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Posts posted by KptKrunch

  1. We don't know what Miller does behind the scenes. He may be real effective but does so in anonymity because we don't see him everyday. I think the less we see of him the better the team is doing. I would like that golf course made into a parking lot but the U of M has other plans. You'd think they'd be willing to forego some of that land to be used for parking but these are academics in ivory towers we're talking about here... They have other plans. 


    Truer words could not have been spoken - we don't need to know what he's doing or how he's doing it. Last time that happened, the team was in a shambles. How does Calgary run? Edmonton? Saskatchewan? You never hear about their background office stuff either (very rarely anyway). 

  2. Might of been said earlier but in the 3rd quarter there was an Ottawa block on a rushing (Sewell maybe but I couldn't see the number) eskie lineman that was  blatant hands to the face - the Ottawa lineman had both hands on his helmet and was pushing his head straight back - far far worse than the second one Howard was called on when Romby romped to the end zone. I knew cause Ford was showing a replay of it and circled it and called it a great block. WTF - I'm so confused now about this penalty. 


    Edmonton's offense is not that good - correct there it's all defense.


    Carter should be cut after they bring in Jade (is he playing in junior somewhere?) Etienne - they'll need a National replacement for him but yeah, he was B-R-U-T-A-L

  3. Well I voted below average but only because MB isn't doing enough to relieve the pressure from the (lack of) Oline to give Willy some more time/space as well as the RB's. One thing a lot of you are forgetting, and I posted it back in pre-season, but a famous quote from ex Wpg coordinator and Eskie head coach Kavis Reed - when two years ago he exclaimed in the dressing room "No one will see us coming". 


    I said that because I didn't know what to expect any more than the other 8 CFL teams did. 


    Well, no more 'surprises'. There's enough film on the Blue - both O, D and ST's, that the other teams can now 'prepare' for us better. Ray showed it really well as despite our vaunted pass defense (and we still kept him to under 300 yards) he was able to complete passes at will against us - not so much on game one. 


    MB has to realize the DC"s in the league are on to him now, and on to Willy's patterns. He's gotta mix it up a bit more now. Do some things that no one is expecting. Go back to the "no one will see us coming" phase. Right now, everyone knows what we're doing - and it shows. 

  4. I also would love to hear what people thought about that PI call last night.


    They really screwed themselves with that one. The league has really opened the floodgates on PI challenges now.

    Well, I get crap around here a lot because I always look at calls from an objective point of view. If you're holding, you're holding - it doesn't matter the colour of your uniform or whether or not I'm cheering for that colour. Both the 'illegal hands to face' penalties were, for example good calls (bad on Howard, but the officials got it right). 


    On the PI (which luckily cost us nothing) Suitor was 100% right. It was a poorly thrown ball, and Bucknor did absolutely nothing to prohibit the receiver to go to get it. All Bucknor did, as per Suitor, was go after it too - which he has a right to. Yes, it looked like he had his hand on the receivers back, and he definitely 'pushed' him a little bit for sure - but it's a game of contact and that happens all the time. 


    TBH - if the live official thought that was PI and threw the flag, I'd have a hard time overturning it. But, the live official was fine with the contact, he had the best view point. So why some dingledorf in Toronto decided to overturn it....... wow just wow. 


    You're right, it could open the floodgates, as you call that PI, then you could call PI on pretty much 90% of the incomplete passes there are when a defender is in the immediate vicinity. 


    Big black mark on the CFL there - obviously they wanted Toronto to win this game. 

  5. Cotton seems so out of sync when he's in. Im so tired of our O-line, our Run game, and run defence...

    That's what I've been saying. Our running game (or lack thereof) has absolutely nothing to do with Grigsby. Cotton does no better. It's the entire scheme, and the personal of the Oline (who get manhandled regularly at the LOS) that is our Achilles heel, not the running back. We could have better, yes. But better won't solve the problem. 

  6. Well, I said it in the preseason and my first two RB picks were for teams playing against us. Our D is very small, and very susceptible to the run, has been all year. It's built to handle the pass. When it's cold, the wind is blowing, and the footing is bad, wow - we'll give up 400 yards on the ground, you watch. 


    But hey, still a far better team than last year. Don't forget, we only had 5 days rest PLUS Toronto is coming off a bye! Not that the schedule makers will know the record in advance but that's a setup to fail game if I ever seen one (I hope most of you were smart enough in the pickems' to take Toronto btw - easiest game of the week to call). Why would a 'bye' team play a team from a 5 day rest is beyond me, but it is what it is I guess. 


