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Posts posted by mbrg

  1. Went in, tried to sit in the end zone and watch the hogs do battle, "security" told me to go sit on the east side.  Moved over a few sections.  Not good enough.  As tempting as the full Gollum experience was, I spend enough time hidden from the sun in my office.  So I left.


    Second coldest winter in history that went on for freaking ever and they won't let people sit in the sun.


    I hope the Bombers on the field are different from last year.  The random, made up, accomplish nothing policy department hasn't changed a bit.




    How about Burmi for Mike Richards?


    Maybe LA retains some salary 

    Oh wait you were serious... Let me laugh even harder. If the Kings want out from Richards contract they'll find a taker and I'd be shocked if it wasn't a better return than having to retain salary to pick up a KHL player. 


    I don't know, that's a pretty ugly contract. He's been trending down the last three seasons and his contract pays him a lot of money until he's 35.


    yeah but there's teams with cap space who would be willing to take a chance on him bouncing back. He does have a lot of winning experience. 


    We already have a cheaper version of Richards in Ladd.  And Ladd is scoring.  Getting a non-scoring Ladd and upping his salary x1.5 is a tough sell.


    Even post-buyout Richards would not come cheap.  There is always some owner who is willing to offer a dumb contract that they will then complain about the next time the CBA is negotiated.  Cheap is the only way he fits here and someone will offer him more.  From a home town boy angle, quality 3rd line center angle, pedigree of a winner angle - all good fits.  Doubt it happens.




    Not surprised at all Kelly is showing well. He gets an undeserved bad rap around here but all he does is do what's asked of him.

    While i do agree to an extent, i dont see him as a moore or stegall (and thats fine) and he isnt expected to be at this point.. Im thinking hes supposed to be a 3rd 4th option and will be very good in that role.. also, his knowledge of marcel's offense is huge when you factor in the inexperience of our QBs..

    Not every rec needs to be a simon, bruce or milt..


    And he's a good fourth option to have. His size gives you matchup problems in the red zone and he's good to deliver a strike to running a slant or when you need a guy to break off his route at the first down marker. It's not like he has a massive case of the dropsies like many in this league have. Yes he's a slow runner but that's fine as long as you catch the ball which he does. I find most people who say they don't like him simply leave it at that and don't go into detail about what they don't like (perhaps mostly because there isn't a laundry list of things he does wrong). We could certainly do much, much worse.



    3 TD's in 24 games.  Take out his 3 biggest plays last year, and he's averaging 20 yards receiving a game.  That's while playing a lot of boundary WR, one of the primary targets of a CFL offence.  He's doing something wrong, because he was completely unproductive aside from 3 long balls down the sideline in half a season, like worse than Jade.


    Everyone was unproductive last year.


    If he's having a good camp he deserves credit for having a good camp.


    He seems best suited on the wide side which we've reserved for NIs in recent years.  At least he can do more than a Hargreaves decoy run. Or the Poblah dive for the ball and get hurt.  Lining up anywhere else on the field his value is probably lower than players we already have.  Highlight reel yet not particularly amazing is an odd combo.  Chris Brazzell 2.0?

  4. You know how this is going to play out? The week before the first regular season game the players will strike, panic will ensue, fans will be outraged, the national news media will be all over this & the CFL not wanting to piss of TSN or national sponsors, capitulates. The players won't get revenue sharing or a $7 million dollar salary cap but something similar to what Project_Legacy posted. And a neurologist. And a $5,000 signing bonus for veteran players. 

    The players get a decent CBA, the CFL doesn't lose face by having to share revenues with the players & the thing is settled. 

    Flory will implement a rotating strike.  Week 1 the players in Ottawa will sit out.  Week 2, Calgary refuses to participate.  If after 20 weeks the CFL still doesn't get the message, as many as THREE teams will refuse to participate in the playoffs.


    Flory has them right where he wants them.

  5. For a columnist people refuse to read he has a lot of readers.


    third person theater....


    mbrg reads thread title..."aw jeez, really, cmon moab, you're not the type to spew out inflammatory crap like this"....

    mbrg clicks on thread..."oh, its an article"...

    mbrg reads first two paragraphs..."it's a really shitty stupid article"...

    mbrg stops reading and scrolls down..."who wrote this piece of ****"....

    mbrg sees the name of the laziest hack writer in town..."sigh"...

    mbrg knows exactly what the next 3 pages in the thread will look like but glances at some of the posts anyways..."sigh"...

    mbrg gets a phone call and now has plans for lunch..."yippee"...


