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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Two off seasons & we never even attempted to bring in someone to upgrade the DT & nose positions. We could have allocated the money necessary to sign a key FA in those 2 off seasons but never did. It was a coaching & mgmt decision not to.
  2. I have nothing against you Jesse. I don't even know why we argue. If you don't agree with my take on something then by all means ask me about it. I like to discuss. Rolling eyes mean nothing because I don't know the point you're making.. Let's call a truce. Okay!
  3. An easy schedule or winning can hide or push problems to the side. Then the playoffs hit & the problems come to the fore. And boom a team that was expecting to go far or win is out. Like the Argos this year & us the past two years.
  4. Seems I'm the butt of the jokes here by a couple of real losers.... ERRRRRR...... posters because of my age but so be it, I guess. What else is new, anyway??? I've read the posts here & the howls of laughter aimed at me. Made by the same people who always seem to claim that racism, bigotry & discrimination are evil & must be stamped out once & for all. However, when it comes to ageism well, that's okay. It's always Open Season on me for that. So then, the word that jumps out at me for some of you (not all) is hypocrite. Yes, they say, Let's minimize someone's comments (like mine) when we disagree with them by saying their opinion is unimportant because we think they're too old & should get lost. Their opinions don't count as much as others because of their advanced age. Meanwhile, they'll jump on the next thread defending the rights of free speech passionately. Is it because they actually feel that way or perhaps just want to fit in here & not stick out themselves?? Just be part of the crowd. I wonder sometimes. Some of us have been members together for a couple of decades. Here & at the old Our Bomber site. If we have then we've known each other for 20 years. Unless you were 16 when you started then some of you are pushing 45-50 years of age or older now. You're already looked upon as old & unimportant from a twenty something's perspective. You just haven't experienced it yet but it's coming. You cling to your last vestages of youth while your belly starts expanding, you have more than one chin, your belt around your waist needs loosening, your pants ride higher & the grey hair is springing more visibly everyday. Not only on what's left of your receding hairline but on your face as well. Some of you who thought you were James Bond in the bedroom just a few short years ago now need a little blue pill to perform & "be a man" when it comes to satisfying your lover, wife or girlfriend. So, if you've been around here as long as I have or longer then you're no spring chicken either. From the posts I used to read on the political threads that were thankfully discontinued it's pretty clear that some of you laughing at me learned to yell at clouds at an early age. I just know that time stops for no one. As some of you will find out sooner than you think. The harsh reality is some of you "youngsters" won't make it to my age as cancers. other sicknesses, afflictions & accidents might pick you off prematurely. We don't know when our number will be called & our time is up. Getting old is really a privelidge. It's not a right as some of us could die tomorrow. From a deathbed perspective, the 38 year old about to die would probably wish he or she could live to be 68. Just know that mocking me about my age isn't going to change my mind about how I see things when it comes to the Blue Bombers, Jets, the world of sports or just the world in general. I won't be run off by a few intellectual pipsqueaks that we have here who seem to have it in for me. One thing is certain. You'll always know my opinion & where I stand. There'll be no beige for me. I've always had a strong opinion. I can be stubborn. I've taken as good as I've got over the years. Sometimes it was deserved & sometimes not. The truth is you'll always know where I stand on any subject that I comment on. I'm not the same person I was 20 years ago. I think I've mellowed & actually will try to discuss any subject with anyone now without being insulting unless I'm insulted first. Twenty years ago, I was more impatient & willing to argue my point aggressively & I wasn't very nice at times. I have my regrets for being a prick at times back then. I feel I'm no longer like that. I try to show respect & listen to the other POV. Now, for all you hypocrites out there & you know who you are... Have a nice day!!!!! The greatest fools are the ones that hold fast to facts when truth is gone. Still the need to be right consumes the workings of sound minds. No longer do the crowds align those masses forced to harmonize. The end result is fractured thought when sanity is subtly bought. By dogma's bent in bubbles realm the saddest jokers are at the helm. With agendas forlorn from hope when madness is more than a trope. Instead, reality bends it's knee with the idiots flocking to the decrees. Truth is absent at the end when verity is then condemned.
  5. Okay but look at us the past two years. You can either say that the Argos & Als fluked out two last second wins against us. Or that when we needed a stop our defense didn't get the job done. Our D didn't play up to the same high standards as our offense in the past 2 regular seasons. When we needed our D to make plays for us the past 2 years in the GC, it didn't.
  6. Pretty one sided, though. As good as the Bills are, the Chiefs are a little bit better. Reminds me of the Bombers-Esks rivalry. We could never beat Edmonton during their dynasty when they won 5 straight GC's because as good as we were, the Esks were just a little bit better.
  7. That fanbase must feel cursed. Four straight Super Bowl losses & now they can't even get out of their own division.
  8. Yeah, teams that are deficient are the ones that get eliminated first most times.
  9. Kelce was Collaros'TE & roommate in college. They're good friends.
  10. Those stats mean nothing in the playoffs or Grey Cup because the teams you play are better. How many times have we seen a team have a decent or even a great regular season only to get exposed offensively or defensively in the post season? Tons.
