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Everything posted by Nolby

  1. It's even better that we've got a backup who's arguably still a starter in this league.
  2. Now I'm very comfortable with our stable.
  3. Don't mind the signing at all as he likely came much cheaper this time.
  4. Excuse me for lack of knowledge but is gray an instant starter on the Bomber roster if he was an international? I'm guessing he's an instant starter if he does since he's a national. I'm basically wondering about his talent level.
  5. Right off the bat, I think of how expensive it would be to fly for the Halifax __________. When you can fly to Europe for the same price as flying with in your own country....
  6. Were the highest scoring team in the league and you want Lapolice gone as well?! Oy Vay
  7. I fully agree. We've got the pieces(minus Hurl) that just aren't being placed in the proper spots.
  8. Welcome to Winnipeg, Noel Thorpe!
  9. I hope Ottawa slaps the **** out of them so that entire province can finally go dormant until may.
  10. Seeing as how they just ruled him out of the playoffs now, it's got me thinking that he may be close to returning... WF maybe?!
  11. There's literally no reason the place shouldn't be sold out. Supposed to be a high of - 1, mix of sun and cloud, haven't hosted a playoff game since 2011. C'mon people, fill those seats!
  12. I delivered Lofflers mail today and chatted with him briefly. He was very fired up for the game Sunday he said. Nothing like playoff football to get you going.
  13. Any idea on how many tickets have been sold for Sundays game?
  14. I'd love Milanovich, I under stand he had AC as his qb but he did some impressive stuff in Montreal.
  15. Let's hope he doesn't leave but let's just pretend he does. Who might be on the Bombers wish list to fill in his role?
  16. Not too sure if it warrants it's own thread or not but tsn has it posted up that Lapolice and Marcel bellefeuille are on the tops of the Alouettes wish list for head coaches next season. Losing Plap would be a massive loss as we ended up being the highest scoring team this year and needing to be to counter all the points we gave up as well. I personally can't see him leaving as his wife is from here, Montreal is an absolute tire fire of an organization right now and he's coaching with his team in the city that he lives in.
  17. Having Adams back would be huge. Yes, it was a big loss losing Leggett but Fogg has filled in nicely at SAM.
  18. Yep, they get a big congrats. I wish they would've put the game next Saturday but I won't argue, it's a home freaking playoff game!!
  19. If we don't absolutely throttle the Lion's today then we've got no chance in the playoffs. Bc should be playing a bunch of backups for a job next year and we're playing our starting roster. Winnipeg 41-Bc 16
  20. There's no chance we lose to Bc on Saturday. They'll be starting a bunch of backups for next year and we'll have all our starters playing to get our home playoff game. We crush Bc on Saturday.
  21. I can't remember seeing an organization that's been as big of a wreck as the Als this year in recent memory.
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