    You have Drew Edwards you lucky lucky man.  Count your blessings.

  6. Second day ... here's what is floating out there already


    -- Briggs is back practicing


    -- Goodrich, Watson and Brescacin all not practicing, Goodrich is on crutches.


    -- Bob Wylie is back

    So that means Goodrich is #73.  They don't seem to have any of the names/numbers of the junior players on the roster handouts.  Does anyone have that info?  (Yantz is obviously #13.


    I was there briefly, left for 1/2 and hour, came back for a short while and got bored.  My observations mean very little and my vantage point was probably a poor one, but here goes:


    - Willy and Hall both made some nice passes, putting the ball thru some tight lanes.  Sadly once they got near the red zone both of them got erratic.  Willy's were high and Hall's were probably best left unthrown.  Oh well.

    - Brohm threw a sideline pick, I believe grabbed by Bucknor.  Noticed him breaking up another pass later on as well.  Brohm probably threw one decent pass, the rest were relatively unexceptional.

    - Bombers almost exclusively were using those 3 QBs while I was there.  Marve handed off the ball a few times - his knee looked fine when he was doing the decoy rollout.  Yantz did not touch a ball while I was there.

    - Most of the time during my first stop there was spent on ball security drills for the RBs, with all the D trying to strip it on their runs.  Ford, Cotton and Grigsby all had some decent cuts.  Didn't notice Smith out there.  Now I know why.

    - Some passes caught by Kohlert and Feoli-G.  Nothing highlight reel but it's better than dropping them.

    - Oline committed procedure several times.  Once so bad they didn't even bother running the play.  I noticed Kowalchuk moving early on another.

    - January cut his hair.  Dan Knapp spent most of the break playing with his hair.

    - Suber broke up a diving TD attempt in the endzone.  Think it was to Kolhert, not sure, I was way at the other end of the stadium.


    That's all I got.


    Bob Young has claimed to lose $$$ every year that he has owned the team.

    Bob Young spends like a druken sailor on shore leave every year.

    I don't like this.


    Has Hamilton violated the SMS once?  


    Every team is spending within a $300,000 window on players.  If you're appalled at what Bob Young spends, you should be appalled by every team.


    The difference between the floor and the cap is about one overpaid Burris.  Player salaries would almost qualify as a fixed cost under the current system.


    The CFL is still a gate driven league and Young's losses are about a lack of stadium-generated revenue.  Not signing Laurent won't save them much money; signing him greatly increases their chances of a winning season which is still the single most successful way of increasing stadium-generated revenues.

  8. Question for anyone who understands the intricacies of the ratio in actual game use.  We've talked about starting 5 NIs on offence and 2 on defence as one option for meeting ratio requirements with that 7th NI rotating thru spots on D, OR starting 6 NIs on offence and 1 on defence.


    Is there any way that we are allowed to rotate that 7th NI thru the offence AND the defence, or is the side of the ball for those players set in stone come game time?

  9. So has football started yet?


    There's a lot of interesting information out there.  Word origins, name origins, languages, history.  That's why this thread remained interesting.  I had forgotten there was a time when people actually thought the New Jersey Devils were referencing the actual devil.  Apparently Brandon knows some people who still do.  Now you can tell them you learned the actual origin, and on a football message board of all places.


    Brandon, well, how best to explain this - when my kids are arguing with each other in a manner most childlike they always want to have the last word.  When they try that with me I don't say anything in response.  Maturity comes with adulthood.  For some much later than others.  I hope any pokes or prods contained in my responses were taken in reasonably good humour, they were not meant as insults.  You are certainly not required to care at all about any of the problems in the world or even acknowledge those problems exist.  That has largely become the platform of the republican party.


    I have no interest in having the last word.  Or the most words.  Or the loudest words.  I have great interest in finding the right words, and that will be a work in progress until I shuffle off.  mbrg out.

  10. A strong-arm QB is fun to watch.... we haven't had a QB that combines strong arm with an actual ability to play since Khari so it's nice to see a guy with potential.... when we see him play on June 9 his role will start to become more clear... 

