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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. They already have in electing Trump who wants to take away what little Medicare they have under ACA, but yes, this is poised to devastate the South.
  2. Another link to a mediocre past severed. That would leave only Wheeler and Little, right?
  3. Its going to be a critical year for several Jet signings. Stanley will probably get another year in the Moose-Jet jerseys, but Niku and Rosolvic have to be on the bubble. Neither have lived up to their potentials and could be trade bait.
  4. Tulsa Police Major: We Shoot Fewer Black People Than We Ought To Reuters / Nick Oxford A white Tulsa Police Department major has attempted to deny that systemic racism exists in U.S. police forces—while also saying that he thinks cops should really be shooting more black people. Maj. Travis Yates made his jaw-dropping comments on a talk radio podcast earlier this week, according to Tulsa Public Radio. Discussing statistics that show black people are far more likely to be shot by police than white people, Yates said: “If a certain group is committing more crimes, more violent crimes, and law enforcement’s having to come into more contact with them, that number is going to be higher. Who in the world in their right mind would think that our shootings should be right along the U.S. Census lines? That's insanity.” Yates went on to say: “All of the research says we’re shooting African-Americans about 24 percent less than we probably ought to be, based on the crimes being committed.” Speaking about systematic abuse of power and racism in U.S. police forces, he said: “That just doesn’t exist.”
  5. Georgia election disaster condemned as result of deliberate GOP voter suppression: ‘This is by design’ Photos of would-be Georgia voters standing—and, in some cases, sitting—in long lines after 11 pm to cast their ballots in the state’s primary on Tuesday encapsulated what rights groups and lawmakers decried as a disastrous day for democracy and an entirely predictable result of years of deliberate voter suppression efforts by Republican lawmakers and the U.S. Supreme Court. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/georgia-election-disaster-condemned-as-result-of-deliberate-gop-voter-suppression-this-is-by-design/
  6. Elon Musk reopened his Tesla factory in defiance of county orders. Then an outbreak happened Last months, Tesla CEO Elon Musk openly defied stay-at-home orders in Alameda County in order to reopen his car factory in Fremont, California. The oppositional billionaire, who had been skeptical of public health recommendations — and who previously dismissed the pandemic as “dumb” —first filed a lawsuit for injunctive relief; then threatened to take his factory to another state; then called Alameda County’s interim health officer “ignorant.” Musk even said he was willing to be arrested for the noble “cause” of restarting production. And what did that get him? According to a new report by the Washington Post, a coronavirus outbreak in the factory. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/elon-musk-reopened-his-tesla-factory-in-defiance-of-county-orders-then-an-outbreak-happened/
  7. Emergency COVID-19 measures prevented more than 500 million infections, study finds A person in protective clothing walks through an empty 2,000-bed medical facility for COVID-19 patients in Iran. Emergency public health measures designed to slow the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran and five other countries have prevented hundreds of millions of infections — and helped to avert a global catastrophe, says new research by a team from the Global Policy Lab at UC Berkeley. (AP photo by Ebrahim Noroozi) Emergency health measures implemented in six major countries have “significantly and substantially slowed” the spread of the novel coronavirus, according to research from a UC Berkeley team published today in the journal Nature. The findings come as leaders worldwide struggle to balance the enormous and highly visible economic costs of emergency health measures against their public health benefits, which are difficult to see. In the first peer-reviewed analysis of local, regional and national policies, the researchers found that travel restrictions, business and school closures, shelter-in-place orders and other non-pharmaceutical interventions averted roughly 530 million COVID-19 infections across the six countries in the study period ending April 6. Of these infections, 62 million would likely have been “confirmed cases,” given limited testing in each country. https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/06/08/emergency-covid-19-measures-prevented-more-than-500-million-infections-study-finds/
  8. You are seeing the results of the GOP election strategy, and you can bet there will be a lot more problems in predominantly non-white neighourhoods' voting.
