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Posts posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. 2 hours ago, Atomic said:

    So much can change when you are talking about hundreds of years.  There could be a nuclear war while you're frozen.  Then you get thawed out 50 years later, just long enough to see your wife and kid getting unfrozen across the room.  A man enters and kills your wife and steals your baby.  Before you can do anything you're re-frozen.  Later you wake up again.  It's an apocalyptic nuclear wasteland, but humanity is beginning to re-form society.  You go looking for your kidnapped son, but learn that things aren't quite as easy as they were when you were frozen...

    Where is that from?

  2. 1 hour ago, bearpants said:

    Sounds like a pretty solid group of forwards going... Scheifele, Matt Duchene, Ryan O'Reilley, Claude Giroux, Wayne Simmons, Sean Couteriere, Nate McKinnon, Jeff Skinner... this team shouldn't have trouble scoring...

    Sounds like the Jets. Now tell me about their defense...

  3. 2 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    So they are sending Matthias, Dano and Petan to the minors and signing another forward...?

    ??? Matthias is on both 4th lines of Goalie's projections.

    No room for Petan on this team. As for Dano, well if Jets go 8-3-1 at expansion there's a good chance he be picked.

    Oh and he ended season in doghouse so there is that.

  4. Just now, Rich said:

    There are two reasons on why we may never see other intelligent life:

    1.       The huge distances between solar systems and galaxies.  We may never discover a technology similar to “warp” or “light speed” that allows us to travel the distances required to go to another planet, or to create a telescope powerful enough to see that level of detail.  At this point in our development, we haven’t even send an unmanned probe to go investigate another solar system.

    Put that in perspective, Voyager 2, which was launched in 1977 is the furthest man made object away from the Earth (at least according to Wikipedia).   It is .002 light years away from the sun.  The next closest star is 4.2 light years away.

    2.       Humans have only been around for a very very very short time on this planet.  It is entirely possible that we (and species like us) go extinct in such a short time relative to the universe that the chances of coming across a planet while a species like us is alive is very low.

    True dat, no FTL, no neighbours in anyone's lifetime.

  5. 11 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Since the Earth is young and we as a species are young, if there is intelligence life out there, where are they?

    Killed themselves off as 'intelligent life' is doomed to do or they killed their planet off by polluting it or the machines they created killed most of them off and the survivors are searching for a new home...a fabled and long-lost colony called Earth.

  6. 5 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    If you get hurt today and need an MRI, you dont get it tomorrow.  If Bryan Little blows out his knee tonight, he's had his MRI by breakfast tomorrow.  The idea athletes dont get to the top of the list is probably naive.  But whether its a horrible thing, we dont know.  Does the team pay fair market value for it (rather then bill it to Manitoba Health)? 

    Im not sure there would be an overwhelming amount of people who would be THAT angry that pro athletes, given the nature of their business, get in right away.  Sure some will be mad.  But again, if you're MRI is scheduled for 10 months from now, Bryan Little getting an MRI tomorrow isnt the reason you have to wait 10 months.

    But I do agree, given the horrible wait times here, the optics are bad.  $3mm for an MRI machine is chump change to True North.  Then again its chump change to the Province too so why dont we have more machines?

    Yeah at 5m for machine and setup why don't we? Need more hospital lotteries!

    Now the other part of the story no one talking about are donors. Anyone have a problem with John Buhler & family getting a pass?

  7. 9 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    It would be nice to have at least 3 right wingers who can score.  Armia seemed to be coming around but there's a good chance we lose him to Vegas.  Then what?


    I'm thinking Copp gets picked before Armia but then that's a whole other thread about getting someone to give up their NMC.

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