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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Did they make any throws down field in the first half??
  2. Honestly, the way we've been using him, Augustine will be a fine replacement.
  3. 1:45 let on the clock. Bet the Riders get the ball again before half.
  4. Ref wasn't even watching as Medlock was smoked in his plant leg.
  5. They really need new faces on that panel. I would let most of them go.
  6. I love that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, knew it was going to Harris and they still gave up a ton of yards.
  7. Agreed. Give them the proper time and respect.
  8. Like seriously, Black, he's pooched two damn punts tonight already and you're still stroking him. I'm surprised we haven't seen a highlights package of his punts from the NFL. Ooooooh, Ahhhhhhhh....
  9. "Jon Ryan has been so good at angling". Yeah, clearly top 15 in the league this year.
  10. I mean, the D is playing okay.
  11. You're... you're going to have to be more specific. There's been a lot of **** today.
  12. I'm confused. What does that have to do with the Farpotato nuptials?
  13. We're going to play our first quarter in the second half!
  14. I was watching Kenny Albert call a game two weeks ago. All football, all the time. Actually called out missed penalties.
  15. Do you think Rod Black just opens his mouth and crap starts spewing out or does he put effort into expelling it??
  16. Perhaps Rod Black could host some sort of CFL Socialite show where he can talk about the love lives of players and let someone else call the DAMN GAME!!!
  17. He won't need to be. This is a guy who's declared bankruptcy many times. He'll walk out, in the middle of the night, and take the toilet paper with him. He's a successful grifter, so he'll know when to slip out.
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