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Everything posted by Nolby

  1. He's got all the skills 100% but I know Demski isn't a burner like Tyreek. Tyreek can run all these crazy routes you're not use to seeing because his speed gives him that talent. I'd also love to see Grant in as a receiver,he's fast,shifty and like a Whitehead that someone pointed out.
  2. That's the exact example of the FI part and he preaches these things in his YouTube videos
  3. I have the feeling that this is Bailey's break out year,he's been getting better and better. He's got the speed, strength,50/50 ability,I feel he can be good for 1200 yards and 5-10 TDs.
  4. If it came down to Banks or Ellingson then I'm talking to Banks. In know he's 34 but he can still be zippy and he may say yes to a cheaper deal with a chance to help us 3 peat
  5. Walters; come play here,we've got a great team and were interested in you,how's 170k sound? DW; I'd love to but I'm asking 200k KW; FIFO
  6. And the guy lead the league in receiving TDs,got the size and is the perfect age(27). I would've taken Jake before Duke
  7. No argument there,my point was that he was the only type of receiver that should've ever been paid "Holy ****,that's a lot of money" money. Pending what happens with Lawler,say he takes off,would there be any interest in derel walker at a very discounted price? If we can catch even glimpses of his skill before he signed that mega contract then he may be worth a look?
  8. What if it was Milt Stegall in today's days? Milt in my opinion would've been the only receiver that could be paid 260k without batting an eye,Duke at that price is laughable. I'm very confident in Ted and Danny to find us the next guy or one that just goes with our offense.
  9. Duke has shown nothing to me that he's a top tier,highest paid in the league. "Riders give the best chance to win"????????? Look at your oline,look at your thinned D,your receiving core has been torn apart.
  10. DAMMIT!!!!I was wanting to catch this even though I've seen the highlights a million times
  11. I wonder what his numbers were and how much it'll hurt the rest of their roster . I hope it's something around the assenine numbers Walker signed to a couple years ago.
  12. I hope this doesn't create room for Stove but he'll get paid if he's gone. Any idea what Richardson made last year and what he's going to get paid on his new numbers?
  13. It's crazy to say but we're better off letting Harris walk and going with Brady and then signing someone like Stove and Lawler. Both guys are gonna get paid and I'd rather pay guys who are in their prime than overpay someone who's at the end. The divorce will be very painful but you have to do what's best for the team.
  14. I'm glad to see it,Ottawa needed a qb desperately and to keep fans in the stands after a season locked out. If they can carry that defense they were running at the start of the year with a decent offense then they will be greatly improved and maybe a tough fight.
  15. You know as soon as he signs there that they'd be all over that. He's going to retire in rider green,he hates Winnipeg,he's finally on his dream team blah blah blah
  16. I hope he just retires and ends his career with this dream ending but it sounds like he won't be.
  17. Man,this will be tough,gotta think it'll be Ottawa or Sask......PUKE
  18. The way Harris played when he came back,dude could've still hit 1000 yards,even at his age this is a hard decision.
  19. Just take the name off and it was for Simpson,Simpson and Glenn
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