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  2. YES.....that play I almost threw my beer.....lol.....That right there is how the season has been, we don't have desire, ambition, or the balls we need....
  3. If we establish a run game, I believe the pass pro will look a lot better. Ott did not need to respect a run, gap control, RPO. I am not sure why the game plan was so bad this past game. In the first game Brady was in and we tried (but very clearly he was far from 100%), we also had Strev do a few things, correct me if I am wrong but did we not have a Demski run play?? Last week We never really used JA, at least not enough to be any threat, Strev came in short yardage and was no threat (I think he is hurt) IMO our offensive game plan against OTT. was bad. Yes execution was poor at times, and our O-line struggled in pass pro, but Zach, and the O-line had no favors with the play calling. Against BC IF brady is still out, game plan for the run game we can do, or airlift in some big bruisers......we have ratio flexibility
  4. People maybe don't realize accepting a PR position in a different country far from home and familiar faces for little pay is a pretty tough decision for any player to make. Players who are overly confident in their ability might gamble that the next opportunity to play pro football will come along shortly, others won't have the confidence to make that decision and accept whatever is offered. Rivers has a taste of fame on his resume which might open doors others don't have access to.
  5. Today
  6. Glad Smith is back. Fayed at least its something although I believe he has a few games experience with Toronto.
  7. With the hash mark change you always have windows to complete passes in the cfl now. If you throw as the wr breaks to the side line and lead them it can’t defended if executed properly. Qbs are up to 75% completion now. We aren’t running good schemes for sure, but we are running much of what we usually run. Yeah. Touch on the ball can become fickle with age and hand injuries. Khari lost it and that was his real trade mark skill.
  8. People seem to be forgetting that he had better protection and healthy receivers last year and had a LOT of games where we noticed the same troubling signs.
  9. At this point rotate guys through rush end until you find an impact guy. Can’t really know from practice with such little full contact. You can tell pretty quick in games if guys have the burst and are disruptive. If Fayad sucks…call the next guy. Collaros was acquired that week before the injury. Then started the game after vs Calgary.
  10. It is, but it’s not the entire picture. Because he’s a 36 year old multi mop multi gc winning hof bound qb. Every game qbs deal with adversity. The job is to over come it especially when you are given a chance to succeed. The bounce back in game is every thing. That’s how the position works. If you need every thing to be ideal to succeed you aren’t a starter quality qb. That’s even just football. You can’t be broken to the point you can’t succeed when the defense doesn’t beat you. There are qbs that do that. Brown did it for us in the Edmonton game last year. Crumb did it to us. Fajardo has done it. Vaj either wins bc their games or loses them.
  11. I am also not sure why you can't mourn the loss of something just because you saw it coming. We are all Bomber fans here. This season hurts so far.
  12. They are way too focused on going vertical which requires a lot from OL. On top of that some rapport between QB and receivers on where to expect ball, timing etc. That’s what Zach likes. Great if if it’s working, but completely kills passing game when it’s not. Would like to see some adjustment. Can we run some quick stuff? Do we have anyone we can screen to? Demski they do some of the tight bubble ones coming inside. Can we get the ball outside and set up some 1 on 1 situations where we can get a decent gain and maybe a bigger one with one broken tackle? Did some to Lawler vs Montreal once we were down and not moving the ball. Gotta do some work to force defenses to cover whole field and not just clog up vertical and watch us spin our wheels. Receivers are a bit of an issue too. Wilson is looking basically useless. Or they haven’t done a good job of getting him ready to actually play or both.
  13. To me it’s either, lazy because he’s here, they liked him best and didn’t care about the tc/pr evaluation, he’s basically become an old boys type guy being around, or the other two guys especially rivers did not want to come back to sit on our pr. Not a lot of good causes. I can certainly see a combination of lazy local old boys club being a factor. I can also see a guy like rivers who was one of our best ends in pre season not being willing to come up and sit on the pr. Bunch of guys didn’t get a fair shake then with reps in game why would that change now? he has been in coverage when not blitzing, that’s why he’s less visible now. he’s talented no doubt. Rivers story and accomplishments are no less impressive. I mean we had a ton of highly accomplished front 6 guys in camp.
  14. That’s true. He’s being paid to be the best. Nobody in the league can do it all by themselves though.
  15. I’d love to see an overhead view of games to see if the receivers are getting open. It seems like he’s double pumping a lot. Is that bc he’s not able to pull the trigger, the receivers aren’t open, or is the lack of protection getting in his head? Probably a bit of each, but it’s hard to tell without seeing film of the game.
  16. Fayad was the Mac Defensive player of the year in 2021 with 13 sacks and 17 tackles for loss. The guy has a motor. If he didn’t get injured at the start of training camp you would have known who he is. Very intriguing prospect.
  17. You said yourself that it was pretty much worst case scenario for him right now. Why wouldn’t you expect that to affect good accuracy or ability to make reads? There is no QB in the league capable of casting his team to wins on his own.
  18. I think its safe to say that Zach definitely doesn't have the mobility he had when he was younger. But i think if the offensive line play improves he will be fine. Some of that improvement will occur simply by having Brady Oliviera back in the lineup. I personally wouldn't pay much attention to JA if im an opposing defensive co-ordinator.
  19. 1. He doesn’t look *worse* than in Hamilton at the end or Sask, but no better either. 2. As far as I can see, if Geoff Gray still wanted to play football, he’d have probably been our starter at RG or RT out of camp
  20. I think we all agree on the point that the offensive line this season to date has been horrible. So my question is how can we really properly evaluate Zach Collaros under these conditions. Does he looks worse now then he did in late Hamilton or with the Riders? I think he will still be fine "if" we get the pass blocking situation figured out. And there's no reason right now especially with our depth of Canadian starters to settle for a bad offensive line. We've got Tui we've got American in camp. Another question i have is would Geoff Gray not be superior to Paddy Nuefeld at this point and would we not consider giving him a call?
  21. I don’t believe they do. Unfortunately they don’t have the depth to back up the front 4 either lol
  22. Do they have the LB depth to back that up? Cole was largely invisible last game for some reason, everytime I thought I saw him it turned out to be Kramdi making plays.
  23. Head and shoulders the most effective ST player last game, bad choice.
  24. Sometimes it looks like we don't know what the hell we're doing and now are just retreading it......Certainly there was better talent cut but the guy running the show has gone brain-dead
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