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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. And then when the value of the product went up with better ratings nothing changed. The CFL kept dealing solely with TSN. So, they did create the situation they're in. Also, responding to TBurg's comments about TSN not keeping the price of the tv contract low for theirs & Bell's benefit, there is no way that they are paying full price or even a premium now for their TV product to the detriment of the CFL. This also drives home the problem of limited revenue streams in this country & why the CFL is in discussion with Red Bird Capital for more money. The cold reality for the haters of the CFL/XFL merger out there is that if the CFL has to go to outside sources to get that money because they can't get it from Canadian government, broadcasters & advertisers then they will be subject to those investors rules & demands. If it means 4 down football & a place for the XFL to play then so be it, I guess. Tradition & 3 down football will mean nothing which is sad.
  2. One less bell to answer. One less egg to fry.
  3. Without competition how do we know what the going rate is? The CFL created the situation of devaluing their product by deciding to partner completely with a cable sports network who isn't exactly the most innovative when it comes to broadcasting games.
  4. Dude, I'm just telling you what's going on because you like to run off on tangents. Football participation is down everywhere. The CFL is freaking broke. Trudeau turned them down again for a loan. And every game is on TSN instead of trying to get competitive by having others bid. The way the CFL conducts business is ridiculous. TSN artificially keeps the price of the tv deal low as they are the only bidder. That way Bell can make more profit off of football to the detriment of the league. The CFL knows it & still does it anyway.
  5. "This" John Bender was an OL with the Stamps & a 3rd round pick in the 2010 CFL Draft. He played his college ball at Nevada. Only played 1 season for the Stamps & was a TC cut in 2011.
  6. No. I'll self merge my answer about the NFL thread & say no again. No.
  7. The 2009 Riders losing the Grey Cup to the Als with 13 men on the field will always, always. ALWAYS be the absolute best.
  8. Football participation is down in this country significantly. Here in Calgary, atom, bantam & pee wee associations have folded. There used to be junior varsity teams in HS here for the Grade 10's to play, That Division was discontinued in 2019 because of a lack of players. Now instead of 2 teams in each school there is just one. The problem is more than just the proposed XFL merger.
  9. Morneau's resignation & the We scandal contributed greatly to the decision that the CFL shouldn't get any money. Ambrosie was behind the 8 ball to begin with because of the circumstances but to turn away help from a member of the government was just stupid & arrogant.
  10. It just causes clutter. Lots of times I come here & a number of posters have left multiple posts on a topic. Suddenly they're merged if responded to.
  11. It just makes for more clutter & confusion.
  12. I hate that feature. I wish we could get rid of it. Rich, can you eliminate merging?
  13. It sure is. I liked Roger Crozier. Damned good goaltender when he played. Passed away at age 53 from cancer. Shame to die so young.
  14. I was telling you guys last fall that one of my facebook friends is a Liberal MP from down east in Southern Ontario. He was heavily connected at one time with one of the CFL teams down there. He told me in a private discussion we had that he approached Ambrosie offering to help him with his presentation to the government committee. He offered to give him advice on the things he needed to do when making his presentation. As to what Committee would want from the CFL & questions they would be asking. He said Ambrosie wasn't interested in his help & blew him off. We saw the outcome & it was a disaster.
  15. They have lots of 1959 Fords, Chryslers, Chevys, Pontiacs, Buicks & Oldsmobiles.
  16. I'm tired of talking with you about the merits of Ambrosie. It just goes round & round & has become a waste of time. I don't care if you love the guy or not.. I'll no longer respond to you about him. You're free to think he's the second coming of Jesus & can walk on water for all I care.
  17. Yawn. Here we go... I don't give a **** about other Commissioners & what they did or didn't do. I just care about the one we have now who is presiding over the death of the CFL under his watch. Someone who never gives a straight answer to any question. Who lacks transparency when dealing with fans & players. Who hides for months at a time letting us all twist in the wind wondering what the hell is going on. No, I won't mention other Commissioners because none of them were as bad as Scarf Boy is. And we've had some real winners.
  18. Governments like Kenney here in Alberta do things halfway which pisses everyone off. Some think they go too far. Others not enough. Very few say he got it right. So, as 68% of Albertans polled say Kenney isn't doing enough then shut things down. make a majority of Albertans satisfied at least & let his Neandertal rural MLA's be unhappy. To me, that's the only way he'll save his government now.
  19. You know, in 1978, Jim Jones poisoned 918 people including himself by spiking the punch bowl. There was the guy who drank last. He saw people dying around him before he took a swig but he drank it anyway. You're obviously that guy.
  20. Just did. Notice how Ontario always has one town in this thing?
  21. Older demographics, I bet. The older we get, the less relevant we become to advertisers & businesses. An opinion of a 30 year old would mean more than someone like myself in their 60's. Hope so.
  22. My wife's cousin was a guard at Stoney Mountain in the 70's. He's now an accountant living in Abbotsford, BC. He used to tell me stories about his time at SM. Two stories stand out as I haven't seen him in 20 years. The first was they had an inmate from Quebec in a maximum security cell block as he was so violent. It might have been in isolation, I can't remember. He said the inmate used to talk all the time out loud bragging about how he killed two people. How much he enjoyed it, how he did it & wanted to kill again. People outside his cell in the hall as well as other inmates could hear every word he said. Her cousin was well over 250 lbs would have been in his early 30's at the time & someone you'd want watching your back in a tight spot but it was obvious he was scared of the guy. How do you rehabilitate someone like that? He was sadistic & enjoyed killing people. He'd never be rehabilatated. The second was how the guards used to mete out respect & justice to any inmate who wouldn't listen to them or disrespected them. They used to drag inmates to a stairwell & push them down the stairs then kick the **** out of them before bringing them back to their cells. The jail officials in charge always looked the other way. He said once was enough to have most of them show respect to the guards. Pretty shocking to hear these stories. This was the 70's.
  23. I read where Walters said he left the door open for Bryant Mitchell to come back if he wants.
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