in common was that Winnipeg Guy was angry.
  4. Tweets today saying Fox smudged out all the stickers on the van so Trump's followers couldn't see it when they televised the presser earlier this afternoon. Unbelievable.
  5. Loffler disappeared for entire games at a time this season. He just can't cover the field & the new rule changes has physically eliminated from the game. Bombers should reevaluate the safety position in the off season.
  6. Same style as Reilly. I just get sick of seeing Mikey throw a skyball with ice on it coming down & one of his receivers make another flukey catch. Just having the Esks miss the playoffs so I don't have to see it again until next June is fine by me.
  7. The way he's played this year, I don't really see that as a big loss. Hecht is a veteran who may have more range as a safety.
  8. Or they find a way to play 10 years as a backup to the starter & go on the CFL tour from team to team never showing much of anything when they get the chance. Like Dom Davis. Or Kevin Glenn. Every fan wonders why these backups still around. But they have that "Veteran Presence", says every CFL head coach ever.
  9. You can now buy a new car with 84 & 96 month loans which is absolutely crazy. Imagine still paying off your car with 200,000 kms on it & it's falling apart? Not only do you have that $1,500 repair bill but a $350 a month bank payment with 24 payments left. People let themselves get into financial nightmares like that.
  10. I hope the Bomber players are as tired as the fans are of being the Stamps little whipping boys every time we play them. There should be a lot of motivation to win tonight for at least 4 reasons. 1. To put even more doubt in the heads of the Stamps that they won't even get to the Grey Cup this season. 2. If we have to go back to Calgary for a playoff game then we can beat them in their stadium. 3. We clinch a playoff spot. 4. A big EFF YOU to the Eskimos as we eliminate them from the playoffs. JUST GET 'ER DONE!!
  11. The Freep gassed Campbell's Jets column last spring. I liked him as a defensemen.
  12. The right thing would be not top go as they look like they're supporting a murderous regime.
  13. My brother & I went to a WHA Jets game in the mid 70's. In the era when they were really, really good & won 3 WHA Championships. We usually went to maybe 6 games a year back then. Anyway, one game there was this guy sitting directly behind us at the old Arena & for the entire game he kept saying, "Skate, skate, skate, skate. Check, check, check, check, check. Skate, skate, skate, skate, skate. Check, check, check, check". All... Game... Long... By the third period, I was ready to turn around & scream STFU!!! My brother said don't do it. So, I shut up. I was in Winnipeg last March. We went to the Jets-Preds game & for fun I started that same chant. We both started chuckling over that.
  14. I sold photocopiers in the 80's before we moved to Calgary.. I had a sales manager who was brilliant at his job. He could convince just about everyone they needed a new copier. If I had a tough close I'd ask for him to come in & 9 times out of 10 he'd close the deal. But he spent as much as he made. He drove a new Mercedes. He had a brand new house. His suits were like $500 (1984). Shoes always shined. He dressed for success & he was a success. His attitude was buy everything on credit. I asked him what would he do if he lost his job? He smiled & said, "Just sell." I looked him up on facebook & from what I could see he went into business for himself & I think he's a millionaire.
  15. So, TUP... is there a chance the WWE doesn't hold Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia as they've stopped mentioning where it will be held?
  16. I think it's great how you manage your money so I'm not criticizing. I have a friend who just turned 60. He has an office cleaning business & was doing quite well here in Calgary with a number of permanent clients. Everything was going great for him & his wife. He was making good money, hired a number of employees to service his accounts until the downturn in 2013. As the downturn in the oil patch worsened & companies closed their doors or cancelled their contracts he began having financial problems. He had to lay off his entire staff. But he also had to pay his bills relating to his business. Now he only has a couple of clients that he & his wife service. He told me a couple of years ago that he would retire in debt & that he probably will be in debt from his business for the rest of his life. He said he was okay with that but it scared me into paying off my personal debts as I didn't want to be retired on a fixed income & still paying off my debt. It motivated me to do it now & not later.
  17. Too bad. If Leggett is finished as a player he deserved to go out a lot better than that.
  18. Like I said, I'm clearing off all my debts because now I can. I no longer need a LOC, my house is nearly paid off. My car is paid off, & I don't want to buy another one. Both my sons are married. Now, I just want to be able to retire debt free. Live off my pension, CPP/OAS & RRSP's when the time comes. Your criticism of people in debt while noble, doesn't speak to the reality of where most people are at money wise. People need credit because everything is expensive. Not too many people have the spare cash to buy even a decent used car let alone a new one. In some cities like Vancouver & Toronto the dream of home ownership is... just that... a dream. We are taxed to the hilt & more by greedy governments. people are just getting by. Now we have to deal with Trudeau's carbon tax. So, jazzsax maybe you make the kind of $$$ that allow you to do the things you want to do. Most don't. Also, I've found thru my life experience that things change in peoples lives. Sometimes very quickly health & finance wise. You're laying in the tall grass one year & putting out brush fires the next.
  19. I won't be retiring until I'm 68. Paying off all my debts so I can retire debt free then. I cancelled my credit cards & paying them off. I have a LOC I want to close at zero. My car is paid off as of the end of May. It will be my last vehicle I ever buy from a dealer financed. Done with all of that. I know too many people who retire with debt & have problems. I also know some who retired in their 50's & started another career & work more now than the job they had when they retired. All that stress. Why??
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