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  2. Miller looks so young! lol it's the answer of a.......fill in the blank
  3. No, Willy wasn't the qb when O'Shea got here. The Bombers signed Willy as a FA that off season so they came in together in 2014. In 2013, the Bomber qbs were Buck Pierce, Justin Goltz, Jason Boltus, Max Hall
  4. Today
  5. What kind of an answer is that? When O'Shea played in Southern Ontario he went back & forth between Hamilton & Toronto. Meaning he always took the best offer when he played.
  6. It's just maddening to me that they hardly gave any reps to a runningback that was going to play running back and streveler got 1 quarter and the rest of the QB reps in preseason went to guys who were either straight up cut or not likely to ever see any real playing time in the regular season. In what universe does that make any sense at all? And people wonder why the offense looks like garbage out of the gate.
  7. They gave all the reps to a Canadian in the 2nd game who they cut. A guy that would actually make a reasonable tandem with Augustine to fill in if Oliviera is down.
  8. yup...I expecting more head scratchers...and just poor management....hope I am wrong but nothing leads me to think otherwise
  9. That’s true, but old bill made the most out of his rosters, had the best game prep in pro sports, and managed to reinvent his team through soo many star departures. Once the gravy train ends, the range a coach gets to be ornery gets real small. bill can be pretty friendly and extremely engaging when asked good questions. That is a fantastic book, so is big book of belichick. The on football and on personnel books are worth the read too, as is Steve belichicks football scouting method book.
  10. I wonder if smith was a move made by walters. Mos for what ever reason really likes Mitchell. But we are insanely thin at kr and rb. Maybe mos isnt going to roster him unless he has to. Idk tin foil hat stuff. It makes no sense to leave smith off the AR. Augustine is already banged up, if he goes down we have a fb who isn’t really to be a fb and a sts fb left. Or our qb2, or wr2. Not good options for full time in a game. My expectations for this weeks ar are low, and still I think I’ll be disappointed.
  11. Now that you mention it, O’Shea is kind of like a friendly Canadian version of Belichick in pressers. (Totally off topic- the book “Belichick” by Ian O’Connor was a tremendous read, I’d highly recommend it if you like sports bios)
  12. yet he played Thomas....Biggie...BA...Collaros....Bo....Demski.....and a few others without a game rep in pre-seson...Smith played all of pre-seson.....but wont be game shape?....being younger and in better shape than any of them....yeah ok....what a joke exactly!...it's the easiest add of any new body...plus he is an actual RB....who would make a world of difference even in sharing reps...Osh is literally clue;ess and the anchor pulling this team back under Osh won't make a change based on skill...he's shown that now for how long?..buckle up for a long season of bafoonery would have made all the difference....4 guys took every snap basically...1 of tose guys is a lower tier skill guy at the moment...but has upside....another is bottom tier...with zero upside and can only play one style...and not well see my previous comment...that didnt apply to his favorites and long in the tooth vets...Osh is becoming a sad joke...time to move on
  13. That’s a good point, better to move one piece at a time with OL. Agree Kolo is the issue, broken record again but you just can’t have the center on his can multiple times a game.
  14. removal of just Kolo....replaced with Eli is all that needs to be done to start the assesment...would do a world of difference.....if thigs still leak like a seive up the gut...re-assess those 3 rotational Canadians....are just horrible...worst in the league by far
  15. The Coaches Show is what it is. If you’re looking for week-to-week stuff it’s pretty awful. Just for balance, cause I feel like I’ve been crapping on a lot lately, and I really do love the Bombers- I have heard MOS on there tell a couple Ron Lancaster stories that had me legit lol. One about Lancaster smoking in the clubhouse all the time, and it making Orlando Steinhauer freak out. It’s better when callers ask him questions about his playing career, or old CFL history stuff. Guy’s choices have been driving us nuts lately, but he does truly love the game.
  16. Agreed. This sort of generic answer has been a staple of the show since forever, save for a few breaks. Why would you spend time enduring an annoying experience when you could be trimming your toenails or checking for ingrown nasal hairs?
  17. No need for derogatory language when referring to the coach's show - be better.
  18. I don’t understand how we can be at the start of week 3, the guy played 6 days before week 1 and was in shape. If he’s recovered hth could he fall out of shape in barely 2 weeks. That’s messed up even for an excuse. @Atomic thanks for posting a transcript of the coaches show. I couldn’t stand or listen and won’t again.
  19. Apparently Laine **** on Scheifele In a Finnish paper so that ship has thankfully sailed.
  20. True. It’s possible. The D seemingly struggled early tho and got better. Can’t say the same about the O. Just play calling also. Refusing to run is crazy cuz Zach won’t take the short stuff.
  21. That being said, proper line depth in that game might have led to a win despite bad qb play
  22. But I will say after watching a presser earlier, all the talk about the DL and who is dressed, I don’t think that’s why they lost. The cfl runs on QBs, our veteran Multiple time MOP winner is struggling and until he turns it around it really is irrelevant who dresses on D or how many Canadians you start. It’s all irrelevant if your QB sucks but they won’t ever admit that ever publicly, hopefully we have guys in that room who holds everyone accountable still. If we do, we might be ok soon. If not, it was a fun ride. 10 years for O’Shea. That’s actually insane. Was buck the QB when O’Shea got here? No way right? Must have been tho. No. Willy was still right but then he got drew Willy’d so Nichols played.
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