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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. Absolutely, it is no different than how without fail there are always idiots that cheer when a player from the visiting team gets hurt at IGF. Even if it is a Riders player - that is still a human being who suffered an injury in a violent sport... no place for that kind of behavior.
  2. The league record for most non-offensive touchdowns during the regular season is 15 by the 1987 BC Lions... the Riders currently have 13 non-offensive touchdowns (9 defensive, 1 punt return and 3 kick returns) this year. Those same 1987 BC Lions also set the record for most defensive touchdowns in the regular season (11). So for a team that's close to the league record for TDs by their defense, I think the allegation that they have been lucky is very much warranted.
  3. I think they should open it. Politically it is a tough pill for the public to swallow, but all the evidence and studies indicate it is a good idea for the growth of the city. That said, I think what will realistically happen, is Bowman will get reelected, largely due to the ineptitude of his competition. The referendum will fail, and the intersection will stay closed for the foreseeable future. I think you're missing the point here - most cities don't have walking/cycling as a major form of transportation for the simple fact that human beings are, in general, lazy.
  4. Not only that, they seldom mention the method used to survey people. Lots of these surveys use phone calls (i.e. landlines) to survey individuals. This inherently means you're surveying an older population, which has been shown to be more conservative-leaning. So the results really aren't that surprising.
  5. Can we just have a gentleman's agreement with Calgary next week, and force the game to a tie? It would lock up a playoff spot for us, and lock up 1st in the West for them.
  6. How does someone not get thrown out for that hit.
  7. Calgary still playing for 1st in the West, hopefully they can get it done and we play their scrubs next week.
  8. I think it's appropriate, up until this week, all four teams in the West could've ended up being 10-8, whilst in the East the top team could easily end up being 9-9. The whole purpose of the playoff format is to have the six best teams qualify. Under the situation described above, that would not be the case as one of BC, EDM, SSK and WPG would miss the playoffs at 10-8. As for winning the Grey Cup - it's just like any other football game, once you get there... any given Sunday.
  9. Look at it this way, at least the crossover rule exists? We'd be in bigger trouble if it didn't.
  10. Yep - only difference between a playoff game is that Bombers would get in if the EDM/WPG game ended in a tie (we would be 9-8-1, and EDM would finish 8-9-1). As others have pointed out - win/tie against Calgary or a win/tie against EDM clinches a playoff spot for us... basically we need 1 point in the next two games. What I personally find disgusting is that the Western crossover team right now (BC: 9-7) has the same record as Ottawa (9-7) which is first in the east.
  11. Well, I guess the logic would be that when time is at a premium, Mike Rielly's arm has longer range than their kicker foot. That said, I agree that's still just a stupid decision...
  12. Man, to think we were in the running to get Rainey from BC...
  13. Boy did the momentum of this game turn like a tidal wave.
  14. It's mainly because our season series with EDM is still undecided.
  15. Nope in mathematical terms of strictly making the playoffs, we actually want Edmonton to win. Edmonton win | BC Win EDM: 9-8 (17 GP) | BC 9-7 BC: 8-8 (16 GP) | EDM: 8-9 With an Edmonton win, BC would need to win out (10-8) and we would need to lose out (9-9) for them to catch us because we hold the tiebreaker over BC. If BC wins, they would need to win one more game than Winnipeg to finish better than us. The extra loss to Edmonton doesn't hurt them as much since the EDM/WPG season series is still up in the air. Also a tie is no good for us either, since the extra point would actually be relevant if we ended up with the same wins as either team. TLDR; Winnipeg needs one more win to get in, if you're going to root for anyone tomorrow, root for Edmonton.
  16. Lots of people don't realize it, but by legalizing cannabis they actually introduced about another 40 laws regarding usage... and yes, the government has imposed stricter fines for non-compliance with applicable taxes/permits - as they should.
  17. It looks like age is just catching up with him, he's 34 now, already has some Grey Cup rings... what else does he have to play for? As for the actual offense, I completely agree... doesn't matter the method of impairment, getting behind the wheel of a vehicle impaired is just plain stupid.
  18. I'm so excited for this to topic to be out of the news. Yes, it's now legal, it will be taxed heavily, probably won't be as big of a windfall as the Liberals would want... moving on...
  19. SSK defensive TDs this season in 2018 to date: 9 CFL Regular season Record for defensive TDs: 11 (BC, 1987) Yeah, SSK is having an abnormally good year on D.
  20. Yeah, pretty sure they don't care, Odell Willis did the same thing a few years ago and he's still in the league.
  21. Scary thing about that Hughes article is it indicates not only that he was driving drunk, but that he was non-responsive towards police. How do you get that drunk and decide to drive behind the wheel??? He's lucky he didn't kill anyone.
  22. While any level of 'Rider ineptitude is hilarious, we can't reliably expect to do that against teams that do have some semblance of an offense. I think that BC game was a learning point for our coaching staff. As for the idea that we have late-game collapses, we've won 75% of the games in which we led at the end of the 3rd quarter, which is pretty much right in the middle of the league (5th) - best is CGY/SSK which are undefeated there when leading after 3. It could certainly be better, but its' the CFL - lead changes happen. What I do find interesting though, is Calgary is only 1-3 when they trail after 3 quarters. For a team that has looked very mortal as of late, it appears they don't have the backbone to comeback from deficits. If we do have an opportunity to "go for the throat" so to speak against the Stamps, it appears that may be the answer on how to break them.
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