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Posts posted by KptKrunch

  1. Coming back against BC after the the thumping we took in Edmonton gives me some real hope and speaks to the character of this team. something that has been sorely lacking for a few seasons. I put this all on MOS, the coaches and the fact that the TEAM has bought into the philosophy and the system. This is no small feat IMHO, no prima-donnas, no Swaggerville nonsense or individual chest-thumping. Just genuine team effort where everyone holds themselves accountable. Yeah we have some issues, every team does, I'm confident they will be handled as best as can be. I'm not planning The Parade yet, but so far so good, I think.


    Haha - glad I'm not the only one. In fact I think my attitude on here (ourbombers) when Swaggerville was in full swing was what, for some reason, caused a lot of members there (now here) to for some reason hate me for MY opinion on the matter. I hated Swaggerville - couldn't stand it. The team was acting like a bunch of jerks and after that 7 - 1 start boy did it ever bite them in the ass big time. 


    I like this team much better. I don't mind celebrations when you make a big play, but be humble about it - which for the most part they are (as humble as the next team anyway). It's nice to be a 'proud' bomber fan again. Folks didn't understand how embarrassing that Swaggerville crap was outside of Wpg. Once the wheels fell off though, I think some got it. 


    That was pretty classless by Chamblin to throw a challenge up 37-9 late in the 4th quarter.


    That was pretty classless by Chamblin to throw a challenge up 37-9 late in the 4th quarter.

    And to run a safety blitz as well up by the same score. That was classless. He's an arrogant & cocky coach when he's winning.



    That's Chamblin's MO - and Sask's in general over the last few years. They've ran the score up on us a few times to be sure. One thing I want to see, if we are in a position to hammer them, we do - don't let up. O'Shea needs to coach to the final whistle, doing all the same shite that Chamblin does - as in throwing challenge flags and blitzing the QB late in a game that's already decided. I'd love to hear what Chamblin would say in the post game presser. 


    Problem is - won't happen. And not because we can't blow them out (I think we can) but because O'Shea has something they don't have in Sk - Class. 

  3. Their oline / pass blocking was horrible. A bunch of times our guys got to him without being touched. Kevin can be deadly but we had him running for his life which shakes him up. The second interception he threw was horrible. No one even near where he threw it. It was like he panicked and through it down field.


    About that second pick - I think the person who blew that one was Benevides. On the replay it sure looked like the DB (I think it was Johnson) had a hold of the Lion receiver wasn't allowing him to release to the ball, so that made it look like Glenn threw the ball right to Kuale - watch the replay of it again - see if you can pick it up. It was the second replay they showed I believe, the one from the end zone camera, that showed the bomber DB holding on to the BC receiver. 


    What about Brohm? Why isn't he sneaking? He's a big man and no knee issues that I'm aware of. It's not like he has to sprint. So far this year, we are, by far, the worst QB sneak team. They gotta work on that.


    You're not allowed to use superlatives anymore.


    The erroneous application/prediction with the word romp disqualifies you.




  5. I'm not writing them off yet. We've seen that team have much worse starts only to turn it around later on and win a Grey Cup at home.

    Besides, it was just 12 hours ago that everyone thought they were on their way to doing just that. I'm giving the Bomber D some credit. They shut down a couple better qbs already. Just not Troy Smith for some odd reason...


    I wouldn't say 'everyone' but I certainly felt after their last two weeks, and the bombers last two games, that B.C. was ripe to tie the bombers with a 3 - 2 record and I was just hoping we weren't blown out. Great to see that after (literally) getting ***** slapped by the Eskimos (especially the offense - the D was fine I thought) that we were able to bounce back and put it to the Lions on "Geroy" night. Guess the team let Geroy down lol

  6. The Stamps haven't lost Rene Paredes to the NFL & he's been the best kicker in the CFL the past 3 seasons. As soon as we have some sunshine, someone always talks about rain.

