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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Sorry about your wife, Tracker. That is very sad.
  2. I'd be very uncomfortable driving my school bus after Spring Break this Tuesday. So, I get you.
  3. I had another round of foot surgery a week ago. I'm basically homebound for the next 12-14 weeks as I can't walk as I recover. Usually, it's depressing having to stay indoors waiting for things to heal up. Plus it hurts. This time, I'm not unhappy at all.
  4. Yes, thinking back what a dumbass I was even into my 30's. I really didn't change until I got married & started a family. Amazing how that beautiful bundle of joy can change your perspective.
  5. The problem I had with Liram after that particular game was that he never faced the media. He hid out & then was allowed to leave without answering questions. He was a young player back then. Like I said, I think he'd handle things differently now & face the music. maturity means a lot. If qbs can answer questions about a bad game or throw, then so should other players. Or running backs who fumbled a game away. I think he knows that now.
  6. AB CMOH Deena Hinshaw has certainly lost her lustre. I don't trust her any more than I trust Health Minister Shandro or Kenney. She has become a mouthpiece for the UCP. She knows where her bread is buttered.
  7. I was shocked to read this yesterday: Meanwhile, our useless cowardly Premier does nothing except beg people not to get together this weekend which won't happen. That's what it has come down to here in Alberta. Kenney begging people not to congregate indoors. Alberta’s COVID-19 positivity rate rises to 8% Friday as 1,100 new cases identified | Globalnews.ca
  8. Just one other thing. I've really tried to not be so snarky over here. I try not to argue anymore as I'm tired of confrontations. I'd rather try to get along than argue or fight over some stupid topic. So, this will be the last thing I say on this. I am tired of being accused of being angry & picking fights. I'm sincerely trying to get along & really just have a truthful conversation with people. You don't have to agree with me but at least respect what I have to say, even if you don't like it. I won't comment anymore about this.
  9. Quit lecturin' me & others here as it's very annoying. You stick to your opinions & others can have theirs. I don't see me or anyone else calling you out so show the same courtesy to everybody here.
  10. I don't know if the Bombers did or not. I'd think it was the idea of someone outside the club. Anyway, it coincided with his last game as a Bomber & after that performance watching that video was cringe worthy. As Bill Belichek says, "Just do your job". having said that, I'd have no problems if he re-signed here as Hajrillahu is older, wiser, more mature & experienced but I doubt that'll happen.
  11. Sounds like what happened to Tom Petty.
  12. In other words, you have no idea like the rest of us. But accept it as gospel.
  13. And what exactly will I talk about? Ambrosie is ghosting us again. Have you heard anything about training camp from the Bombers? Here in Calgary, the Stamps are absolutely dead quiet. There's nothing to indicate anything will happen next month. Training camp is supposed to start in mid May. What do we hear from the CFL? Crickets. Tell you what, Norman Einstein, why don't you start? And one more thing, if you want to be a moderator maybe apply when there's an opening. Until then, please don't tell me what I can or can't say on any threads.
  14. we need to be talking about the upcoming season.
  15. While the NFL is changing it's offenses using more gun & RPO they still like qbs who can stand in there & pick defenses apart.
  16. You're thinking of Taysom Hill. The Saints also used him as a running back & receiver. Not just as a qb.
  17. I don't worry about hiding Easter Eggs. It's when I start hiding my dirty underwear that it'll become a problem.
  18. It won't. He alienated me & will never vote for him.
  19. As much as we all like Chris Streveler he's not good enough to be an NFL backup qb. Streveler is the kind of guy that can go in with a limited number of plays & run them effectively. Hint: RUN then more effectively; literally & figuratively. Even be a game changer as we saw here. But when having to use the entire playbook, we see the problems he has reading defenses & throwing the ball. I don't even think he's a backup here in Winnipeg either. I'd consider Sean McGuire more ready than he is to handle the entire Blue Bomber playbook if called upon behind Collaros.
  20. The terrible thing about this entire situation is that it'll go on & on & on.... with speculation. Hey training camps are supposed to start in 6 weeks & our Commish has said nothing about it. What a waste of space Ambrosie is. He just crawls under a rock & hides.
  21. The more people vaccinate the more dangerous it becomes for those that don't. I don't understand the fear or the conspiracy theories out there. I know a number of people who absolutely refuse to get it. They're in their 50's & 60's. It could be their funeral.
  22. Well, I feel that the league is doomed the way it's going. I'm willing to try to find out if this would work. I'd rather go out with a bang than a whimper.
  23. Or we can't have family over (in Alberta) yet churches can ignore health restrictions for gatherings indoor & nothing happens.
  24. One thing I know about pandemics. Don't rely on trends as things change fast. You don't know what variants will mutate into in the months to come. I finally got my Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine Thursday, The clinic was in the old Greyhound Bus Station in downtown Calgary. No lineups. Didn't have to wait.
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