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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Today's lines Connor - Scheifele - Wheeler Perreault - Little - Roslovic Ehlers - Copp - Laine Petan - Hendricks - Armia Morrissey - Myers Enstrom - Byfuglien Chariot - Kulikov Hellebuyck Comrie Extras: Poolman & Dano
  2. Seems a lil late. They started showing the eps 8-9 months after starting filming S1 so late 2018 should be possible. Meh, Orville will tie us over.
  3. Wheeler is the entire package. Scorer. Yes? Tough? Yes. Fast? Yes.
  4. Before the politicians chime in...now is not the time to talk And... 'murica needs moar guns!
  5. Caught Justice League last night. I liked it. Not really notice the CGI stache but was catching it on a monitor so... Clocked in at exactly 2hrs.
  6. Was not crazy about the Tate murders being made into a film in the first place. Not at all. This might free him up for Trek 4 sooner rather then later. I'm i the only one thinking the car crash was Uma's fault?
  7. I had not read the gra.nov but had seen the animated movie. If i remember right the animov was pretty much a shot for shot of the comic and the movie was in a similar vein. Thought it was a great movie but i can also see the argument for being a hot/dry mess.
  8. Time : Friday 7. TSN3 Stats : Jets 33-15-9 , Avs 30-21-4 Streaks : Jets W1, Avs W1
  9. Today's Jets lines (via Brian Munz) Perreault-Scheifele-Wheeler Laine-Little-Ehlers Connor-Copp-Armia Petan-Hendricks-Roslovic Morrissey-Myers Enstrom-Byfuglien Chiarot-Kulikov Hellebuyck Comrie
  10. I love LOTR 1/2 but that ghost army ruined 3 for me.
  11. There was some talk that it was being considered for pic/director. So that means a lot of people liked it. I'm kinda surprised it was not considering hype in the women's movement this year.
  12. It's a joke in this manner. If it was 4vs4 ala traditional then I'd be for it. Maybe i'm too old though lol.
  13. DId they get their contracts before Cup 2 and 3?
  14. Federation law dictates you cannot court-martial eyes like that. DON'T LOOK INTO HER EYES!!! Too late...
  15. To clarify IH was the Norton film. TH was the Lee film. I thought TH was a great film. I'd probably would remove the comic book inserts but making the villain an abusive father who killed your mother? Now that's a great villain. Hard to believe looking back that IH is the first in the MCEU.
  16. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/nhl/jets-first-round-pick-lighting-it-up-in-top-finnish-mens-league-473852293.html
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