    This - people are getting way ahead of themselves. There's lots of "Paredes" and "LIrims' in the NFL - lots of them. Though you never know both could go one day - I do know Lirim would need to be this consistent for about three or four years before the NFL would take serious notice. 


     going shotgun on second and short is a bad move. 

    It's not though and here's why - As a play caller in that situation you're giving your QB a chance to make a play while trusting him not to make a poor decision. As a play caller you go into shotgun on second and inches with the thought that the WORST thing that's going to happen is you're going to be facing third and inches on the next play. If there's a play to be made on second down, make the throw. If not (which clearly there wasn't) you throw the ball away and take your sneak on third down and start over again. You do not under any circumstances take the sack, which was the result of Reilly hanging onto the ball to long. The play call was fine. The protection was good from the line. It was a very simple, basic football decision that Mike Reilly got wrong.


    Hence why it's a bad call. Reilly has been struggling all year - even last week he didn't get 200 yards passing. Eskies Defense has been winning everything. At that point you get the first down, going into shotgun formation on 2nd and inches isn't fooling anyone. Not me, not the 80 year old guy sitting in front of me, and certainly not Hufnagel and the Calgary Stampeder Defense. Totally unnecessary risk (though I agree 100% he should have just chucked the ball out of bounds if the play wasn't there). 



    Key is to shut down B.C's run game and force Glenn to throw a lot more. Can we do that? No, we can't. I don't think we can anyway. B.C. wins in a romp I think. 


    Logic says routing teams two weeks in a row is not in BC's favour.  They had last week.  This game will be closer than you think.


    Some people are just needlessly negative. If only this team was as good as Edmonton... siiiggghhhh the esks are sooooo dreamy.....


    What are you talking about? 


    Key is to shut down B.C's run game and force Glenn to throw a lot more. Can we do that? No, we can't. I don't think we can anyway. B.C. wins in a romp I think. 


    Logic says routing teams two weeks in a row is not in BC's favour.  They had last week.  This game will be closer than you think.



    Hope you're right! I hope it's us that routes them actually so we can tie for first again, but I gotta feeling........................

  10. I thought the dumbest call was in the second half, when the Esks could hang on to the ball, had second and short, but went shot gun, telegraphed they were passing, and Reilly got sacked and subsequently had to punt. I liked the fake punt call - they were only stopped one half yard short and from the replay I saw I thought it was a bad spot (on the big screen as I was at the game). 


    On a sadder note, the 50/50 draw went up to over $349,000. Yes, that's correct. If you heard boo's in the crowd half way through the fourth, it was the announcement that the 50/50 would not be drawn at the game due to the overwhelming demand. Of the 40k + in attendance, my guess is about 15k saw the whole game (those of us who got our 50/50's early). The rest saw half a game if they were lucky the 50/50 was lined up everywhere. People waited over an hour to buy their 100 bucks worth of tickets.


    And no, yours truly didn't win. I would have donated some of it to the winner of the contest here at the end of the year too - an Eskimo Jersey with Chris Jones' name on the back - so it could be burned in effigy at a fugure playoff game between the two teams in Wpg. Oh well :(

  11. I liked how Suitor pointed out the enigmatic Chad Johnson, and on the next play (it was a quick slant) Johnson didn't even break on the snap of the ball. The ball was snapped and it was almost two seconds before Johnson started moving, then when the pass was completed, he almost looked like he was going to block but then said 'fack it' and didn't bother. I don't know how much he gets paid, but if I'm a player on that roster and see what Chad is doing I'm thinking "why should I try if he's not"? I think Johnson is turnting into a cancer - and if the Al's are smart they'll release him prior to Labour Day (maybe when Duron Carter comes back?)

  12. I remember thought (forgot about it but when you mentioned it I remember that). I say you don't cut Renaud, you leave him on the roster. Lirim is a rookie, let him concentrate on the place kicking for now. Eventually he can be the punter that's not a problem but why rush him in now. Besides, look at the arm Renaud has lol. 