    Worst thing - I took Ray in Fantasy Football no realizing until later it was his game against B.C. that counts - I kept him though 'cause B.C. craps the bed usually when they head out east - and I doubt Glenn can have two good games in a row. Ray can. Even on a short rest






    Cotton was no better in the few carries he had.

    He had one carry in the game against SK, and 4 against Ham.  That's hardly enough to judge him on how well he runs the ball.



    You totally miss what I said, didn't you. When he got the ball, the defenders were in the backfield with him - hence why he only has the carries he has. My point is this my friend - you could bring any RB in the world and plop them in the Bomber backfield - if he gets the ball and is looking into the whites of the eyes of the defender - he ain't going anywhere. Until our Oline gets stronger, and we can disguise our runs better, Cotton, Grigsby, or me. Doesn't matter. 


    Charles Roberts regularly left guys grasping for air in the backfield. Now I'm not expecting these guys on the team now to be as good as Charles Roberts, but it clearly goes to show that your "no running back would make a difference" argument is flawed. I expect a back to be able to make people miss at least sometimes, Grigsby has done it only a handful of times and seems to have a remarkable ability to run into tacklers. He's not making enough people miss and that's a problem. Cotton I think can make more people miss and can generate more yards as a result. He might get stuff for a loss too, but I bet he won't get stuffed for a loss as often., 



    Got to agree, I've never witnessed a RB get so many touches and come up with so few rushing yards as Grigsby in recent games.  In the last 3 games he has carried the ball 39 times and gained a total of 82 yds. and in two of those games his avg. carry has been just over or just under 1 yard per carry.  I repeat 1 yard per carry.  If you remove his longest runs of each of those 3 games it reduces his yards gained to 43 yds. gained on 36 carries!!! 


    I believe it was established in past discussions that the BB don't really have the worst O-line in the league and they actually fall in at about the middle of the pack based on statistics.  I believe Hamilton, Edmonton, Ottawa, Toronto and perhaps BC at times have all been considered to have weaker O-lines than the Bombers.  Not one of those teams has a RB that continues to play with running stats. any where near as pathetic as Grigsby's recent numbers.  Good blocking or bad, a RB at some point has to be able to create some yards on their own and in this respect Grigsby has been a dismal failure.


    The most amazing thing is that Marcel and/or O'Shea keep calling his number as the starting tail back.  


    Well, believe it or not I'd like to see Cotton in there as a starter as well, and given at least 15 carries in a game (and 20 to 25 total touches) to see what he can do. I just feel that Grigsby is a victim of the BB's offensive scheme and lack of run blocking. 

    One thing was nice to see (though I want to see it being affective for a few more games before I consider it solved) was the short yardage plays. Looked much better against that vaunted Sk Dline and about time, as prior to that we had, by far, the worst short yardage team I've ever seen, period, by any team. 



    Poor running back and poor run blocking aren't mutually exclusive. Sure there isn't much he can do wheb too guys are on him in the backfield, but he's shown he can't break a tackle or make a guy miss in the open field.


    I"ll give you that - and I think Cotton, from what little i've seen of him, has a bit of the edge there. But I've seen Grigsby make people miss in the open field though, he even got a nice TD run doing a little stutter step. Amazing how fans remember only bad things. Bottom line is - we had no oline last year, and this year it has improved but not a lot. We still need more. 

    Here's the deal a lot of you guys are missing, a running back, even an amateur one, never loses yards, or at least very rarely loses yards. When a running back carries the ball 15 times and has 25 yard, and 17 of those came on one run, that is NOT the running back, that is the OLINE (and one could argue play calling and running schemes used). That's why I'm snickering at the 'put in Cotton' folks. It doesn't matter, and personally I like Cotton, I think he's better and can make people miss, but unless you are getting a beer every time the bombers are running, and don't have a PVR to replay it, then even a blind man can see why Grigsby isn't getting any traction. He can't, he's gotta duck and run for his life as soon as the ball is handed to him. 


    Until we get holes where our RB's can actually run through, I can't judge them. 


    no you're wrong. There were plenty of times when he lost yards because he ran sideways or hesitated in the backfield and let guys get to him there. I'm not trying to absolve the o-line here, but Grigsby is making them look worse than they are by not simply slamming the ball up in there. 



