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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Actually in the modern era or football you can see tons of guys who produce as first year starters. Also Allen and flutie weren't stars by any means in their first 3 combined years.
  2. Even then Harris looks shot. I wouldn't bank. On any of them other then Masoli being able to lead us to the play offs. And even then I don't think Masoli or Harris fi I think they fo. Collaros is the only qb that's a winner in that row. Isnt an ol fixer available either. Not even a lot for star Nis. By default the only true system changing star that can be a difference maker to a contender that could see fa is Zach. He also sat the better part of 3 games and saw lots of injuries and missed time to his wr core and star rb. Considering it was the first time in a decade the passing game carried our offense he did fantastic. It's also bucks first year as an oc. He had a lot of growth as a play caller.
  3. I wouldn't take Harris or Masoli unless they showed serious changes in character and even then pretty much min contracts. I fully believe you can get qbs who as rookies can produce at a minimum pro level. I'd rather go with a rookie streveler Evans heavy balls etc. But at this point I don't think either young qb we have are replacement level. Rather than spending atleast 150k plus on a guy like that I'd rather the Bombers give our guys raises or maybe poach a decent rotational ni.
  4. Yep. Good chance he starts this year. Happy he's back. Long term i think he could still be a rt in the cfl. He was done like dinner. His resurgence is one of the all time come back stories. I would think collaros values an ol over a few k at this point.
  5. Tldr dunk is dying to write a post mortem on the Bombers where collaros leaves as a fa or he signs a giant contract that limits our ability to retain fas.
  6. Even friesen gets it. If you asked me, a none hockey fan, If significant rule changes to the NHL would increase my interest I'd probably be inclined to say sure. Because I don't care either way. Rule changes couldn't make me less interested. It's such a stupid premise. Find former cfl fans whove fallen off and see what they have to say. Ask people who watch 1 teams games what it'd take to get them to watch more games. Ask young fans especially in ott what has pulled them In. Get useful information. This study is trash science.
  7. https://3downnation.com/2022/01/15/why-signing-a-veteran-qb-isnt-essential-for-shawn-burke-the-redblacks/ Hilarious. Suddenly Caleb Evans is enough for a play off push. This type of attitude is exactly why the rbs have missed 3 straight play offs and are gonna do the same This year. Dane Evans is waay better and if the cats were ride or die with him they'd a been blown out in tor. Masoli plus Evans guided the cats to back to back gcs. The Bombers turned the corner twice when they made moves that added veteran qb depth in Nichols and then collaros. Every team in the league should seriously investigate every opportunity to add a vet qb this off season.
  8. You get more series with 3 downs too. It puts a higher emphasis on each play too. Thats one that could be good on both sides or the border. Changes like that are what the league should look at each year. That's true but the south Bible belt is German Mennonite. The Mexican Mennonite communities is a divergent group separated by a generation or less most of the time. The French catholic and German Mennonite communities don't mix nearly as well. Van turnstyle
  9. If you drew a line from Steinbach to Morden, the culture of the people in that area would shock most Canadians and Winnipeggers. I've spent most of my life in that area, and again reside in that range. The lack of acceptance and compassion for any one who doesn't conform as white, straight, and Christian is awful. The attitude of people here towards things like kids dying of covid, to the gay pride parade, and any thing none Christian, could easily make you feel like you've slipped into a time warp and found your self in Alabama during the 1950s.
  10. I think both arguments are correct. The NFL play clock is too long, but I like that they whistle play in right away. The shorter play clock in the CFL is good, but the inconsistent whistling in of play is horrible. Idk if you could run an offense with a 20 second play clock where play is whistled in as it is in the NFL. I would LOVE to see a game with a 30 second play clock where play is whistled in right away. The NFL is much more watchable than it was in the late 90s early 2ks. The offensive innovation is incredible on soo many fronts. The CFL has really lagged in this area since the early 2ks when every team went to a 5 by 1 pistol base. To me the NFL still feels like the no fun league though. It feels like upsets and big come backs are still extremely rare. The 40 second play clock feels slow, and the 4 downs makes each play feel far less important and the drives feel much slower. I liked jackson bit surprised he's a toss in guy. But over all its a MEH trade for me.
