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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Our team is terrible and I show up on MBB after we lose to remind you of that.
  2. You wanted Walters to sign Ball? To replace who?
  3. Just wait by your phone, Matt. - Walters
  4. We've determined that he's not under contract. Do you think that Walters will give him more than Desjardins or someone else out there?
  5. I just don't see how Walters could look at the evidence and decide to pay more to Nichols than what he can get Streveler for. I think he rolls with Streveler and McGuire. All of this is predicated on the idea that Buck takes over and we don't go off the board with a run and gun style coordinator. Not sure that would change anything though.
  6. She'll get a soft sentence from a sympathetic judge. Be out in a couple of years, write a book and become a Republican darling.
  7. Hmmm, that trailer does not make me more interested in this film.
  8. They're not bringing Nichols back. Streveler will be our number one QB going into next year.
  9. Oh, yeah, sure, Collaros is awesome. If he were a Bomber, you would hate him.
  10. All of those coaches have losing records.
  11. I remember beating Esks, the Stamps, the Lions, the Argos, the RedBlacks, the Riders.
  12. I remember winning there last year, when we were told by everyone that MOS couldn't win a playoff game. Nichols couldn't win a playoff game.
  13. I remember curb-stomping those Riders three weeks ago.
  14. Because churning coaches hasn't worked?!
  15. I'm not arguing anything but the ridiculous notion that people are saying MOS is better than Cal. NO ONE HAS SAID THAT.
  16. No one is saying that MOS is better than Cal. But since Cal, which is what they're arguing, he's been the best. No parsing.
  17. Someone says MOS is the best coach we've had in a couple of decades and you compare him to a legend from 3 decades ago.
  18. JCon


    That's great news. I was worried it would be on some obscure channel.
  19. JCon


    Bad News Allen. Loved watching him on Stampede Wrestling.
  20. Bourque will sit in the press box, not complain, and be ready to play when called upon. That's why Maurice likes the vets.
  21. They said that but the "know it alls" said they wouldn't.
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