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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Two teams? Very interesting.
  2. Mexico City will be in a US conference because of the time zone & travel distance. having a Euro Division won't be easy. I think it's a ways away from expansion.
  3. Yeah, now he has Frank Rigney blocking for him. Leo Lewis running the ball as well as Farrell Funston & Ernie Pitts to catch it.
  4. Hey, he was a Lady Bynger before. Give him a break...
  5. You'd think the former Argos would rather have gone to the Riders to be with Mace. I'd take their linebackers over ours. If you think they're scrounging thru garbage bins then what about our Front 7?
  6. I never said that Kelce belted Reid. I said what would be the over/under of him doing so? I don't care what you or anyone else says to sugarcoat what he did. Leaders lead. They don't act like enraged pricks when things don't go their way.
  7. What was the over/under of Kelce belting his 65 year old Head Coach for taking him out for one play??? If his all around behaviour isn't roid rage then shame on him for being a total douchebag. Did Gronk make his kick?
  8. I like the Chiefs. Happy they won but gawd Travis Kelce has to be the most annoying player in the NFL. I have no problem with taylor Swift but Kelce?? Yeesh.
  9. That;s a blast from the past. I actually liked that show.
  10. The Chiefs don't like it when things don't go their way. They start acting like spoiled little kids. If Travis Kelce had done what he did to Andy Reid to someone like Lombardi or Bud Grant, Kelce would be gone the next day. If Kelce had done that to Mike Ditka, he'd have taken a fist to the face.
  11. Why would anyone want to make a bet on this? Yet, millions probably will.
  12. Good luck with that... What a joke. He'll be back in the CFL by the end of August.
  13. Maybe he has CTE like Chris Benoit???
  14. O'Shea & Dan Campbell are very much alike. Both are very much player coaches. Campbell motivates thru his plain talk to his players & personality. I've never been in the Bomber locker room or heard O'Shea give a pre or post game speech. I'm sure Mike can get fired up when he wants to. We know Campbell does all the time. Both are great leaders whose players would follow them though anything. The biggest difference is Campbell's aggressiveness on short yardage & goal line. He'll go for it. While O'Shea has the more traditional approach of "Let's take the points". Campbell was given the chance to develop a FIFO culture in Detroit like O'Shea was here. He'd never get the time to do that in the NFL. He'd be fired. The weakest. Which sucks. As well as our DL now has a big hole to fill with JJ gone. And of course our interior DL is always weak which we never fix.
  15. Posters say that here all the time. Just what is the "right price"? You're not a GM nor do you know the financials of the Bombers when it comes to what we have to pay players. Therefore, what you said makes no sense. No offense, but you have no idea what the right price is. None of us do.
  16. That's what teams are doing now. They have a chance for two days to negotiate a contract from the guys who are going to sign elsewhere. We may see one or two guys reneg on their agreements. It's happened before. Just ask Ed Hervey...
  17. Former GM at Atlanta from 2008 to 2020. His father was a former CFL Assistant & U Sports HC in Ontario. He started his scouting & admin career in the CFL with the Saskatchewan Roughriders before moving on to the NFL. The reality is that the CFL is looked down upon by NFL media & fans. If O'Shea did get hired as HC by some piss poor NFL team, the first time they'd go on an extended losing streak or have some kind of controversy with the roster, etc... the deathwatch would start. He'd get no chance to turn a team around before he'd be fired. Look how short of a time it took for Marc Trestman to be fired as Head Coach of the Bears. One season. And before he came to the CFL he was a long time NFL assistant & qb coach in the NFL. Even though he had a long career in the NCAA as well as the NFL before he came north to the Als, he was always referred to as the coach from the CFL. O'Shea has none of that pedigree & I think he'd be in for a rough ride on a very bumpy short career road in the NFL. He's forged quite a path in the CFL already & he's still in his early 50's. He may someday make a choice to pursue an NFL HC gig but the answer is why??
  18. I don't know if he's that but I think at one time years ago fans thought that he needed to get help.
  19. Glad to see McDavid's not just pocketing the money & keeping it himself.
  20. What do you think of Connor McDavid winning a million dollars the skills competition at the NHL All Star weekend? With all the homelessness & people lining up for food banks & just the general struggle we're all having today as a society, wouldn't it have been better for McDavid to have won the money & then donate it all to the charity or charities of his choice? What a great gesture that would have been. I mean. the guy is already making millions. Does he really need the extra money? How much is too much?
  21. I hope he doesn't do an Allen Pitts & absolutely refuse to be a Bomber alumni, to this day continually turn down local interview requests & when he was inducted into the Stamps Wall of Honour well over a decade ago never even stayed for the entire ceremony. As soon as he was inducted, he bolted out of the stadium into a waiting car & off to the airport he went. Sad that players feel so disrespected that they have reactions like that. Hopefully JJ comes to understand that we fans love him... Always will appreciate what he did as a player.
  22. Injuries sure did Jeffcoat in. Imagine what he could have done had he stayed healthy. As is, we probably had him at 65% most times & he was still a force when he played. All the best in retirement, JJ.
  23. Betts is so one dimensional. A strreaky pass rush end only. Lousy against containing the run inside. sask or BC can have him & overpay. With the money we have we should be able to bring in some DL help as well as linebacker. We need to shore up our defense.
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