  11. I started reading it and stopped. The sample size for a nation wide survey was far too small to be impactful. Not to mention the conclusions are beyond un reliable. 4 down football would increase interest 10%? Assuming every single person who said their interest would raise with the switch to NFL rules would also come to pay as much money and watch as many games as the average fan does now is crazy. But even if it would, you dont whole sale change your product to gain 10% interest. Imagine if apple abandoned mac, iphone and all their products to sell windows Based pcs, samsung phones etc, for 10% more interest. The whole thing amounts to a great big nothingburger. Which in the off season I guess is maybe better than nothing for some. But im hoping some good sense will eventually win out. Tsn finally showed some signs of life in terms of improving the game day production. Cfl media that's actually fan friendly is finally growing. The cfl had some tremendous tv rating weeks this year. The league needs continuous improvement. Not whole sale product change. I imagine a good few people on here are familiar with domestic car brands selling foreign made cars in the 70s and 80s. The 80s Chevy nova, was a toyota corolla with chevy emblems slapped on it. The chrysler lebarons with masserati design and italian build, geo storm, kia elan, izuzu impulse by lotus, even up to the diamler benz Chrysler products more recently. Customers don't go to X to buy Y. They dont go to KFC to buy taco bell. They dont go to chevy to buy toyota. They dont come to the CFL to watch american football. The CFL IS canadian football. IF you take that away, they dont sell american football to canaidans. They sell nothing, to no one. North america has access to all the american football you could want. Forget the XFL, USFL, AFL, IFL, Spring league and every other start up. You have 130 FBS division 1 schools playing 12 regular season games a year. The NFL played 17 games with 32 teams a year. And the US has about 16,000 high school teams playing 10 games a year. No matter what level, or type of american football you like, more content exists than you can watch. The big colleges and every NFL team has coverage every single day of the year. The CFL trying to change markets after 100 years and going into business selling american football is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. No hyperbole. Imagine if tomorrow Westfield industries in rosenort manitoba tried to make civics and compete with honda.
  12. No joke. He never seemed to show any real improvement. Some great raw tools, but at the end of the day if you have soo few reps at qb by the time you reach the pros you've got basically no chance. Completely dismissive and disrespectful to the bombers. Should be fired.
  13. The question is does arch have him self a gun? Sorry I just can't help my self. Better play for Alabama and wear the number 3. He was. Highly recruited out of hs on an NFL path but never played college due to spine problems. Every once n a while some people talk crazy about how he was the better of the 3 brothers. When in reality he was probably only better than Eli lol
  14. I'd add any thing involving the maple leafs the yanks n socks or the jets. I better sneak out and lay low after that one.
  15. Dinwiddie is a great case of that. Especially at the hs level. Tee Martin kingsbury and good ole kerwin bell. Failing as a pro qb if any thing makes you more likely to be a good coach. But imagine coaching a manning how to qb. Peyton Archie and Eli sneering and judging you from the side lines lol. That might be the most stressful hc job in American hs football this year.
  16. 3dn reports that Logan Kilgore has been hired to coach arch mannings hs. The next qb in the manning line who is the no 1 ranked Hs qb in the us.
  17. That's how it was originally reported. The suspension and after he is treated as a positive. Same happens in any sport. It's the wada standard every league adopted word for word. You also can't start serving it till you produce a sample. Done pee for a year your suspension hasn't started.
  18. Return of the goat. That's great news. I'd put him in.
  19. The entire league was low scoring in the time. Do you not recall that? Of course it matters. You're talking about a giant shift in our defense. How could it not. Clearly you don't lol. You don't seem to have even a vague understanding of his role or impact. Again we replaced 3 dbs last year. And our secondary got better. Drink another Grey Cup brew. You've lost the plot so it doesn't really matter.
  20. Half of them are mid level junior football players. They are sub replacement level. Picking over teams pr ols would be better.
  21. Ott would be a 1 way trip to the ir. I'd like to see Masoli in mtl. Tor will probably offer the most money. Other then that idk where he'd land. I don't see any vet qb being an option for us. Maybe Nichols on a min salary to hold a clip board n get coffee and intern for a future coaching career. Probably not though. Thatd be a good idea for any player vet who wants to coach seriously though.
  22. For me any thing that gets him signed with out going Reilly crazy is a win. If it takes 550 then so be it.
  23. We didn't give them 7 ypc lol. They slashed us. The defence doesn't give up the run they limit the run and force the passing game to chain together 2nd and long conversions inorder to Try and score. That's a key element of the hall defence. We did. When stove was out we out bighill on the line. We ran him into an interior ol just like most of 2019. I think greycup hang over is clouding your memory.
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