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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Nichols got happy feet under pressure 3 pivotal times last night, 2 dropped picks one should have been a pick 6 and a throw behind. Take away the big plays that denmark made and you have scary stuff. The same stuff we saw in the first half, and last half of last game. nichols doesnt have a particularly quick release. And in fact in the first half of last nights game he reverted to a drop windmill in his delivery that has plagued him in college, edmonton, and here last year. Its what you see when a qb is forcing things typically. He has been doing a good job of going down the check list, but has made some really poor decisions forcing the ball into small windows with a surplus of defenders around 1/2 wrs. he doesnt have the kind of arm that can make up for those decisions either. Hes been taking a lot more deep shots then willy, but he misses a lot. His strength is similar to willy. Short to medium passing routes. Its not any of his plays that has taken us and guided us to wins. Its the utterly ridiculous amount of turn overs we have forced, and maybe the best sts in the league over all.
  2. Its an easier said then done kind a thing. Different coaches and teams have different ideas and ways of going about it at half time but then you have enough time to generally reset. The start of the 2nd half can almost be like a 2nd game for the qb. Its a tough thing no one really seems to have mastered. But we have gotten close to the point twice now where we needed to do some thing to shake things up. Cody fajardo is a huge change of pace at qb. Going to him would have been such a drastic shift for the argos offense or defense it could have snapped some life into them. For the short time, it probably would have been best. Long term however, young qbs especially need the chance to work through trouble and see as many snaps as possible. There is a very limited amount you can improve sitting on the bench. I would have changed qbs in that situation, but SM likes to put his qbs in the hardest situations possible. The end of that game is exactly the type of thing he wants his young guys in. Fajardo, 4 year starter at nevada. Which alone is considered a big deal. But his stats. 9659 passing yards 65% completion 57 tds 29 ints 3482 rushing yards (2 1k seasons) 44 rushing tds. SM digs up stud prospects, and turns coal into diamonds with pressure. Hard to argue with his results.
  3. couldnt come at a better time for the team, soo many injuries hope fully we can get a couple guys back. But pretty tough time for fans lol.
  4. Going out for an extended period is really hard on the qb. The arm cooling off is a big deal. Takes them out of the proper mind set too, even if they are struggling. Similar to in baseball when the offense has a bat around inning and the pitcher is on the bench for an extended period. Thats why you dont see it often.
  5. just rewatched, on harris TD he broke atleast 6 tackles. The ol was a mess on that play, he broke 3 tackles before the line of scrimmage. They did get a good scrum going at that point though that helped him get in, but that was a huge effort by harris. Probbaly only 2 backs in the last 5 years score that td. 90% of backs are tackled in the back field. Tackles for a safety isnt a good stat. Loffler did play another very good game though. And that FF was a thing of beauty. Guy has a nose for the ball and makes all the right football plays. Not really good, he had that awful miss snap that the argos pounced on but was brought back by a off sides penalty. The line as a hole played well though. Running was tough in the first quarter and a half but after that they tightened up as a unit and played very well.
  6. With the way foketi played i was wondering to my self if there is any way we can start 4 imp ol xD
  7. Feels good man. Bond was getting flags, but TBH ill take one guy on the line who smacks people in the mouth and gets some flags but puts the fear of blue into the opposition. Brandon dyson but better. If you go back to our good OLs we had that in a guy.
  8. hes had 2 pick 6s flat out dropped by D and a couple passes that should a been picked not grabbed. The big thing he is doing is bouncing back from adversity, and converting scores. ol, denmark and harris get credit for that too but so does he. Thats the question. Being as broken and passive as he was when he was pulled at this point in his career is a bad thing. But not un curable. Idk if he gets another start here, but he will get another shot some where. A change of scenery may be what he needs. But I would have loved to see what he did behind this OL and with the D and sts support nichols is getting. Guy is like gumby just keeps on bouncing back. But hes playing like a qb we can win with. not a qb that can win us games. At some point in this league you need a qb who can win the game for you. The last half of last weeks game plus the first half of this weeks game. Idr the exact stats but would have been some thing awful. Dont include the 2nd qt, just the previous 3/4 and you have atrocious lack of production the likes of which we havent seen since T martin. If he plays 3/4 like that in one game hes gonna get run outta dodge worse then willy.
  9. i had forgotten about that game! That is certainly up there too. Any one know if hes still working at super store?
