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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. He woud gain a lot of lost respect back if he kicked those 17 MLA's out of caucus. Getting tired of their bitching & complaining in the midst of a pandemic. What a bunch of assholes.
  2. I never thought I'd say this but our province is totally ****** up. From wanna be cowboys holding illegal rodeos & 2000 people not wearing masks sitting together like sardines to nutbar pastors threatening neighbourhood residents with physical violence & vandalism calling them "evil people". When my wife retires in 5 or 6 years we're outta this place.
  3. So, do these broadcaster ever eave the bubble? Having all the curling in the second biggest Covid hot mess province in Canada... well this is what happens.
  4. I don't disagree but we've had Maurice in place for nearly a decade. Chevy has been here since Day 1. We do things a certain way all the time to the point that we know it's "The Jets Way". We have had the same philosophy in place yet nothing changes. There's stability & then there's going stale doing the same thing that doesn't work. We came close in 2018 & blew it up on defense within a year of almost going to the Western Conference finals. What is happening now is just about spinning our wheels as an organization. We need new ideas, Maybe a new way of doing things. It's time for a change if we don't make it out of the first round.
  5. Thanks to Noeller & 17 to 85 for starting this side tracked conversation about fathers with PTSD leading to alcoholism from WW2 when they started talking about generations. I honestly thought I was the only one who suffered thru something like this when I was young. It's comforting to know some of you understand. Just as I understand what you have been through.
  6. My Dad & uncles were the same. No one talked about the war. No one asked either. Kinda taboo without saying it.
  7. Which comes back to being rich & powerful. Like I used to say to my teenage sons back in the day when they screwed up. They're in their 30's now. "Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean you're smart."
  8. Maybe no accumulation but I've seen flakes come down in July. So it melted as it hit the ground. I've also seen golf courses open in February here so go figure.
  9. We may have been in a slightly better place as there would have been tighter restrictions. Every time we saw the numbers go down it was BOOM!! let's reopen as Kenney was under so much pressure to do so & we did. We then watched the numbers go up. Every freaking time. Notley has a tight grip on her party. There'd have been no discord from disgruntled MLA's. All schools would be closed now if she was in power. Twenty five per cent of all schools in Alberta have outbreaks. Think of that, twenty five per cent! Yet elementary schools stay open. As I said before, glad I'm on an extended medical leave & not driving a school bus anymore this school year.
  10. My father & a couple of his brothers came back from the war alcoholics. Yeah if it wasn't for my Mother our family would have split apart. She held it together. Even though my Dad would disappear for days & we didn't know if he was alive or dead. When I was little, I remember the arguments they had & how she would threaten to leave him & how freaked out I used to get when I heard that. I worried about that a lot as that was said all the time. As I got into my teenage years it didn't bother me anymore. I used to disrespect my father any chance I could. I'd always throw his alcoholism in his face when he tried to discipline me. For example, when I was in grade 11, I had a few drinks & came home from a party at about 4 am. My dad said that was unacceptable & not to do it again. I just looked at him & said, "You mean like you do all the time?" He had nothing to say & just left the room. I just smirked & laughed to myself thinking how clever I was. I did that to him a lot as a teen acting out my frustrations. I was angry & I have carried that anger with me my entire life although I deal with it better than I did when I was younger. Some of you here have experienced first hand that anger & for that I'm sorry. I am trying to do better. Thank God, I never became a violent partner in my marriage of 36 years. I've never laid a finger on my wife or had the thought ever crossed my mind. For which I'm eternally grateful having grown up in that looney tunes house of mine. Things could have gone bad in my life but they never did.
  11. In Saskatoon yesterday about a hundred demonstrators held a "Children's Festival" (that's what they claimed it was) even though it obviously was an anti mask event. These morons exposed their kids to Covid as no one wore masks. Kids had games & science experiments although the 1 science fact that Covid can spread to all ages was overlooked. Saskatoon cops did nothing. No tickets given out although they said they might lay charges later. No bylaw officers there to hand out tickets. They said in a statement that they wanted to strike a balance between the right to demonstrate & the need for restrictions. Which is all a bunch of hogwash & they know it. I used to be pro Cops on everything. Now, I'm all for defunding the Police & throwing some of these useless overpaid cops out of work. They don't do anything anyway. They can all be security guards as far as I'm concerned. Just a waste of my tax dollars & yours.
  12. Try living in Alberta with nearly 2,000 cases a day. I'll gladly take your stats over ours.
  13. He's a billionaire & a self made one at that. So extremely rich & people are jealous.
  14. I have plenty of clouds to yell at today & all of the "snowflakes" coming down.
  15. Kenney probably still thinks he can be federal Conservative leader & ultimately PM someday. Alberta has a way of destroying federal politicians dreams like that who think being Premier here is a piece of cake which it isn't. Jim Prentice found that out. We chew 'em up & spit them out.
  16. Yeah, I guess that gives him the right to goof off for the rest of his life & unfortunately now we'll see it.
  17. Starting with our AHL defense. We have all these studs at forward & just slugs in front of Hellebuyck.
  18. Some very rich people have way too much time on their hands.
  19. And today people ***** about having to wear masks as if their lives are ruined...
  20. There is one number that Brady should be concerned about. That is 13. As in the PSI needed to properly inflate a Wilson NFL ball.
  21. Yep. They were expected to suck it up.
  22. My Dad & six uncles fought in WW2. My Mom didn't see my father for nearly 5 years. My oldest brother was born when he was away. I never heard my Mother bitching or complaining ever about having to be a single Mom in a World War not knowing if my Dad would ever return. They put up with shortages, rationing & life was not easy. I can't imagine the stress (that lasted for years) these women were under at the time. These alt right conservatives & entitled snowflakes today crying about a conspiracy with vaccines & how their rights have been taken away forced to wear masks with restrictions can go **** off. Oh yeah, my father was an alcoholic. A quiet man with a loving family but much preferred being drunk to being sober. Was it from the War? I don't know as it was never discussed in our house & my Dad never sought treatment but he obviously was in pain. So yes, Stickem, those soldiers carried a heavy load.
  23. Yeah, right. There are asshats in your generation as well. Lots of them.
  24. I'm a Boomer. I took it. Not all of us are like that. Just the ******* alt right conservatives who believe a conspiracy lives in everything. All of my friends my age that I know have been vacccinated & we're in our mid 60's. We need vaccination passports to make these stupid asshats get vaccinated. Trudeau dicking around & not willing to talk about doing it just makes it worse. Here in Alberta the UCP asshats in rural Alberta are demanding that Kenney resign. Even though anyone who takes over will lose to the NDP. That's how crazy these idiots are. Willing to throw away power because they hate restrictions. Some of those are Millennials too. Well, if Boomers were born on third base your generation was born first & goal from the 1 yard line.
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