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Posts posted by mbrg

  1. Have you not seen the Cleveland baseball team logo? That isn't racist?


    I already said it was about 20 posts back.  What am I missing when you make this point?  That it is impossible for there to be 2 racist things in sports?  It's like Highlander - there can be only one!



    If Redskins was such a problem the fans of the team would of changed the name years ago.


    Using this same terrible logic I could make the following statement "If slavery was such a problem the plantation owners would have ended it years ago".



    Some one is making something out of nothing.


    Silly natives, having the nerve to tell us when we're dimishing them as a people.  You should write them a stern letter.

  2. Marve's reconstructed knees make me a bit nervous.  I don't fully understand the procedure that was done to them but with his history of injury I don't put much stock in him holding up for long.  If I was him I'd be looking for a career outside of football, his knees will thank him when he reaches 50..

    Deal.  When he turns 50 we're cutting him, no questions asked.


    The knee I had operated on feels pretty normal and functions well, way better than when I was trying to just rehab without surgery.  The other knee never got injured badly enough to deserve surgery, so it just aches all the time.  It's aching as I type this.  Having had surgery on knees is completely different these days,  AP ran for 2000 yards on his surgified knee.

  3. New Jersey Devils has a horrible offensive name for religious folks so should they not change the name?


    Some religious types were upset at the time.  They were unaware that the New Jersey Devil is a real thing (in a manner of speaking) just like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.


    These people made up their minds without knowledge or context.  If you don't want to be like those people, take the time to aquire knowledge and learn the context.



    Google search image Redskins and you will see a tonne of NFL logos.


    And what is depicted on the logos when you image search Washington's football team?  Daffodils?  Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr an ethnic group singled out by the colour of their skin?

  4. I have no doubt that Willy and Hall are locked in at 1 and 2. I have no reason to believe that Brohm will beat out Marve for number 3 because of his "NFL experience."

    Ideally the better man wins the job. Today, it was Marve by a long shot. Tomorrow, it may not be.

    The most likely scenario coming out of camp will be Willy as starter, Hall as backup, Brohm and Marve fighting for that 3rd spot, Yantz gets some good press clippings.  Perhaps the 4th guy sticks on the PR or IR if he shows enough.


    The less likely scenario is Willy starts, both Brohm and Marve show enough in camp that the Bombers don't feel they need Hall as a safety net to cover for everyone's lack of CFL experience and is outright released.  I don't see any scenario where Hall stays on in that 3rd spot.


    Brohm does not have any kind of an advantage over Marve at this point.  Trading for him carries no weight.  NFL experience carries no weight.  Neither of these things make him the better player, and the better player will get the job.

  5. Fighting Irish is way more offensive they should focus on that

    For the sake of discussion, because this has been interesting, I'll ask: how do you figure?


    The student population used to have a lot of Irish decendents, I have no idea what ratio they make of the student body these days.  I'm guessing Golden Tate isn't purely Irish.


    I'm reasonably confident that "fighting" is meant as resilient, as in to not give up.  Not fighting as in "these drunk irishmen constantly fight and should be sent back to potatoland and are of no use to society".  But have at er.  Your opinion is your opinion, I'm curious how you formed it.

  6. Loooooooooooooooooooong gone are the days when I engage in back and forth arguements on discussion boards.  If i've explained my opinion on something clearly and you feel no compulsion to change yours, even when moving into areas that are more factual than opinion based, oh well.  Prepare shoulders for shrugging annnnnd.....engage.  Now back to life.

  7. #Bombers QB Drew Willy says if there is a CFL strike he'll make sure the players get together to work out somewhere in Wpg. #bn

    — Ed Tait (@WFPEdTait)

    May 28, 2014



    Nice leadership statement coming from our new QB.   Wonder what facility they would be able to get to practice in.   Are all the players still flying in?  Who is paying for their flights if there is a strike?

    More importantly, will they get in some strength training cleaning up dead elms on my yard?  Anything less shows a lack of committment to fitness.

  8. The issue here isn't one of "subsidy" but rather one of "surcharge"   The Bombers are willing to pay full regular price for transit on behalf on their customers.  If you take the bus to the Library, it's $5.10 return.   If you take the bus to work, it's $5.10 return.  If you take the bus to the university, it's $5.10 return.  If you take the bus to a Jet game, it's $5.10 return.  


    I don't think that taking a bus to a Bomber game should cost more than $5.10 return, regardless of who is paying the bill.

    And that is what it would cost if you just took the bus the regular way, but because the Bombers offer free game day bus service they have to enter into an agreement with transit.  So if the Bombers ended that agreement and told fans to take the bus the regular fare-paying way, then handed them a five dollar bill when they got off the bus at the stadium, they would save that half million per year.  The visual on that is a bit off-putting - handing out money on the street as a means of saving money because of civic government decisions.


