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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. So much truth. In my single years/20's when i could first afford season tickets i suffered through a lot of s**t football. These are the glory days. Soak it up boys and girls.
  2. Anytime we come to town its their Grey Cup. That is the best theyre going to play all season and it wasnt good enough.
  3. The CFL was funner when Gizmo and Pinball were doing their thing!
  4. Chris Jones and his ego is the problem. He's very Mike Kelly'ish. Always the smartest man in the room and no one is going to tell them different. Putting WR's at DB and all the other nonsense he's been known for. Having all his eggs in the Corny basket is going to cost him his job. Its almost like he's too American/NFL for the CFL. The whole "a QB has to be atleast 6'5" and possess a rocket arm" NFL bias garbage that has prevented a lot of great QB's from ever really getting a chance. I really hope its the last we see of that arrogant goof when he gets canned.
  5. Why is that? I didnt notice anything egregious at all after watching multiple replays....
  6. End of the half, when Zach was scrambling around for a hail-mary he essentially just gave himself up instead of pulling the trigger and Robertson touched him.
  7. That spot on the Agudosi catch was like 1.5 yards short. What are these guys looking at?!?!?
  9. On another note, if Muhammad is up to speed i'd like to see him in for Lawrence next game. Lawrence is getting torched left and right.
  10. BLATANT hold on not only Jefferson but Thomas aswell on the last Trevor Harris TD, and then an absolute horsesh*t call on Bryant to take us out of field goal range. Atleast we know who the refs are cheering for. What an absolute f**king joke. Conspiracy level bullsh*t going on tonight. If i was Osh i'd be screaming myself horse at those asshol*s as they trotted off the field. Im fuc*ing speechless.
  11. Apparently the actual owners of this house have ongoing issues with people continually throwing pizzas onto the garage roof lol.
  12. AI is probably asking a buddy for $50 to get through the weekend right now.
  13. Crust/dough and cheese to me are equally the most important. So many pizza joints out there use cheap "cheese" that tastes like nothing and have no idea how to make a proper dough.
  14. Too busy to focus. He's still "Dabbing" after a TD he scored in 2021.....
  15. Agree for the most part, but Pizza Hotline is some s**t pizza. Almost "ill pass even though its free" level.
  16. Whatever "genius" came up with this stat restructuring plan should be forced to eat a s**t sandwich.
  17. Yup, its an absolute joke. Theyre going to lose tons of web traffic as ive been going to TSN to get my stats, and im sure im not alone. Just a huge blunder and cluster *uck on their part. Unreal.
  18. Man Ottawa is trash. Even when Masoli comes back these guys are going to be duking it out with Montreal for the East basement.
  19. Interested so see what Fox can do. O'Shea said he liked what he saw from him in BC.
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