    Not wrong, my opinion from what I see when watching games. I can easily counter - there's plenty of times when both he AND Cotton are nailed in the backfield because the defender is on top of them as soon as they get the ball. Happened to Cotton on his only carry on Thursday. And I see you forgot in the one game he did have some openings, he ran for over 100 yards (Toronto game). I'm not saying that he couldn't be more consistent, and sure he makes bad decisions. Walter Payton made bad decisions too. So did Joe Montana, Doug Flutie, Wayne Gretzky, Bobby Orr, etc. etc. My point? NO ONE is perfect - (well, 'cept for Mr Perfect lol :) ) so we can go back and forth. For every mistake you can come up with he made, I can come up with a good decision he's made. If they do start Cotton - you'll see what I mean. 

  9. Poor running back and poor run blocking aren't mutually exclusive. Sure there isn't much he can do wheb too guys are on him in the backfield, but he's shown he can't break a tackle or make a guy miss in the open field.


    I"ll give you that - and I think Cotton, from what little i've seen of him, has a bit of the edge there. But I've seen Grigsby make people miss in the open field though, he even got a nice TD run doing a little stutter step. Amazing how fans remember only bad things. Bottom line is - we had no oline last year, and this year it has improved but not a lot. We still need more. 

    Here's the deal a lot of you guys are missing, a running back, even an amateur one, never loses yards, or at least very rarely loses yards. When a running back carries the ball 15 times and has 25 yard, and 17 of those came on one run, that is NOT the running back, that is the OLINE (and one could argue play calling and running schemes used). That's why I'm snickering at the 'put in Cotton' folks. It doesn't matter, and personally I like Cotton, I think he's better and can make people miss, but unless you are getting a beer every time the bombers are running, and don't have a PVR to replay it, then even a blind man can see why Grigsby isn't getting any traction. He can't, he's gotta duck and run for his life as soon as the ball is handed to him. 


    Until we get holes where our RB's can actually run through, I can't judge them. 



    Cotton was no better in the few carries he had.

    He had one carry in the game against SK, and 4 against Ham.  That's hardly enough to judge him on how well he runs the ball.



    You totally miss what I said, didn't you. When he got the ball, the defenders were in the backfield with him - hence why he only has the carries he has. My point is this my friend - you could bring any RB in the world and plop them in the Bomber backfield - if he gets the ball and is looking into the whites of the eyes of the defender - he ain't going anywhere. Until our Oline gets stronger, and we can disguise our runs better, Cotton, Grigsby, or me. Doesn't matter. 


    Grigsby's a great receiver out of the backfield, but that's not the same skill set as running accurate patterns and getting open.  As I've said before... I blame the lack of a running game more on the O line than the RB's.

    That's selective reasoning at best. Yes some times the running game fails because of the o-line... but other times it fails because the back isn't good enough at getting away from people. Sometimes a back has to take it upon himself to make something out of nothing, Grigsby doesn't do that. 



    A lot of his losses I see are because we telegraph our running plays to well, and are far to predictable in our sets. I'm about 95% when we run and I don't 'study' film. More often than not when Grigsby gets the hand off he's looking into the whites of the eyes of at least one defender. When he gets space he does well. Cotton was no better in the few carries he had. I know we want to see him, I do too. But in the little action he's had, he's done no better, nor would Messam, Ford, Pringle, Reaves (best bomber RB ever), Roberts, etc. You can't make a move when you have zero seconds to think. 


    The Bombers need to be better at disguising their runs and in properly maintaining their blocks. But as I mentioned, we're just starting this rebuild here, and our oline needs a lot of work. I'm not surprised this is happening. We still have a long way to go. Only bad thing is we're in the West this year - if we were in the East, if we beat Toronto Tuesday you could have started buying Eastern Final tickets on Wednesday. But due to the inbalanced schedule, when Toronto gets healthy and Hamilton starting to play a lot better, I don't think we get in the playoffs. 

  12. I watched the piece on Grigsby, was a little confusing but i guess it's pretty hard to argue against him being one of the best athletes in the CFL, they guy last year was playing baseball for the twins organization, this year he's playing football.. Can say what you want about the guy but... to be able to play 2 different sports like he has done tells you he is a damned good athlete. 4.34 40 time too, The guy is a damn good athlete, is he the best? That's hard to say actually.. but if that piece did anything, it showed that he is a damn good athlete... Not sure about the best but probably right up there with the best in the league. 


    I'd take Chad Owens as the best athlete over anyone hands down. He's a MMA fighter - 'nuff said. Baseball...... ?????? Have you seen Prince Fielder or Bartolo Colon? 

  13. Never seen such a winnable game be lost. Wow.


    I liked this - but had to quote it. Road (I love Justin Goltz the greatest QB ever) griller - the sky is was always blue for you last year. All it takes is a few wins eh? Why do I like this post - 'cause last year, and even the year before that - no one would have have ever posted that about us. We were only valid for one win last year, and only a couple the year before that. We were playing the defending champs who are putting it together, and were in it till the very end. 