  9. Are you really buying that Soros is funding this unrest in the US? Really?
  10. "Race-baiting filth": Carlson criticized for claiming a Black Lives Matter "mob" will "come for you" "Black Lives Matter is becoming more powerful by the hour and they know it," Carlson warns his mostly white viewers Fox News host Tucker McNear Swanson Carlson, who recently dubbed the nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody "a form of tyranny" after earlier calling white supremacy a "hoax," kicked off his primetime program Monday with a new racially-charged screed against the Black Lives Matter "riots." The rant, during which the host told his mostly white viewers that the social justice movement was "definitely not about black lives" and to "remember that when they come for you," lasted nearly 30 minutes, or about 75% of the show's on-air time. https://www.salon.com/2020/06/09/race-baiting-filth-carlson-criticized-for-claiming-a-black-lives-matter-mob-will-come-for-you/
  11. Coronavirus infections in younger people are skyrocketing —While those under 40 still have a lower mortality rate, they're suddenly contracting coronavirus in greater numbers In the initial days of the pandemic, some skeptics wrote off the coronavirus as something that mostly affected seniors. The higher death rates for the elderly, coupled with numerous stories of tragic outbreaks in nursing homes both here and abroad, contributed to that public perception. Yet a new series of reports reveals that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the young should not assume that they are safe from coronavirus infection. Indeed, in the past two months, the rate at which people under 40 are testing positive for coronavirus has shot up in many locales. While younger people remain at much lower risk for dying of coronavirus, they can still transmit the virus to others of any age group. https://www.salon.com/2020/06/09/coronavirus-infections-in-younger-people-are-skyrocketing--heres-why/
  12. Louisville Cop Involved in Breonna Taylor Shooting Accused of Sexual Assault The Louisville Metro Police Department said Monday they are investigating accusations made by at least two women who say they were sexually assaulted by one of the officers involved in the February shooting of Breonna Taylor. The women, who posted their allegations on social media, both claim that Officer Brett Hankison, 44, sexually assaulted them after offering them a ride home from bars. “We are aware of these posts, and investigators are looking into the allegations,” a spokesperson for the Louisville Metro Police Department told the Courier-Journal. https://www.thedailybeast.com/louisville-police-officer-involved-in-breonna-taylor-shooting-brett-hankison-accused-of-sexual-assault?ref=home
  13. Justice Department Deputized Border Patrol as U.S. Marshals for Protest Response WHEN THE BORDER CROSSES YOU The Department of Homeland Security insisted that all its officials on D.C. streets for the protest response were at all times identified. -Reuters When the Justice Department brought a small army of often-unidentified federal police officers to the streets of Washington, D.C. amidst protests against racist policing, it made at least some of them into temporary U.S. marshals. https://www.thedailybeast.com/justice-department-deputized-border-patrol-as-us-marshals-for-protest-response?ref=home
  14. Here’s the real reason so many on the right are terrified of antifa: It’s that last part that is so infuriating to the right. Many anti-fascist activists, whether or not they identify as such, do their work from behind a keyboard. They’re basically online sleuths, who scour the fever swamps of the internet, try to identify anonymous members of extremist groups and expose them. But they have also decimated the alt-right–the less extreme version of more hardcore fascist groups–by making it hard to be a member without one’s neighbors and employers finding out about it. And that’s what many on the right really find so terrifying. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/antifa-are-a-ridiculous-right-wing-bogeyman-but-theres-more-to-the-story/
  15. The only promiment Republican who has shred of credibility is Romney, and the cynic in me wonders if his walking in the protests this weekend wasn't directed by the GOP brass so that he is distancing himself from Trump. If this is so, it would be a "plan B" that if Trump has no chance of re-election and is catching the other GOP candidates in his undertow, Romney could then replace Trump as the presidential candidate, and maybe prevent the GOP from becoming a rump party.
  16. And apparently Mitch McConnell, who has had a safe GOP seat for 35 years, is behind the probable Democrat candidate in his riding polls. We can only hope.
  17. GOP lawmakers plotting escape from Trump over possibility he’ll lose 2020 election in a ‘landslide’: conservative In a column for the Daily Beast, conservative commentator Matt Lewis said there are indications that more than a few GOP lawmakers will turn their backs on Donald Trump as it becomes clearer that he will go down in a major defeat in November. According to Lewis, who abandoned the Republican Party specifically because it became the party of Trump, the president is stumbling into the November election and running scared. “Donald Trump is scared,” he began. “He has beaten, dominated, and bludgeoned the Republican Party into positions that would make a drunken riot cop blush with shame. But now that Trump may lose in a landslide, his captives and quislings are plotting their escape.” As Lewis notes, the tipping point for conservatives and Republicans to seriously consider turning on the president was brought about by comments made by retired General James Mattis in the past week. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/gop-lawmakers-plotting-escape-from-trump-over-possibility-hell-lose-2020-election-in-a-landslide-conservative/xsxas
  18. The Cesspool That Spat Out Trump’s New Conspiracy About Cops Here is how Trump got the idea that a 75-year-old protester who was pushed to the ground and bled out of his head may have been antifa. It’s as crazy as you can imagine. The tweet was sparked by a segment on the Trump-fawning cable news network OAN, which was based on a blog post from The Conservative Treehouse. And it represented yet another instance of how the president’s penchant for uncritically amplifying those willing to flatter or absolve his views has vaulted the dregs of the Internet’s conspiracy theorists into national prominence. The OAN segment was reported by Kristian Rouz, a Russian journalist who pulled double duty working for the Russian state propaganda channel Sputnik as well as OAN. In it, Rouz claimed Gugino was using “common antifa tactics” and that the incident was "a false flag provocation by far-left group antifa." He cited The Conservative Treehouse as evidence that Gugino was using a “police tracker” on his phone during the encounter. https://www.thedailybeast.com/meet-the-conservative-treehouse-the-blog-thats-ground-zero-for-insane-trump-sht?ref=home
  19. There's a difference??????
  20. If anyone needed proof that Trump is loyal only to Trump, here it is. This should make anyone think twice before defending him.
  21. Black Liberty University Staffers Resign Over Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Racist Conduct EN MASSE At least three employees have quit the evangelical school and sounded off about Falwell and the school’s long-standing issues with “racism, prejudice, and discrimination.” At least three black Liberty University employees have resigned directly as a result of President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s tweet in which he declared he would only wear a COVID-19 mask if it were one depicting the 1984 photo of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam allegedly wearing blackface. https://www.thedailybeast.com/black-liberty-university-staffers-resign-over-jerry-falwell-jrs-racist-conduct?ref=home
  22. Trump mulls replacing Jared Kushner after blaming his son-in-law for tanking poll numbers Though President Donald Trump publicly praised his son-in-law Jared Kushner as “my star” on Monday, he has privately fumed about his top adviser over his sagging poll numbers, according to Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/trump-mulls-replacing-jared-kushner-after-blaming-his-son-in-law-for-tanking-poll-numbers-gabriel-sherman/
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