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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Everytime i read an article on cofaj... this song always creeps into my head
  2. I think rose still comes to camp- I just don't think his spot as a starter is safe.
  3. Also, even if you disagree with the choice for Person of the year (to be clear, I totally think it's fitting)… it's actually a pretty impressive cover:
  4. I think the subtext here speaks volumes too.
  5. **looks at the state of politics in the USA** Yeah. Yeah, I did.
  6. Idk... I actually feel sorry for @max power, he is simply a victim of misinformation. It's fascinating how people become blinded and absolutely refuse facts and essential truths.
  7. First off, the science shouldn't be political. Those that ignore the scientific data and push their misinformation are politicizing covid. Secondly, I was curious about your stance on other covid mandates, or was it just the vaccine one?
  8. The New Kildonan Theater, will it have actual I-max or are we still rolling with Lie-max?
  9. They would be stupid not to open before the x-mas season.
  10. Yup, need to examine what went wrong and how to mitigate anything like that from happening in the future. Yeah, it doesn't matter which government was in place, I am willing to look past blaming a particular party for this... its unprecedented (whole world shuts down for 6 weeks... unheard of)- but it should serve a VALUABLE learning experience.
  11. Yet, a sketchy AF video mashed together from a very suspect source is better? How do you reconcile that gap in logic? It's not hate- I don't hate you or any of the people that fall prey to the misinformation- I am just really... and I mean really ******* tired of it and have exhausted my patience with people refuting sound science with sources from some dude named "Armed with knowledge and my AR15" off of facebook that became an expert because of 20k mules or some **** like that. Seriously, three ******* years of this... my once seemingly infinite well of patience has run dry. It's irritation and being fed up- not hate.
  12. This is how to show disdain for those looking for a photo op, yet didn't help when you needed it most.
  13. Nice post. Thank for that. This should put to bed any refute from @max power but, it's not going to... BUT BUT BUT MuH FrEeDUmBs!!!!
  14. I for one was happy that they erred on the side of making sure people that needed it, got it. Nothing worse than people needing assistance and getting ****** by red tape. Don't get me wrong- it sucks that so much cash was misallocated, but if it's either that or people that need help won't get it- I'd opt for the option where people get the timely assistance they need. I hope they took into account the cost of the possibility of the housing market imploding because of foreclosures and renters being evicted and so on. That would have been an enormous cost to tax payers. But I do agree with you, there needs to be some inquiry into how this was handled, so we can learn from it and make better decisions next time. I'm good with how that unfolded.
  15. It matters what variant and the dates: The first few clips were during Wild and Alpha- both of which saw reduced transmission with the vaccinces... they weren't wrong. It never stopped 100%, but it helped reduce the transmission. The other ones between march 2021 and on were dealing with Delta, which also showed reduced transmission (not as well as in wild and Alpha, but it helped). It's when Omicron kicked in that the original vaccines showed very little effect on the transmissibility. this occurred in 2022. So these asshats are comparing the statements made back then when the vaccines showed reduced transmission to today when comparing omicron variant... this is how virus work- they mutate and we try to keep up with them. Also, you are missing the original intent of all the mandates and such- to save the health care system. Anyways- nice try. Please stop with the misinformation, it serves no purpose.
  16. When were those clips taken? During which surge? Wild type, Alpha, Delta, Omicron? There is a lot of cherry picked quotes here that the actual context (and factual) is left out- then reframed by bad actors in bad faith... Seriously what am I missing here?
  17. So... they are pro-injustice... Interesting platform.
  18. That litany of offenses that Harper's government was laid out because of this.
  19. "It’s unfortunate, I didn’t have my best year and there’s no excuses for that,” said Fajardo. THEN PROCEEDS TO MAKE EXCUSES. “I just wish I would have taken some time off, maybe a game or two, and then just get back to 100 percent and go out there feeling like myself again. The COVID game didn’t help me at all, either. My knee, it helped a little bit but … I lost a lot of weight that I was carrying that can help protect me taking hits.” FFS. Worst. Attitude. Ever. I dont recall a team leader ever, making so many excuses and poor me, and blah blah... I never want this guy near our team unless he's being driven in to the turf via QB sack.
  20. Seriously though, BP is an over priced restaurant with shitty food. Never liked the place.
  21. Good- I was starting to miss you. Place is not the same without you. I love that analogy btw!
  22. I just noticed the eyeroll reaction in your post... Did @TBURGESS get suspended? I haven't seen him post since that Rourke contract nonsense thread got locked. All I see is reactions from @TBURGESS since Saturday.
  23. Anyone else thinking... "Sure that formation awesome... but one molotov cocktail is all it would take."
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