  10. I feel the same way. I hope Oceans 8 would be better then that. But I am worried it will be. They werent master pieces but they were great pop corn movies. I really hope they are doing new 52 WW based movie. Because that line was amazing. That is how you make a story with a strong female lead. Its disappointing that the MCU wont commit to twists like that. (though dccu did the same with the superman scene in BVS) It really weakens there stories. How ever I think they will with the infinity gauntlet story line in order to get actors out of roles who arent going to continue. Rhodes death in the comics was incredibly moving. I was disappointed they didnt stick to it, but I think its because they are going to write out RDJ at some point and put don cheadle in his place.
  11. weve had guys with more nfl starts do a lot worse in there second year here. What hes done has been nothing short of amazing.
  12. thats pretty ridiculous. 1 sack 1 fr 2 picks aside from the returns is still the best pure db stats on d imop. Thats guys stat line may be unbeatable for overall single game performance by a position player though.
  13. maybe better play making defense then swaggerville. Even though its over a small sample size.
  14. Nichols is keeping it alive tbh. In the first half he reverting to some of his more troubled mechanics we hadnt seen previously this year from him. Half wind mill / bottom half wind up to his throws, choppy foot work etc. Hes only found harris out of the back field once iirc. And the drives that should be the best for us, first of the half and game which are pre planned and practiced sequences, are weak for him. He bounced back from adversity very well tnite. That pick would have crushed willy. But he had another pick 6 flat out dropped. The great returns from fogg and all the turn overs are whats making the team go right now.
  15. that was a sick and clutch pick. That might have been the single greatest game statistically ive seen from a db for fogg. Denmark may be as much a sentimental pick, but I do think he sparked an offense that was rough in the first half.
  16. Thats an old wives tale. Same as you cant make the club from the tub. (addison richards rule) Tons of guys have taken other players jobs due to injury.
  17. Yeah. It used to be 1000 bucks a week for a while And at one point late 90s early 2ks it was like 600. I think removal of a couple neg list players from ssk list and reducing there cap of NLers for the year would be better punishment.
  18. 1 Clarence denmark. 7-195 2 tds 2 kevin fogg. 1 sack, 1 fumble recovery, 2 picks, another good return game. 3 andrew harris. 19 - 123 1 td. HH travis bond On a play in the 2nd quarter he pancaked his man, then went to the 2nd level and pancaked a 2nd man clearing the way for a big run by harris. Who you got? I was close to giving fogg no1 spot. But denmark and harris really spurred a sputtering offense.
  19. except edmont has 7 ol bodies, and 7 dl. So when they dress 7, they have 8 with him. And calgary has the most beat up line in the league.
  20. Them coming off a buy week too. Still feelin good going into it.
  21. Yeah i was looking at stats between the two teams are really close. Should be a down to the wire game. Watch it be a blow out xD. Them not having ray, us having a banged up wr core, ol, and dbs. Still like our chances.
  22. Eh most teams play 12-13 games including out of conference. Its 9 games in conference. Some small teams play even more. They tend to be more active in TC with inter team scrimmages n stuff. The bigger deal i think is short weeks. Some times having 4-5 days between games vs 7 can make even a 6 game stretch feel much longer. Especially compounded with the size of the field and all the running done up here. If they were in the nfl, theyd have 4 pre season games and 16 regular season games. As opposed to here they get 2 preseason and 18 regular season. The quicker turn over on most series is a factor too.
  23. I instantly feel gratified. And Im not even a big GnR fan. Sorry reading that i heard that song in my head when i read patience.
  24. You are correct in that I am not any where near as acustomed to the need to flex players around the ratio. As a positional player/coach my in game role was up in the box observing patterns, helping track plays, etc. You cant teach guys mid game, too much advice while playing or between series is either lost before/between the ears or brings on a shut down. I often marvel watching some coaches and the way they shuffle guys for various packages all while balancing the ratio/di rules. (not sask) Its not some thing often appreciated but incredible none the less. Adequate doesnt win a lot of games. Good is the enemy of great, idk what adequate is the enemy of when we are putting DL in on OL and having to change his numbers to go both ways in multiple games, we arent ok with that depth. Can you imagine what would happen if the injury bug bit our OL as bad as it has our WRs or DBs? Good lord we'd have garret waggoner, trent corney, on D with jake playing boths ways. Im all in favor of positional rotations, especially on the DL, where most of the time you have smaller guys smashing up against bigger guys and more of them. But we arent carrying more DL either. We are carrying more Lbs. Who arent rotating in much at all.
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