  11. Most agree. Except you. Oh, of course I forgot that you're the all wise, all knowing swami here who can predict what Walters will do. Because you're either deaf, blind or both, you refuse to see that we've lost our toughness on defense because teams can now do their inside runs against us. We have no push on the qb from our interior front. We need to bltz constantly to get the pressure which leads us susceptib;e to getting beat over the top or one on one as we saw our corners at times running for their lives lasr season trying to catch up to receivers vs the better passing teams. We still manage to get pressure from our DE's but virtually nothing from our DT's because we played Schmeckel, Thomas at the expense of Fox & Walker. That lack of a consistent push affects our pressure on the qbs. linebackers & especially the secondary. Think of how different things would be if we could exert pressure from just our DL. Like we could in 2019 & 2021. We played smashmouth football in 2019 & 2021. Not even close since. Most of us know that & lament how things changed.
  12. Yeah, that seems to be the going rate based on other stadiums. If Terry Pagula wants it then it'll get done.
  13. Whatever Jesse. No matter what I say you roll your eyes. Why don't you step up & challenge what I say?
  14. I saw another video of a middle aged guy who (I think) was a State Senator from the Buffalo area. He harumphed, huffed & puffed saying that the Bills don't need a roof on their new stadium. My take is that Northern New York is not going to lose their NFL team over a roof on their new stadium. If public sentiment & the Bills want a roof, they'll get a roof.
  15. Yep, that's right. We had flexibility last season. They chose not to play Fox. It was a roster decision that was a head scratcher. Boo yah!
  16. I heard that there's some pushback now in Buffalo to redo the stadium with a roof. Thousands of fans had to leave their seats in the upper decks after Monday's game sliding down the stairs on their butts because the snow had turned to sheer ice. Lots of very unhappy fans. I watched a video of fans taking their lives into their hands going home. They got the game in but it was a debacle.
  17. Two confounding questions about a league where a billion dollars is just chump change. Why would you not build stadiums for the 49ers & Bills with a roof???
  18. They played Stove (there's that name again) with Jefferson & Jeffcoat before so it can be done. We play with 8 Canadians now so if the team wanted they could make it work.
  19. What's inclusive? The rules have always been there in one form or another going back to the 60's. They just took the rules already there & expanded upon them. That's not being inclusive. One of my best friends is the son of Stamps great DT Don Luzzi. He's in the Canadian Football Hall of Fame. He came to Calgary in 1957 born & raised in Connecticut. He was an All American OT/DT at Villanova who played with Joe Faragalli. He played 11 seasons for the Stamps. After 5 years, he became a Canadian for roster purposes & played as a Canadian the rest of his career even though he never set foot in Canada until the day he arrived as a rookie for training camp. That was then. As some of you know, my son lives in Seattle. His wife is an American. They're expecting their first child this coming May. If they have a son who plays high school & college football down there & is becomes good enough to be drafted by a CFL team then he could play as a Canadian because my son was a Canadian citizen. This is now. The rules have always been there in one form or another. If anything as I said, it's an expansion to the rules of what teams can do now with their rosters on Game Day with the definition of a Canadian. That's not being inclusive.
  20. We can only hope that a change of DC's will result in a change of philosophy. I mean, if Hall kept telling Osh we need a NT after 2 years you'd think that he would have asked Walters to get it done. So, Hall might've said that we didn't need one. It has been frustrating watching our defense losing it's toughness. Especially when other teams could fill that position but we never did.
  21. Baltimore looks like the best team in the playoffs. Their defense looks incredible. The 49ers offense was stunted last night without Deebo Samuels. Jordan Love looks like he'll develop into a terricic starting qb.
  22. The goal is to win a championship. Playing on a last place team is no fun. The locker room is toxic. Players are constantly looking over their shoulders as they could be replaced or traded at a moment's notice. Coaches become sour & hard to deal with. Yes, it's a job but it's also still a game. Players want to enjoy coming to work, Not dread it. Like I said, if he goes to Ottawa because they offer him more money then more power to him as that's his decision. We'll miss Schoen but he's ultimately replaceable. Our passing game will still be one of the best in the CFL with or without Schoen.
  23. I don't hate the team. I hate how all the bad head coaches & GM's they've had have eaten up & spit out their players. Especially at qb. Look how Caleb Evans, Nick Arbuckle & Dustin Crum have been thrown out on the field with little or no help from their offensive coaches only to get beaten down, chewed up & spit out by that team. They show no appreciaation or loyalty to a kid like Dustin Crumb who was a warrior for them last year as they keep recruiting the Next Big Thing at qb every off season only to have them constantly fail. They keep failing because every year they start over with another rookie qb with little experience. They sell a bill of goods to their fanbase who have now decided to stay away in the thousands. They'll sign Brown, sell him as the Saviour of their team, make him their starter & throw him to the wolves while tossing Crumb aside after all the work & effort he put in on a shitty team learning the CFL game with a crap offense last year. The City of Ottawa deserves much better than they're getting from Sean Burke & Bob Dyce.
  24. If Schoen wants to win a championship then he'll stay here. if he wants to follow his bestie to Ottawa & play for the worst organization in the CFL with no guarantees of being a winner then he can go to Ottawa to be with Brown & more power to him. Look how the RedBlacks sucked the life out of Jaelen Acklin. One of the top CFL receivers in Hamilton to an also ran receiver after 2 years in Ottawa. I wish Dalton all the luck in the world.
  25. You mean Bowl Way. BTW, those bowl meals look disgusting.
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