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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. The most insane thing about this is this happened in 2009. It's not the highest rushing total in a game ever (it's ranked 3rd), but the other two records ahead of it were both set in the 60s.
  2. I find it very odd that the highlights are not on CFL.ca, nor the bombers posted them... But the Elks youtube channel did? I guess maybe for them a 2 point preseason loss is a highlight lol
  3. I shovel snow six months of the year to enjoy the CFL season. Lovin' this balmy weather!
  4. Maher showing why he's in the big leagues.
  5. I'd like to see Prukop back. If Agudosi asks for too much i'd let him walk, nasty injury and unproven commodity.. He had one big game last yr. Agree on O the centre is a huge question mark to fill...
  6. @Noeller Trust the process and keep the faith!
  7. Too many Thursday games. My work is fine with taking the following day off, but will be rough for the Mrs.... I understand why they have the Thursday night games, but it makes it hard for her to enjoy them knowing she's gonna have to drag her ass in the next day.
  8. "Easy inoffensive food" sounds like a good slogan. Why buy a burger, when I can have steak at home?
  9. Idk we've been pretty good drafting receivers lately. Sure he's a known commodity, but if we can find more rookies to replace outgoing receivers like Schoen, why pay a premium when we can pay less on a hungry rookie?
  10. The problem is Lawler had Tre Ford throwing to him. As for Burnham - there is no way he's being pried loose from BC. Anybody know if we have Agudosi under contract next year? Between him and O'Leary-Orange, Lawler may not be necessary.
  11. Honestly, the only guy I could think of to let walk would be Rose. He had a huge drop off this year, and several games he was on the wrong end of busted coverage... I don't know what I'm talking about though lol.
  12. Think we may have to realize all those awards may have made our own crew a little too fat and happy.
  13. As much as the loss sucks, least they broke the drought. Imagine how painful it'd be if this result was coupled year 32 of the drought...
  14. There have been 8 teams that played in the Grey Cup with 15+ win seasons. Their record is quite bad though (5-3) in the big dance. That is why we play the game.
  15. Hey if nothing else we made a lot of Rider fans waste money lol
  16. Moment of silence for all those poor bastards heading west on a late highway drive westward.
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