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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. And yet we give up so many big plays.
  2. My 4th game of the year, and should be able to snap up a ticket or two at bargain basement prices. Cold November day, Semi final, Calgary always has pretty lousy attendance for these. With the Stamps getting healthier it will fall on Harris and our O line to win this game. **** Calgary and their mediocre fans, and **** the Stampeders. GO BOMBERS
  3. If we win, great. If we lose, not as great, but at least I can be there on Sunday on my birthday That'd be 4 bomber games in one season, a high since I moved.
  4. Saskatchewan has to be the worst first place team in the history of our league. I've never seen a team wind up playing so many backup quarterbacks over a season . It's pretty ironic that they will likely be one-and-done in the playoffs behind Harker, too
  5. Who cares who's under contract. Trades happen.
  6. As said before, Evans, Arbuckle or Masoli. Any of those 3.
  7. I want him in Winnipeg next season
  8. If strev won tonight like this 17to85 is doing cartwheels and victory laps.
  9. Yes! **** Calgary and their obnoxious fans!
  10. This is why we need Evans or Masoli or Arbuckle. A QB that can chuck the ball.
  11. I have to say, and apologies if this sounds snooty, but how in gods name isn't the general consensus here Arbuckle/Evans/Masoli? Walters has to back up a truck of cash and get one of these QB's or we're in the wilderness.
  12. The only chance we have at a cup is ... well 2 scenarios I guess 1) Big Chris plays status quo, and the D gels and steals games by scoring points. Unlikely. 2) Collaros comes in and plays decent ball and we string 3 wins together in November ...sooooooooooo... I guess there's a chance?
  13. And yet he's a 500 coach for the bombers with 1 playoff win in his tenure.
  14. Dude was a special teams coordinator. For a short period of time. That's his coaching resume. I got that there's a small faction of people, or maybe a large faction, that seemed to like O'Shea and God knows why, but his record is pretty mediocre and the team is going backwards now. You think that he would learn, pick up nuggets, and improve his style and Effectiveness. But his deployment, and frankly, abuse of streveler last game leaves me little in the way of hope. The mindlessness of putting out a hobbled run only qb when you need yards fast is hard to wrap my mind around. Also, I was only three rows behind the bomber bench, and streveler absolutely looked hobbled. The idea that he was going out no matter what and O'Shea was just getting out of the way it's beyond ridiculous. Who runs this football club? A second-year rookie, or our esteemed head coach? Trick question don't bother answering.
  15. The secret is out. O'Shea is, was, and will always be in over his head as a head coach in the cfl. He was a dumb hire.
  16. Bighill and Matthews have to be the most disappointing FA signings in recent memory
  17. At the end of the day it all falls on Walters. If you want to say the deployment is wrong then why the same coaching staff so long? That said, he's not my primary place of blame. So maybe it all doesn't fall on him? But the fact he's so loyal to bad coaching is questionable. Lots of blame to go around for a team that appears to have peaked 2 years ago... A 12 - 6 record with a one and done in playoff. For all we know mos begged Walters to let him keep his coordinators in place.
  18. Walters is absolutely skating free from shared blame, agreed. Our receivers are garbage.
  19. We can't all be hapless sycophants worshipping at the alter of "stable and mediocre"
  20. Makes sense. He's been a failure as a coach so far.
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