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Everything posted by JCon

  1. We could add very good defenseman, that's for sure. Prices may even be depressed in this market. Might even get a top 4 d, that another team can't protect, with term, for a prospect or a lower draft pick. Of course, that player would be exposed come the expansion draft.
  2. One thing is clear, for the teams going to the playoffs, there will be some really quality depth players available at or near the trade deadline.
  3. I wonder if Chevy is feeling real pressure to Trouba this season. (Real pressure on himself) If he only had to protect 3 defense (Buff, Enstrom and Myers), he could protect Lowry, Dano and Armia. This assumes that he doesn't get a expansion draft eligible player in return.
  4. We can't protect everyone. We're going to lose someone off that list.
  5. This is young team that makes a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes that they will be learning from. A lot of mistakes that they won't be making 2 to 3 months from now. They're getting better, and better, and better. And they're winning.
  6. I have no doubt the KKK is pleased that Trump is in power; however, I do not put much stock when people claim credit for things like this. Duke loves pretending that's he's important.
  7. Trump chased Obama's birth certificate. He was the birther. Trump fuelled the lies and promoted violence. Why would anyone think that Trump has changed or won't continue to promote hate and violence? That staff know that they're losing their jobs. That's part of the gig. Hilary wouldn't have kept them either. What they were looking at was person who incited hatred towards their leader. What else would you have them do?
  8. No one is saying anything that you're claiming. No one is saying that making the playoffs is more important than developing. You said the team wasn't in the playoff hunt but they are. You're wrong. That's all.
  9. Totally agree. The DNC machine failed them.
  10. I don't believe Trouba is playing due to the back-to-back games. PoMo won't want to take him out once he's in. Bet he's ready to compete for 60 minutes tonight but may not be able to turn it around and play tomorrow, as well. May also be a bit of "this is my team and I make the decisions" too.
  11. Yes, development is much more important but that's not what you said... This team is definitely in the playoff hunt right now.
  12. Assuming that there were zero adjustments made by the other team.
  13. Exactly, and he's getting the reps he needs in the ECHL right now. It's a great situation for everyone. Well, everyone but Pav, I guess.
  14. Yeah, there were no names thrown at Obama when he won. The Republicans welcomed him with open arms.
  15. This is still up in the air. He may become the crutch that was holding back the Riders in 2016. You'll need to wait until he signs his new contract before "analysis" can truly begin.
  16. He promised them something he can't deliver. All these people have been replaced by robots. American manufacturing has been on a steady climb, yet, there are no new jobs. Why? Because they don't need people like they used to. He can rip up trade agreements but it won't bring any jobs back. Unfortunately, the economists and journalists that raised this were ignored by the right and the left. His sound bites became the focus. That and emails. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court will have reversed many previous decisions, including Roe vs Wade and gay marriage. These are things that he ran on.
  17. Yes, pregame in Dallas. He skated near centre and was playing with the puck. He put the puck over the line (which is no-no) and Roussel tripped him. Nothing happened to Roussel. Rich posted it in here:
  18. Yeah, it's not like PoMo cares that Burmi gets booed. He just keeps throwing him out there! I don't think Trouba gets booed that much. Some fans will certainly boo him and others will cheer. If he makes a big hit or a key play, all will be forgotten until a trade ultimately happens.
  19. Compared to Postma? I take Trouba. It's not like he's been off for 6 months. He played in September. If he were coming back from injury, you would put him right back in.
  20. If I'm the coach, I ice the best team possible. That includes Trouba.
  21. I don't think you can give Trouba top 4 minutes in his first game back. Even if he's in great condition, he still needs some game time to get back up to speed.
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