    I don't think the city owes the Bombers any special treatment.  On the other hand, what is the purpose of transit?  To move the citizens of Winnipeg around for a minimal cost, to move them around with a minimal environmental impact, and to keep drunks from getting behind the wheel, among other reasons.  Why do these reasons not apply for transit riders going to Bomber games?  These bus rides still meet all those criteria and still serve the citizenry of Winnipeg.


    The telling point to me is that transit agreed to reducing the rate for the Bombers, presumably for those very reasons, and the City choose to overrule transit's decision.  The buses don't serve the Bombers, they serve the citizens of Winnipeg.  This seems like a terrible decision and one that has Katz's spite at it's roots.



    I'm not a huge fan of Asper, but I have no problem with Brock Bulbuck.

    Atomic are you sure about those term dates? I thought Aspers time on the BOD was up soon.


    Term length is 3 years.  Members can serve only 2 consecutive terms, unless they are a chair, vice chair, or past chair.  Then they can serve 4 terms back-to-back (12 years).  It is unclear when Asper's term began but I believe 2012 is correct, making 2024 the last year he is eligible.



    They can only serve the additional two terms if they remain Chair, Vice-Chair or Past Chair during that time. If they don't then the limit is two terms.



    Sam's a slimebag but there are 2 slimebags running the Bombers too.  Sam Katz is on his way out, but the Bombers are stuck with David Asper and Brock Bulbuck until 2024.  Term limits don't mean a whole lot when they last 12 years... at which point I'm sure the bylaws will be re-written again so the terms can be extended.


    Have you ever met Brock Bulbuck? I have and he's the farthest thing from a slimebag as you can get. He's brought in more positive changes to the BoD than any other chair (ie term limits, public nominations, etc). 


    This is the internet.  Saying bad things about people you've never met is considered par for the course.  By some.

  10. Iso, I appreciate cynicism as much as the next guy, but for a change of pace, let's just be happy that a guy who had a stand-out CIS career gets a chance to practice with some pros. Just take a second and be happy for the guy.

    Look at it this way, growing up the job of quarterback is typically given to the better athletes.  The Bombers get a free look at a great athlete.  Even if he never plays a down at that position in the CFL he might still play in the CFL.  The Bombers now get a few weeks to assess his talents, see where his attributes might fit in (receiver? safety?), get a sense of where his head is at and what his football IQ is and establish a relationship.  This will be far more useful than 15 minutes of talk time at the combine.  Nothing may come of this, but nothing bad will come of it.  Maybe they decide to use their 7th rounder on him next year because of what he shows here.


    Brown is a racial name for east Indian people.

    Fighting Irish is also a pretty harsh name that should be changed.

    The Cleveland Indians not only have a racist logo, they aren't even depicting the correct people. It should be The Cleveland Natives.

    Tonnes of teams can be looked at and scrutinized.



    ...and Doug Brown is a massive racist for not changing his name.


    You can't remove the context.  The context is the whole point.


    Redskins didn't exist as a term before it was invented as an insult.


    I'm sure there are corners of the internet where people call some race "browns" to insult them.  I can assure you with absolutely no doubt at all that Cleveland's football team isn't a reference to this.


    I can also assure you that a quick look at the logo on the side of Washington's helmets will remove any doubt that there is a second definition to "Redskins" that we're missing.


    I find this all quite interesting and am enjoying digging thru word origins but you went very opposite day with your examples.

  12. MBRG, my contention is this is not so much about racism & I side with Rich on this. The name Redskins to me isn't about looking at aboriginals negatively. I agree that when you think about it, it's not a great name. It's actually a very bad name. If you change the name of the Redskins to something else, then every name in sports that offend people will need to be changed as well because there'll always be someone or some organization that is upset or offended.

    Like the Eskimos, Braves, Blackhawks, Fighting Irish, Seminoles, etc. They'll have to be changed. What if someone in Vancouver takes offense to the name Clansmen from Simon Fraser because they say it links the name to the KKK? Maybe someone gets offended when we use military nicknames like Warriors or Blue Bombers (named after a military plane, not Joe Louis) because they may find warfare offensive? What about animal names? Maybe PETA or some other group finds naming teams after animals offensive & will lobby to change names of teams who have them. I can go on & on. To me, it's about political correctness & trying to make everybody happy which is impossible to do. I do think the name Redskins is terrible & obviously came from a much different era than today but I'm not for changing it. If anything, I'd be for changing it just because it is a horrible & ugly name just on its own.