  13. The funnier thing is that he has 45 yards passing... 29 was to a blind pass to Stafford....  outside of that one big pass he had 16 yards in 3 quarters....  that's insane!  


    i also thought Dinwiddie called a very predictable run on first down and short pass on 2nd down game.  


    Know what's even scarier, they almost had double the points we did (5 vs 3). How do you get that many (?) points with that kind of offensive (read Ohhhfensive) offense. Last week was Troy Smith's best game ever in the CFL (and his receivers made some great plays too), this week not so much. 


    I said three things before the season started:


    1. Smith wouldn't make it to Labour Day (and I wondered if he's last as long as Hawkins did). I've seen nothing to make me change my mind


    2. Edmonton would get a Cross over spot but only if


    3. Montreal didn't release Smith to late and brought in a QB like say Drew Tate to right the ship. 


    But TBH, don't think it will happen this year. I think Montreal will ride Smith out as they have no choice, though he may lose his job to Marsh by Labour Day. Next year Smith will be back in the US doing promo engagements with his Heisman Trophy, and Drew Tate will be in Montreal. 

  14. That is pretty scary since they have been talking about Reilly's weight gain around here since May. 


    Bottom line is this folks - The Eskimo's play a very very aggressive defense. They play a lot of man to man and jam the receivers as much as they can. The only way a team is going to have success against them is if they are physical right back. That's why I'm looking forward to the Eskimo game with the Stamps next week. The Stamps have very physical receiver who won't back down from the fight. 


    The bomber receivers backed down big time. This was the root cause. That's scary - I expect another blowout loss now (next week) in B.C. as they too have a physical defense and will feast on the bomber offense again. Not Willy's fault though - I think he's doing all he can. Not much he can do when the receivers wilt and the Oline caves in to the pressure.

  15. At the end of the day, I don't mind the loss (we weren't going 18-0) .. the thing that bothers me is that the game wasn't competitive .. it wasn't entertaining .. the team that took the field last night evoked memories of 2013.


    I disagree here. As an Edmonton resident and an Esks season ticket holder (but still a Bomber fan) this wasn't 2013 redux. The Eskimo defense is a monster, they are getting stronger every single week. They won the first three games for them, and one could argue they won yesterday too (Willis's TD in the 1st quarter was the winning points). Look how bad Burris looked? Hamilton's Qbs? And look at how we jibbed Kevin Glenn in week one. 

    This is not a fluke. Watch the Stamps/Esks game next week, you'll see. Not saying the Esks will win, but you'll see a humbled Stampeder Offense that I guarantee. Wpg didn't play bad, Wpg was outplayed and outclassed. They'll be ready for the re-match. 

  16. I knew we were hooped, watching the opening kickoff....as Cotton misjudged, droped, fumbled around, and then fell down untouched.....


    I gotta wonder here - was he stoned? Seriously, a pro football player to bumble around like he was doing, something was off with him. That is not the Paris Cotton I saw in pre-season or in the game last week on kick returns. He did have nice run for the last play of the game, but those were garbage yards as the Eskies were in a prevent defense with no one near the line of scrimmage past the line. I really hope the dude was stoned TBH, at least that's a good excuse. Did you hear Matty's comment - "He needs glasses". Something was way off there, more to it than 'gaffes"


    Well - I hate to say I told you so, but I did. I told you the Eskimos were getting better week by week,and the bombers were getting worse, and this game proved who the real undefeated team is. Our D did play great though, I'll give them that. The Eskies had to earn every yard, and they did. The bombers weren't interested in playing hard, and you have against that tremendous Eskie Defense, and the game score was very deserving to both teams. 

    Still stoked though - as we're still 3 - 1, and the young bombers will learn. I never expected them to make the playoffs (I was hoping for 7 wins). So I'm still proud to be a bomber fan :)

    This team is so far ahead of last year. The Esks won't go 18-0, matter of fact, I think they may be hard pressed to be 9-9 but last night they were the better team on the field. We have a young team with still a few holes to fill, a young qb who will improve with experience so for me, it's all good. Give this team a year & we'll be right up there with the Stamps & Riders.



