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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. He could hit them. I mean, even a broken clock is right twice a day. I think Streveler has a lot of guts & courage. But at the CFL level that isn't enough.
  2. You can't compare Streveler to Mitchell as it isn't even close. I've seen enough of Streveler to know things aren't going to change. He isn't improving throwing the ball. He's played enough now for me to see it ain't happening for the guy. In 13 games, he's thrown for 1,564 yards. That is 120 yards per game & stretched out over 18 games that amounts to 2,166 yards, 11 TDS & 16 INTS in a league where qbs routinely throw for 5,000. We can't win with those passing stats.
  3. Typical MOS. I'm surprised he didn't say he kept Streveler in because it gave the Bombers the best chance to win.
  4. And except for brief periods here & there it's been inferior. That's why I don't watch it much anymore.
  5. It's a shame O'Shea didn't give McGuire a chance to see what he could have done tonight or in previous games. I remember when we signed Drew Willy & right away at that media conference, 4 months before training camp he announces Willy is the starter. No ifs, ands or buts. Never even saw the guy take a snap & he was suddenly our starter. O'Shea just gave the starting job to Willy that day. He didn't even have to earn it. That's O'Shea. He never even allowed McGuire to show what he could do this season. Coach may have short changed McGuire, his teammates & us by doing the same thing with Streveler. You think he'd have learned from that mistake but nope.
  6. Because I don't believe Streveler can complete the throws we'd all like to see. That is why it's not game planned. Our dumb ass HC never gave any playing time to McGuire this season to see what he could do under center & now we're hooped.
  7. You can defend Streveler all night long. Nothing will change my mind about him now as I've seen enough. There's no growth or improvement in his passing game. He just seems to be stagnating. Any qb can complete the passes he throws at the pro level. It's the ones he can't that are killing us. I think LaPo doesn't throw intermediate or deep because Streveler can't get the ball to his receivers with any kind of accuracy or consistency.
  8. You also need a guy who can complete passes all over the field. Which we don't have as a starter now.
  9. How do you know we'd be mediocre? That's just being afraid to make changes which is cowardly as an organization.
  10. J5V, the kid can't throw downfield. He's throwing curls to flats on the field for the most part under 10 yards. Yeah, that throw to Lawler was nice but he has to do much more as a qb passing than that & he's showed us nothing. other than he can run. To me, it's becoming more & more apparent that he just doesn't have it as a passer & never will. Big heart, strong, tenacious & a warrior. Switch him to slot or running back. Let those traits work for him at those positions.
  11. Why is Gray not playing? Like what is going on?
  12. Chungh biggest free agent flop this season.
  13. Friday night is not a great night.
  14. Welcome Bobby. Rookie enthusiasm. Gotta like it.
  15. This is the first time I've felt total hopelessness for this team since 2014. Thanks for sucking the life out of me as a fan, Mike O'Shea. This coaching staff is way overrated. Please leave & go to Toronto in 3 weeks. Take LaPo & Hall with you. FFS.
  16. I think at that point it wasn't any more of a risky move putting McGuire in than it was keeping Streveler in. There was nothing to lose as it was clear we wouldn't score with Streveler anyway.
  17. Other than Nickthesizz no one hates Streveler. He has lots of heart & yes, he's a warrior. But I don't want a warrior at qb. I want a qb that can read a defense & throw the ball with success. Someone who actually gives us a chance to win.
  18. Cheering for Collaros to start. The last thing I want to hear right now. I want hope. Collaros gives me no hope.
  19. Yeah,I'm damned well tired of it. This has gone past the point of acceptability. Our passing offense is an abysmal failure. An embarrassment. Absolutely freaking useless. This is why fans will be demanding cpoaching changes this offseason because next season won't be any better. I'm so ******* pissed off. Something has to give. Get us a qb who can throw the ball proficiently so we can have some semblance of a passing game. Not this high school **** we watch now.
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