    I really don't care if they change the name or not.  It's ugly but the world is full of ugly.  If I'm making a checklist of things to change I doubt this ends up on it.  As for the arguement of where do you stop, who knows, but when it's this easy and obvious to figure out where to start...


    As for your examples I suppose they would each be taken individually.  Context is the key.  Redskins is simply a derogatory name for native people.  It has no other context or definition in the english language, other than the football team that decided to name itself after that same derogatory word.  The Seminoles on the other hand are a tribe native to Florida.  If Seminole translated to "smelly jerks" and these people were given that name by Columbus and were really pissed off about it, that would be a different matter.  It is simply their name.  My understanding (and lord knows that doesn't count for much) is that Florida State has a good relationship with the Seminole people and they are fine with it.  The Fighting Irish (I hope they never win another game) has always been intended as a positive attribute, not negative.  Blackhawks is a tribe and the name is used by countless sports teams.  I'm sure they don't have relations with most of those teams.  The NHL team?  Who knows.  Not every tribe will get it's shorts in a knot over this kind of thing.


    The Fighting Sioux is far more interesting to me.  I believe they intended the name in a mainly positive light and the "Fighting" aspect doesn't seem to be at issue, but whether or not the Sioux people are offended by the word Sioux is a different matter.  It's one of these words that has multiple origin stories, at least one of which is negative - that Sioux is a derogatory word used by a different tribe.  I know the people closest to here refer to themselves as Lakota, but do they get mad when someone calls them Sioux?  I have no idea.


    Context is the only rule of thumb that is of any use.  The context of Washington's team is only negative and insulting.  There is no second choice or reasonable doubt.  At some point spending all our time apoligizing for hundreds of years of colonialism is a waste of everyone's time.  History unfolded the way it did.  But I also won't pretend that one of the NFL's 32 franchises has something other than a racial slur as a name.


    And the Cleveland Indians have the most racist looking mascot in sports.  Just phase that thing out already.

  13. Depending on who you believe the Browns were either named after Paul Brown, the original coach, GM and part owner of the Browns




    Named after Joe "the Brown Bomber" Louis, and most definitely in homage of him as the greatest boxer in the world at that time.


    So where do you want to take this?  That it's option B but that the team was somehow insulting Louis?  Or that the nickname Louis had was bad and the team should have nothing to do with it?  For what it's worth I've never heard of Louis being insulted by his own nickname, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the case.  And if so, what should the Blue Bombers do, as their name is also a homage to Joe Louis, with the difference being our jerseys are blue while the Browns are brown?


    Here's a whole bunch of doors; I'm curious to see which ones you pick and why.  Extra points if you can bring this around to boxing smurfs.

  14. Wow, saying I don't agree with changing the name makes me a racist?

    Having read and re-read his post I don't see that stated or even implied anywhere.  In the off chance I'm missing it could you quote and highlight that part for me?


    My question was a genuine one - why do you feel this term, which is difficult to argue isn't negative, which most definitely and literally identifies an ethnicity by the colour of skin should be considered completely different?  And yes, I certainly hope your opinion will have more substance to it than a dislike of PC police, but it doesn't have to.

  15. It seems the players want revenue sharing because they see their big brother sports getting revenue sharing so they think they should have it.  And the fact they chose to de-link salaries from revenue when they thought it would benefit them and now want to re-link it because it will benefit them...thats just ridiculous.  Im sure every other sports' PA would have told them during the last negotiations "dont de-link".


    I hope the CFL stands firm.  If there is a hill to die on, it should be giving the PA the linkage they want.  Dont give that back.  The other sports are cash cows and even then, the linkage was a hinderance because it assumed an average revenue across the board when in fact, a minority of teams spiked the revenue up to an extent that the have-not teams had trouble with the percentage split (we see that in the NHL where some teams cant afford to get to the salary floor, let alone the cap).  In the big sports, they can afford to get away with it or do team revenue sharing.  We cant do that in the CFL.  We could easily have teams on the brink if that was the case.


    For the CFL, a concrete salary cap makes more sense.  And before this new TV deal, it made sense for the players too.  Now they want their cake and to eat it too.  Too bad. 


    I also find it difficult to believe the PA can be this stupid.  I realise it's a budget group but is there no players who took communications, labour relations, business admin etc in school who could be providing some advice?  Did they not look at the other sports and see how those PA's handled the media, public and it's policy of communications as far as the players were concerned?  Do some homework.

    Hmm, I have all those things - maybe I should go to work for the PA...


    First tip I'd have for them - in a league where you have one person propping up 2 of 9 teams and losing millions every year to do it just because he loves the CFL so much, don't try and assert that the owners are greedy.  Not a believable talking point.

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