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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. https://3downnation.com/2022/11/19/argos-ryan-dinwiddie-believes-grey-cup-victory-could-open-up-some-eyes-in-crowded-toronto-sports-market/ Argos’ Ryan Dinwiddie believes Grey Cup victory could ‘open up some eyes’ in crowded Toronto sports market Yeah, because that's happened in the past...
  2. I don't know, I would pick up the tburg option and negotiate that "not to exceed" 10% raise. Shots and giggles and all that.
  3. So... you're saying... Belgian type ale, I will not be disappointed?
  4. ICYMI: https://www.bluebombers.com/2022/11/16/long-read-who-is-zach-collaros/ Solid read. My fav take away, ZC- FIRST IMPRESSIONS: "Stanley Bryant: I was waiting to see what he had to offer when he first came to us. He had dealt with a couple of concussions in Sask and in Hamilton had some injuries, too. I saw him in the ’14 Grey Cup and he had a spark then and almost beat us when I was with Calgary. Then after what I saw on that one play, when he spun around and then threw it to Darvin and I knew that’s the guy we needed to win a Grey Cup. That play… it was something we had been missing. Matt Nichols did a great job for us – great job – but Zach had that spark. And he had this grit and toughness like an O-lineman." I remember this play he's talking about and thinking... we are winning the cup this year...
  5. I have to try that 1919. side note- I really wish one of the local micros would make a nitrogenated Irish cream ale- like a locally brewed Kilkenny. I would be buying Kegs of that stuff.
  6. I'm still trying. They are actually mostly good dudes there- just a few loud AF cranks and of course migs. Regardless- very entertaining.
  7. Damn, the mayor of toronto doesn't even rep the argos... sad.
  8. Regardless, you'd think that the leading reciever in TDs and yardage would be a top 3 consideration... HE was better than all those mentioned, including Demski. Also- not one stamps O-line... you know, the ones that were soooo maligned during the accidental CFLPAs.
  9. What delicious monstrosity have you unleashed? https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/antojitos/ God Damn!
  10. Yup, you could see Philpot squirming when talking about the stats.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that the whole Harris/Bomber fiasco is all an elaborate ruse to insert a double agent player to **** with the argos come grey cup time... You heard it here first- 3 fumbles and a 1.3 ypc average... "Oh no coach Dinwiddie I done fumble again!"
  12. This is why I love Twitter. Come for the humour, stay for the snark.
  13. Rotation of the two Jeffs, Mauldin, with Oakman in the middle...
  14. Who am I to get between a good therapy session- my apologies.
  15. ANyone else worried about the "argo bounce" and by that I mean the non-call constant holding, the shitty spots for the Bombers and the generous ones for the arblows, and LOrd knows what else... I just hope that the game is ref'd fairly. I hate getting caught up in the "ref's cost us" mentality... if the game is called fairly, I can handle any outcome.
  16. Seriously, this place is going to look much like something green, black-hearted, and ranting incoherently (not riderfans).
  17. Well put. Good luck to you and yours. May the best team and all that.
  18. Not sure if anyone got a chance to check out the Waggle podcast, but Marshall Ferguson made some seriously nice points regarding Rourke: After everything I have seen on and off the field for this kid and all the things he says in interviews and his high character- ****... count me as a huge Nathan Rourke fan. Good kid, outstanding player...
  19. They just don't do 9 minute montages like this anymore... Shame.
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