    Learning the intricacies of QBing in the CFL takes time.  Strong arm or not, a few years holding clipboards helps all QBs.  Even Calvillo benefited from stepping back for a couple of seasons.  That said, all other things being equal I'd much rather have the QB with the strong accurate arm holding the clipboard than someone who throws weak wobblers.

  11. Not surprising, but it's still nice to keep tabs on him as Bomber fans.  If he doesn't stick he will likely still try and land on another roster.  Some players will hold out quite a while for that opportunity because once they've signed in the CFL they've closed those doors for at least the length of their contract.  If a team needs a body in November, Bilukidi can't take advantage once he's in blue and gold.  50-50 he's here in September.


    At this point in time (which is day 2)  Brohm is fighting for #2 while Marve is fighting to climb to #3.



    There is only one person on the planet who sees it that way, and I wish him a great weekend.


    As a Packers fan I still associate some warm fuzzy feelings with Brohm.  He probably had a locker right next to Rodgers.  That makes him back-up dreamy, right?


    He makes the team, great.  Marve makes the team, great.  Probably both will stick somewhere on the roster, carrying 4 QBs is the new normal in the CFL.  Everyone here is fine with either.  Everyone here minus one person is also aware that both are on equal footing right now and to put it in the terminology you're using, fighting for the #3 spot.


    You are placing high levels of importance on things that have minimal relevance.

  13. Can you name any QBs with green eyes and nordic heritage on their mother's side who shopped at Sobey's March 6th, 2013?


    You might be asking non-relevant questions.




    Can you name any qbs who had zero NFL interest walk in and claim the back up position over other guys with cfl experience?


    The NFL looks at almost every QB that comes out of college.  Your awareness of their "interest" (which is whether or not they were drafted or signed) is not a useful criteria for CFL success.  Almost every QB will spend some time on the bench learning the intricacies of the CFL.


    But if you really want a trivia answer, go look up who replaced Cliff Kingsbury, or Tee Martin, or one of the other dozen QBs with pedigree that have held the backup spot for a few weeks.  One of those answers will fit your search criteria.  I'm not going to bother because it's a waste of my time, there is no answer that will affect the reasons you have for deciding Brohm is better and should get the number 3 spot despite having not seen him throw and the tiny and probably irrelevant sample size of early reports indicating the other guy is doing very well early on and has great physical gifts.


    Most of those kind of guys sit on the bench for a year or two before seeing the field


    Oh, so you understand that if Marve makes the team he will spend years on the bench and that Brohm's single year on Hamilton's IR isn't something the Bombers will care about beyond the fact that his understanding should be further ahead than Marve's, and with that year of head start he should outperform Marve everyday in practise.  Glad to hear it.



    Marve's reconstructed knees make me a bit nervous.  I don't fully understand the procedure that was done to them but with his history of injury I don't put much stock in him holding up for long.  If I was him I'd be looking for a career outside of football, his knees will thank him when he reaches 50..

    Deal.  When he turns 50 we're cutting him, no questions asked.


    The knee I had operated on feels pretty normal and functions well, way better than when I was trying to just rehab without surgery.  The other knee never got injured badly enough to deserve surgery, so it just aches all the time.  It's aching as I type this.  Having had surgery on knees is completely different these days,  AP ran for 2000 yards on his surgified knee.

    I beg to differ. I had reconstruction of my right ACL /MCL in '93 and '98 from playing football. In 2007 after have a dozen scope they decided to remove the remainder of my loonie sized meniscus. I am 41 and taking 2 tramacet every six hours waiting for my knee replacement surgery next spring at Concordia. The problem isn't the instability it the osteoarthritis from all the trauma that becomes too much.


    I hope it goes well for you.  My guess is if the same injuries happened to you now the outcome might be greatly different.  They have gotten much better at those over the last 15 years.  Unlike us MB yokels who will largely get the same procedures done, US athletes will get their procedures done by some of the best knee guys in the world.


    Marve may have seen one of the top end guys or not; he's enough of a celebrity (all college QBs are celebrities down there) to have received medical care that likely exceeds ours.  Does that mean his knees are fine?  Probably not.  He might spend every night on the couch with ice on them while reading the playbook.  All indications are that he's running smoothly and moving well inside and out of the pocket.  That's more than Glenn's rickety knees can do.

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