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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/kzdkgw/take-pictures-of-fake-pizzas-to-get-a-free-pizza-from-dominos USA only but good story.
  2. I wanted ENT to more simplistic but right off the bat we got the cold-temporal war. As for the show itself it did not get good until end of season 2. I'm just short of finishing TNG. Its been about 20 years i think since i saw it.
  3. S2 has the benefit of being nearly spoiler free. In S1 the Tyler/Voq thing was known through IMDB and Jonathan Frakes spoiled the mirror universe story.
  4. I'm for it. Rather have sunset at 945 in the evening in the summer rather then sunrise at 430
  5. I've like Niku/Beau in what i've seen so far. Might be tough for Morrow to get in.
  6. Game not even over and I've moved on. I'll put the. blame on a missing Buff, Morrissey, Lowry and not the superior team that beat us. Speaking of Lowry, with him coming back, whose with me in starting Par the next game and giving Roslo a sit?
  7. Time : Friday 630, TSN3 Stats : 39-23-4 @ 36-23-6 Notables : Jets have 9 losses in their last 14 games.
  8. I might be the only one thinking its the Kelvin-timeline Picard now.
  9. Whew, you made it through one hot mess. Pretty much the view of everyone. They said they would try to make them more in line to the post-TOS look but adding some hair still is not doing it. Still think they would be better off putting it post Voyager. They did stay in the parallel uni a long time but it was the best part of the season IMHO.
  10. At the time i thought MB was in a good position. Scheer loses next one and MB comes in to score the 22 election.
  11. ATM not sure where the NDP get enuf seats to do that but we've been surprised before.
  12. Minority win by either is interesting. If you look at what happened in B.C. the Governor General (?) might be more accommodating to a 2nd/3rd place combo with guarantee of no elections for 4 years then a Harper minority gamble of no partnership.
  13. I am joking partially. I think he is done but I kinda want him to go nuclear on this and I do not lean conservative. So much fun.
  14. Well you can take the Stockwell Day route which is what he's taking so far or start acting tough with these traitors.
  15. http://trekcore.com/blog/2019/03/michelle-hurd-santiago-cabrera-cast-star-trek-picard
  16. http://www.espn.com/nhl/statistics/team/_/stat/scoring/sort/avgShotsAgainst
  17. Love the replies on this tweet by Jason Kenney.
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