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Head Shots


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15 hours ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

Football needs to adjust it's culture before society adjusts it for them.  The toll of the game is enormous for the participants and the concept of destroying an opponent by using max. force and intimidaton is outdated and is no longer tolerated in any other team sport. 

The object of tackling is primarily to stop an opponent from advancing the ball, not to try to kill or maim them. Football is  a strategic game it needs to emphasis the movement of the ball, the speed and skills of the game more and the big hits less. It can survive if they acknowledge, accept and adjust the rules of the game that need to be made and do not fight against them.

If every check thrown in hockey was done to create max. damage to the opponent it would destroy the flow of the game and the skilled players that advance the sport would have very short careers.

Concussions also happen to the aggressor because he leads with his head. At the grassroots level we are trying to rectify that but sometimes the pro level can do a huge in-service to us as our players watch these pro defenders lead with their head to get the kill shot where all they needed to do was rip, wrap and roll.

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On 2018-06-25 at 10:26 PM, JuranBoldenRules said:

Don’t want to blame the victim but the only one of the 3 involved in the hit who changes trajectory is Ray.  Appears to me he’s trying hard to get to the turf once he knows he’s done for the play as he often does and ends up in an awkward position.  Would have taken a big hit without putting himself on the turf but probably would have taken most of the impact in his torso rather than the top of his head if he took the tackle.

I thought the same thing tbh and that's another reason why I'd say it's not so much a cheap shot but just one of those football plays..

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