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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Christian Dvorak scored the only goal of the game just over three minutes into the first period to help the Coyotes pick up their fourth consecutive victory and hand the Oilers their sixth straight loss. and DET beat NASH. The gods were good to us today!
  2. http://www.tmz.com/2018/02/16/marco-rubio-three-billboards-florida-shooting-gun-control/
  3. So...Buff is on the dark side and Nashville is Jedi scum? Not sure who to cheer on now
  4. Time : Sunday 7. TSN3 Stats : Jets 34-15-9 , Panthers 25-23-6 Streaks : Jets W2, Panthers W2
  5. One of the most dominating periods the Jets have had all year. Surprised only 1-0 .
  6. Man, i just dont get the hate for the fx in voyager or even ds9.
  7. He's here for 2 more years unless Chevy gets a nice offer.
  8. Jets did not have much luck in that tourney Would he even play tho? Laine skipped it.
  9. The article is here. We were warned about you.
  10. I don't blame the guys taking the photo. I do blame peeps like Janice Lukes.
  11. Theres Russian govt and Russian citizen. Clarification needed.
  12. http://www.kens5.com/article/news/crime/3-students-arrested-for-guns-on-campus-2-students-arrested-for-threats/287-519358612
  13. The way PaMa spoke in the paper its not d2d.
  14. He don't have time with him working on the Orville.
  15. Last two is wut woh. Have they even said how long they out? Cause if they not skating that seems like weeks?
  16. Wait who else was in the film other then Jessica Biel?
  17. Was Roslo playing C on Moose? If Laine scores I think it will be on the powerplay
  18. I believe your 3rd line should be more offensive then your 4th , Having said that Copp should not be on the 3rd line. I'm not even sure he should be 3rd line center if Lowry injured.
  19. https://9to5google.com/2018/02/09/google-images-features-getty-deal/
  20. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/bess-kalb-nra-tweets_us_5a84ee69e4b0058d5565cbac Kimmel Writer Calls Out GOP In Blistering Replies To 'Prayers' After Florida Shooting
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