    Great teams find ways to win - and though we all hate them, I gotta call a spade a spade. Sk is a great team. 


    We weren't a team last year period. Justin Goltz - phhhhlease. We saw how that turned out. As I mentioned in the olineman thread - if I told you in May we'd be 5 and 2 right now - you'd have been soooo happy that the only way you'd be happier if J.Goltz was the starter in those 7 games. 


    I think it's great - not that we lost, but that in one year, we've gone from a team that most nights didn't deserve to be on a junior football league field, to a team that played the defending Grey Cup Champs to the end and almost beat them.


    We still have a looooooooooooong way to go but we're FINALLY on the proper road to get there! 


    Last year he was a dominating pressence at the tackle spot, I believe he even played left tackle for a few games. This year he didn't do so well in preseason and is on the practice roster behind Knapp and Howard. I find Knapp is quick enough but gets pushed around a lot at tackle. On Willy's fumble last night he was sacked by Howard's man and after Howard got beat he stood around and watched while the ball bounced free. January got schooled by Chick again. We sorely need last years Jones to help that oline.

    Lots of O line personnel get schooled by Chick...not just ours.



    Yeah, I just watched this game. Picked SK to win so wasn't surprised. Why (did I pick them to win)? Easy - defending Grey Cup champs against, by far, the worst team in the league - last year. Boy, have we ever come a long way from last year, and 5 - 2 (now) is as sweet now as it would have been if I told you we'd be 5 - 2 after 7 games in May. 


    Coach - not sure on your comment here? What does that prove? Chick is, arguably, the best dlineman in the CFL. He'd school any tackle in this league, so what's your point. You're a half empty guy?


    Blitzmore - gets it - glass half full guy. I don't care about the the one on one battles - they are the Grey Cup Champs - and are a superior team to us. So what? Last year this game would have been over by the 10 minute mark. 


    Can't wait till Labour Day - you can bet Drew will have something to prove after this game.  

  15. Who have the Riders beat Hamilton, Argos and Ottawa. I love a certain poster on here is saying that the Bombers are lucky on Riderfans and that they have beat no one.


    Now this, I don't get? Well, I kind of do because it's Rider fans and they can be a bit low in the IQ department. Last year, it didn't matter who we played, cause WE were the garbage team (and this so called 'garbage' team kicked their everloving a$$es all over IGF in our only home win of the year last year). 

    What a bunch of ignoramuses they are. A win is a win is a win - and I wouldn't call Hamilton 'garbage' they've been improving every week, just got off to a very shaky start. Ottawa - very motivated in their first ever game (as expected). Montreal - they were coming off a win and also very motivated.


    Sk has looked like garbage more than once this season, but I wouldn't call them a 'garbage' team. Bombers are full value for their 5 - 1 record (including the loss they got their a$$es kicked by the 'smos that wasn't a "oh if we got this call or made this catch" type of game). What I mean by that - as much as they deserved to lose to Edmonton, they deserved to win the other 5 games.


    I have half a mind (I know I know too much credit I'm giving myself there) to head over to riderville and spew out some nonsense but frankly, waste of my time (i'd much rather waste it here).


    All that being said - I'm picking SK to win, but won't be the least bit surprised if we smoke 'em Thursday  

  16. Where is Adrian McPherson ?


    Now that - is the question. Good going BigBlue - and the Al's issues definitely revolve around this guy (well, him and the management that put him there). For years he was to be the 'heir apparent' and that's what they planned for. If they had a real 'heir', like a Drew Willy, or a Mike Reilly (still can't get over his being O player of the month but looking back he was the most 'consistent' I guess). So after all those years of 'grooming', he's gone, and they have, Alex Brink, and the guy I called as a bum (man I'm good if I do say so myself) in Troy Smith. My prediction before the season started, I said Montreal would be dead last unless they got themselves a QB, then they could get up into 6th place (which looks like second in the east) but as long as Troy was there they'd be bad. One game against BC, where their D won, and one game against us, where, for some unknown reason, Troy wasn't overthrowing his receivers by 20 yards, and that's it. All the other games  he literally looks like a fish out of water. 


    Edmonton (yes 17to85 go ahead lay down another smartass comment on me but it's true) did it 1000% right in the 80's (though they had the coin). It was a QB factory here - too good almost. Starting in the 70's with Moon (and Wilkie of course), Lemmerman, Allen, Dunnigan, Hamm, some vets to smooth things over than Maas, Ray the a bit of a dry spell and their fall from grace but now Nichols and Reilly. 


