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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Starting with our AHL defense. We have all these studs at forward & just slugs in front of Hellebuyck.
  2. Some very rich people have way too much time on their hands.
  3. And today people ***** about having to wear masks as if their lives are ruined...
  4. There is one number that Brady should be concerned about. That is 13. As in the PSI needed to properly inflate a Wilson NFL ball.
  5. Yep. They were expected to suck it up.
  6. My Dad & six uncles fought in WW2. My Mom didn't see my father for nearly 5 years. My oldest brother was born when he was away. I never heard my Mother bitching or complaining ever about having to be a single Mom in a World War not knowing if my Dad would ever return. They put up with shortages, rationing & life was not easy. I can't imagine the stress (that lasted for years) these women were under at the time. These alt right conservatives & entitled snowflakes today crying about a conspiracy with vaccines & how their rights have been taken away forced to wear masks with restrictions can go **** off. Oh yeah, my father was an alcoholic. A quiet man with a loving family but much preferred being drunk to being sober. Was it from the War? I don't know as it was never discussed in our house & my Dad never sought treatment but he obviously was in pain. So yes, Stickem, those soldiers carried a heavy load.
  7. Yeah, right. There are asshats in your generation as well. Lots of them.
  8. I'm a Boomer. I took it. Not all of us are like that. Just the ******* alt right conservatives who believe a conspiracy lives in everything. All of my friends my age that I know have been vacccinated & we're in our mid 60's. We need vaccination passports to make these stupid asshats get vaccinated. Trudeau dicking around & not willing to talk about doing it just makes it worse. Here in Alberta the UCP asshats in rural Alberta are demanding that Kenney resign. Even though anyone who takes over will lose to the NDP. That's how crazy these idiots are. Willing to throw away power because they hate restrictions. Some of those are Millennials too. Well, if Boomers were born on third base your generation was born first & goal from the 1 yard line.
  9. What Randy Ambrosie is actually saying.... Well, not really.
  10. #randyspeak. Codeword for nothing at all.
  11. Then afterwards he comes back from Europe & Mexico & spreads the variants.
  12. The Grey Cup game is now scheduled for December 12th in Hamilton. And a 14 game schedule. Well, just like I said. How do ya like that??? Bring the guys in who are supposed to be on the team other than a few where there is actual competition from retirements, So a small TC roster & skip the exhibition season. Then go in 3 weeks.
  13. "Harumph, I'll believe it when I see it!!" They can play into December because the GC game will be in Hamilton & I doubt they'll be facing minus 30 temperatures like they would in Regina. Teams will be lucky to get just one break if it's an 18 game schedule. I'd be happy with 12-14.
  14. It's not positivity when you know the story is daft from the start. If you believed in your mind thru positive thinking that if you stepped in front of a train going 100 kph that you wouldn't be hurt is that reality or stupidity?? That's all I get from his stories now. I want some actual hope not pie in the sky musings. I'm looking for something to grasp on to that makes sense. I'm desperate for some good news that the 3 down game remains. We'd have no TV money to even cover flights & hotels without those markets. It may not even be feasible to televise games. Smaller is not good. It' would be a death wish. I doubt TSN would be interested in televising any games. If they did, maybe a game a week.
  15. Oh yeah, there was another John Hodge story last week on twitter & at 3DN which I called him out for as it was totally ridiculous. Hodge said Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal were holding back the CFL so screw them. He claimed that they can be replaced by other cities. I said he was delusional. How do you replace three markets with nearly 13 million people? I asked him what "cities" would replace them?? Saskatoon, Kelowna, London or Quebec City? Kamloops or Kelowna? Red Deer??? Charlottetown?? Victoria?? St. John's??? Who would pay for new stadiums? No government would. Taxpayers would be up in arms footing half to three quarters of $250-$300 million dollar stadiums in these places so no stadium would ever be built. I reminded him the reason the Schooners in Halifax never went forward was because the city & province there refused to finance a CFL sized stadium so the team was shelved. I said without Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal there'd be no TV deal worth any money. It was a totally stupid article. He never responded. I get he's against a CFL merger with the XFL but at least write something that makes sense & gives good reason why the CFL can play with no fans in the stands & is viable long term.
  16. Until I know what's going on, I'm not even paying attention anymore. I could give 2 shits about the global draft. The way the CFL is being run is just sucking the life out of me as a fan.
  17. Have you read any of John Hodge's tweets or stories lately on 3DN? Even worse take than this one. I think someone hit the guy over the head with a hammer. One story he wrote talked about how the CFL can spend it's way out of its problems while admitting it's not his money so the owners may not want to do it. The other was about how single game betting could cover the losses the league suffers so it doesn't have to change it's business model. It can just carry on like nothing happened. Just complete crap. As bad or worse than that 3DN writer there for the Riders who wrote about what positions players from the Riders could play if they were in the NHL.
  18. Why do Rider fans hate the Bombers but some love the Jets or Oilers?? No one cares about the Flames.
  19. Until the EU says ENOUGH!!
  20. I've been ranting about that for years. TSN does a shitty job all around. They spend more money on Milt Stegal's suits than they do on production values & new technology for games. And the young talking heads they have now don't care about the CFL. Anytime these young 20 somethings from Ryerson fail to properly mention the CFL in their sportscasts they need to be hauled into their bosses office & read the Riot Act. There needs to be a lot more accountability but there isn't.
  21. I can't argue that. But sad that Canadians have turned their backs to our own unique league.
  22. This is what I've been saying. That no matter the outcome the 3 down game is probably finished. I'm not happy about it. I wish things would be different. I really do. It sucks but I guess I'm a realist about this. I can't do a thing about it if it is so I just have to accept the world is changing. Other businesses that were run a lot better have failed & a league that is so marginalized by ticket sales, failing attendance & losing money that I'm not surprised it's on life support. This has also always been about a lack of leadership. Especially now. About having a business model that didn't work & hasn't for 30 years. I'm resigned to the fact that it's over.
  23. Don't believe that for a second until network bids outside of TSN are opened & revealed. No one wins in a monopoly except the one holding the monopoly. So, going rate??? I highly doubt it, though. A monopoly only helps TSN not the CFL. Why would TSN pay top dollar if they're the only one paying for it? They don't run a charity. They run a business. They don't set the bar. They are the bar. Again, it comes down to competition & the league needs more money than they have at present so they have the right to look elsewhere for more financing. And it looks like they have with Redbird Capital. That path though is fraught with risk including the loss of 3 down football. My first take is that the CFL TV deal isn't enough anymore to sustain the CFL & the league will fold anyway if no new capital is found. If that capital comes from the US & they want a television deal down there then we'll lose 3 down football anyway. And there'll be nowhere for Canadians to play pro football except the NFL or over in Europe. My second take is that 3 down football is in danger of extinction no matter what happens. So, if the league folds so will 3 down football in this country. So, the outcome to me is already decided. What pisses me off is the absolute lack of help from huge stakeholders in the league like ******* TSN & Bell Media. They have offered nothing to help. Not a damned thing. You'd think they'd want to have the CFL on the air for increased ad revenues. Their damned radio station in Toronto won't even acknowledge they have the radio rights. That's why I don't think TSN & Bell Media is paying what the rights are really worth.
  24. And this is why we are where we are. People have to realize that the pandemic changed everything. Revenues are virtually at zero right now. In order to get much needed tv money the league must play but in reality they don't have the money to do it. The Liberals just turned them down. So, they have to go elsewhere to find it.
  25. The only way to find out if Heinola can play is to give him ice time with the Jets. Looks like Cheveldayoff is still in charge.
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