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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/20/entertainment/jussie-smollett-attack/index.html Career ending in 3, 2, 1
  2. https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/wisconsin-high-school-to-stop-awards-for-largest-breasts-and-buttocks-1.4304933
  3. Hayes is meh. to me. On the other hand it says Little not good enuf to be 2nd line center for playoffs 2 years running.
  4. Pretty much but they are sooooo comfy. Like if you agree!
  5. MAGA hat-wearing Kentucky teen sues Washington Post for $250 million, alleging ‘McCarthyism’ https://globalnews.ca/news/4977371/nick-sandmann-washington-post-lawsuit/
  6. https://news.yahoo.com/giant-statue-trump-warhammer-warrior-192538682.html
  7. Vote for the person who polls better?
  8. Just build something like this to cover pretty much all of Winnipeg
  9. I'm still wondering about Sears location. Whose not in Canada from USA that can afford to expand? Hobby Lobby comes to mind. The size is right but does KP want an end store to not be open on Sundays?
  10. https://qz.com/1355672/stacking-concrete-blocks-is-a-surprisingly-efficient-way-to-store-energy/
  11. Never know, considered our #1 RHD on the Moose right?
  12. They said last week(?) couple more week so early March.
  13. https://www.ctvnews.ca/sports/in-france-the-force-is-strong-with-lightsaber-dueling-1.4301973
  14. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2019/02/18/grand-canyon-tourists-exposed-radiation-safety-manager-says/2876435002/
  15. Cancelled by Netflix, revived by Disney Streaming like all the other shows.
  16. Last year i would have said the Jets were the 2nd fastest team in the NHL. Not this year.
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