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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. McGuire has not made anyone forget who's number one QB, but considering the lac of protection from the O-line and the dropsies the receivers have had, it's tough to asses him accurately.
  2. Weird about the commercials being so out of sync. Lawlor catches one!
  3. Streveler and Lawlor have not impressed so far.
  4. Sounds like a Tinder dating profile.Ought to work in Regina.
  5. Pierce was a warrior but he was injured so often and so badly that he could barely call himself an invertebrate. When he gets into his 6th decade, he is gonna make sounds like your breakfast cereal.
  6. I really hope to see Santiago in game action soon. He sounds like a Weston Dressler clone, as quick but much faster
  7. Saskatchewan has hills? May be referring to Mount Jockstrap?
  8. There will be a lot of Hurling in Regina this year.
  9. You need to see an optometrist. And get your meds adjusted. Clearly, they aren't working well.
  10. I always thought the "Drew Willy" was the past tense of sketching a male anatomical part.
  11. I suspect that Streveler will get a quarter to maybe a half and the others will split the rest.
  12. Sounds like it might have been one of my family gatherings. Or a staff meeting.
  13. It seems to me that the Riders and Alouettes, and maybe even the RedBlacks are pretty desperate for NI players this year, moreso than last.
  14. If Jake or almost any of the Bomber castoffs are will to relocate, they will certainly be scooped up by at least three other CFL teams.
  15. Yup. Sounds like he is screwed in the head. Can't accuse him of wimping out, though- he had to play behind some horrible 0-linemen and has taken a helluva beating. At some point every athlete and some non-athletes have to admit that they're done or become a pathetic spectacle.
  16. I would wager that it wasn't just the product on the field- I think it was also about the inept management making obviously dumb moves that would cripple the team for time to come. The current GM needs to be canned posthaste.
  17. The Trump people want the show trials to begin just before the serious campaigning begins so as to picture Trump, his family and cronies as victims of the "deep state".
  18. There is an understandable amount of stress and angst among Bomber fans looking ahead to this season. We were led to believe and bought into the hope that last season the Bombers finally had their poop together to take a run at the Grey Cup. After an up and down season, the team faltered following a win over the hapless Riders and imploded against the Stamps. We again find ourselves in the grip of optimism without any concrete reason to expect a different outcome. False hope is the cruelest.
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