    Yep for sure Iso - so much to look forward to now. There'll be other bad games too yet, and some great ones. Even in the CFL it's hard to go from worst to first overnight. If someone told me before the year started that we'd be challenging for a playoff spot this year, I'd have been happy (playoffs even better and we can cross over). I think the Eskies are where we'll be next year. Only difference is the Esks weren't well coached last year especially their Defense. Reilly is the real deal but I do agree - 9 and 9 would be realistic here. 


    True test for the Esks is next Thursday Iso - Stamps are in town (as you know). Here's something you may not know though - 50/50 - which was 72 grand, went unclaimed. So it's being added to Thursday's game. I figure the 50/50 will be north of 200K this week. If you ever wanted to see a Stamp/Eskie game in Edmonton - this Thursday is the time to do it :)


    Well - I hate to say I told you so, but I did. I told you the Eskimos were getting better week by week,and the bombers were getting worse, and this game proved who the real undefeated team is. Our D did play great though, I'll give them that. The Eskies had to earn every yard, and they did. The bombers weren't interested in playing hard, and you have against that tremendous Eskie Defense, and the game score was very deserving to both teams. 

    Still stoked though - as we're still 3 - 1, and the young bombers will learn. I never expected them to make the playoffs (I was hoping for 7 wins). So I'm still proud to be a bomber fan :)


    It was a hard fall back to Earth for Bomber fans but I'll be happy if they make the playoffs.



    Me too - I think the outcome was the best possible. We got blown out - but not embarrassed Sometimes you believe your own hype. I'm not worried - I know we'll bounce back. It's only one game :)

  19. Well - I hate to say I told you so, but I did. I told you the Eskimos were getting better week by week,and the bombers were getting worse, and this game proved who the real undefeated team is. Our D did play great though, I'll give them that. The Eskies had to earn every yard, and they did. The bombers weren't interested in playing hard, and you have against that tremendous Eskie Defense, and the game score was very deserving to both teams. 

    Still stoked though - as we're still 3 - 1, and the young bombers will learn. I never expected them to make the playoffs (I was hoping for 7 wins). So I'm still proud to be a bomber fan :)

  20. In the last minute of the  Montreal game, the Blue Bombers scored a touchdown and missed the 2 pt convert.


    On the subsequent kick off, Lumbala takes a knee and then gets up and returns for 16 yards.  


    I know kneeling by the QB is the end of the play, and kneeling in the endzone would immediately give up a safety or rouge.  To me, kneeling on the kickoff in play should result in a dead ball (as per Rule 1 Section 4 of the rule book):


    "• When a ball carrier is on the ground and, in the judgment of the official, is not

    attempting to advance the ball, the official shall immediately declare the ball dead."



    Now, the reason I bring this up is our actions on the 2nd to last play of the game.  With 6 seconds left, Troy Smith throws a pass to Brandon Whitaker for 7 yards to the Wpg54.  Shouldn't the Bombers have let Whitaker lie on the ground for an additional second or two to run out the clock, rather than tackle the defenseless player immediately?



    IMO, if Lumbala kneeling does not trigger a whistle on the kick off, the same rules should apply to Whitaker and the whistle shouldn't blow until he's touched.  


    I could be wrong, but TBH I thought he lost his place on the field. I think he thought he was in the end zone, so he automatically dropped to one knee as I'm sure that was the instruction. Yes, you give up a single point to do down two points but you are still able to, from the 35 yard line with over a minute left - easily move into field goal range. So anyway, he dropped to one knee and then realized (official maybe said something?) that he wasn't in the endzone, he was on his 7 yard line (I think, can't recall exactly where he was but it was deep). OOOOOPPPPPPPPS - i better bet up and get my ass in gear cause I don't think coach would want to start this deep. 

    You are right though, when he kneeled he's giving himself up. In the end zone they usually blow it dead right away once he does it but I've seen the official blow the whistle only after the kneeler is touched. But that could be a coincidence as usually they run around bit - even when they are behind on the score board... which I never understood. 

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