    Wpg has to do the same and though it's early I really like Marve. No concrete evidence for that other than the limited time in pre-season and what I read about his camp in Florida, but if Willy goes down I think Marve could be a good fill in. Not as good as Willy but he's no Brink/Elliot either. 


    Anyway - like mentioned already - why do we care about Montreal? This looks good on them. Now lets see how 'good' these Montreal football fans really are. Will they continue to support their team like the great fans of Wpg have been doing for the past 20 years? We'll see but I bet not - the true definition of 'fair weather' fans in good ole Montreal 

  17. I agree that this could be Smith's last game. Atomic, as you say, the Argo Defense is in shambles right now, kinda like how our whole team was last year. Coincidence? If Smith can't do anything at home against the Argo D he's gotta be toast - enter Alex Brink lol. 


    I'm not saying Mtrl needs to 'win' either for Smith to keep his job. He's just got to show he can be a starting Qb as up to date all he's shown is, well, um not a heck of a lot other than against us. 


    I do not take any delight in this.  Makes the league as a whole look bad.  They need to get into Tim Hortons Field as soon as they possibly can.

    I don't take delight either but fans in other cities were sure laughing at us. Like Hamilton. Then the comments that their stadium is nicer than ours?? As it turned out, we didn't have a tenth of the issues Hamilton has had getting the thing built. We just had to wait another year & played at our old barn. While disappointing, it was a good fall back plan. Too bad Garth Buchko  had us play the first 4 games of the year on the road & just didn't move everything back into Canad Inns from the start of the season. Going 0-4 on the road killed our season. I think Buchko was the only person who couldn't tell the stadium was a year behind schedule & would never be ready that season. 



    Really? Nicer than Wpgs? Not from the mockup's I've seen Ottawa would have been close if they did both sides (they didn't) so they aren't,and Tim Hortons field looks just like a big high school stadium to me. 


    Wpg's is a thing of beauty - I may be biased but I personally think it's the best stadium in the CFL. I can't wait to see a game there. 


    Gotta keep in mind how young and inexperienced this team is. The 5-1 record belies the growing pains which are going to persist. If we keep getting wins, I can live with it.

    The wins are great while they last, but reality will intrude-maybe this next game, but win or lose, this team is one we can believe in and be proud of.



    Agree - in a couple of years if the regime stays we win a game like by 30 points. We can't put teams away right now and I don't forget Hamilton was as much to blame for the first half - they were flat flat flat. When they decided to play they made it a heck of a game but I think they almost lulled us, scratch that, they did lull us to sleep. Great learning game for the Blue and Gold - they'll improve and 5 - 1 .... sweeeeeeeeet :)

  20. Speaking of honourable mention... how about that catch by JFG on the 3 with seconds left in the game.... to hang on to the ball while getting blasted by the safety was incredible.... huge atonement for the fumble earlier... 


    As far as I am concerned ..... atonement for what? He did what I'd want him to do - and 9 times out of 10 he gets the first down, the 10th time he fumbles. Conversely, he can do a Grigsby, go down on first contact to 'protect the ball' and it's 3rd and two and 10 out 10 times we are punting. I'll take the 9 out of 10 and say he (JFG) made the right decision and #0 for Hamilton made a great football play. Players on the other team make those too - not just bomber players (as in if it was the bomber D doing that we wouldn't say the opposing receiver 'fumbled' we'd be talking about the great play our defender made in causing it - and make no mistake that's exactly what it was - he was hit at the exact right time in the right way - he's a second earlier or later or in a slightly different way he does not lose the ball).


    But I agree that's a highlight of the week catch and up there in the CFL plays of the year at the end of the season. What a find this kid was/is. 

  21. Usually there's always been at least one East team that could hang with the west, but so far this year, mostly due to injuries - there isn't. Once the Argo's get healthy again they'll be ok. And I'm not discounting Hamilton either. They're off to a rocky start but always liked Lefevour. Wpg will be a good test for him to see how far along he really is. Ottawa no depth - Mtrl - as long as Smith is there they will be the worst team in the league. 

  22. Bucknor is playing much better than Jovon Johnson did last year, and he's a Canadian. Says a lot about what a great job Walters has done upgrading the talent level.


    Bucknor is playing much better than Jovon Johnson did last year, and he's a Canadian. Says a lot about what a great job Walters has done upgrading the talent level.


    and how bad JJ has gotten (no offense to Bucknor though I agree he's been playing well). Oh, forgot, JJ is 'back' if he does say so himself. 

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