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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. Uhhh... source on this? I tried to look it up myself and found this from the (respectable) Guardian(It's time for the pregnant Olympics | Sport | The Guardian): In 1988, the First Permanent World Conference on Anti-Doping in Sport included 'abortion doping' on its agenda and Alexandre de Merode, chairman of the medical commission of the International Olympic Committee until his death in 2002, claimed that he knew of a Swiss doctor who was carrying out the procedures. In fact, there is no real evidence that this has ever been done. And then this story from the sketchy pro-life group LifeSite (their most popular article right now is about how prayers are being sent to truckers to avoid 'The Great Reset'): OLYMPIC ATHLETES GETTING PREGNANT AND ABORTING TO BOOST PERFORMANCE - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Not saying this isn't true, but I could totally see something like this as pro-life manufactured propaganda.
  2. B.C. expands vaccine mandate as Sask and Alberta race to do away with them. B.C. expands health-care vaccine mandate to include dentists, chiropractors and other regulated professionals | CBC News
  3. Honestly thought we would cave. We tend to follow Alberta and Saskatchewan on things like this. It is easier to pass off responsibility if you aren't the first.
  4. Wonder what the difference will mean to him in terms of sponsorships and outside of football income. Can't imagine a CFLer can make decent coin doing promos and such in Toronto.
  5. If McGuire came back this year he was one hit to an oft-injured quarterback with a history of injuries away from being a starter. Most QBs go down at some point during a year, we have been lucky that Zach hasn't. If he fared well enough with another opportunity he definitely could have had offers to start next year.
  6. This! Honestly convinced a lot of them just play dumb because that is what the supporters will understand. There's no point to logical arguments when you cater your messaging to those that would not understand it. I believe it has been confirmed that a strategy to get George Bush Jr. elected was to play dumb so the media would jump all over him for his mistakes and look like the elite criticizing the average guy.
  7. Those last two shots of him.... made it hit home. 😢 The business side really sucks.
  8. 100%. That was the big criticism from the right for the longest time - we need vaccines and Trudeau is not getting them fast enough. If this virus was significantly more deadly, these same protestors would be trying to use their privilege to ensure they were prioritized for vaccinations. Vaccine mandate 'not an issue at all,' CEO of Canada's largest trucking company says (yahoo.com) First one of the biggest grocery chains says that vaccine mandates are not the cause of empty shelves and supply chain shortages - that people getting sick with Covid is. Now the CEO of the largest trucking company says the vaccine mandate does not affect their business.
  9. I've seen this a few times. When Stove was out near the start of the season, our run d was pretty poor from what I recall. I think we also have Kyrie Wilson out and they came back at the same time and our run D had huge improvement. I hate losing Stove, but I hope he's getting a huge payday.
  10. Lots of complaining on what he's not doing, but I'm genuinely interested in what some would propose that he could do? Not saying he is handling it well/not well, just wondering what would be suggested as good options.
  11. The leaders definitely realize it and it is probably the main motivation behind the half-assed efforts that are underway. The problem is, one country can't fix climate it for itself. So much easier to excuse damaging actions that will reinforce a high-carbon economy and point to another country saying that they are doing nothing. Diffusion of responsibility big time here and I just don't see us doing enough as a planet in time.
  12. Harris is the most complete back I've ever witnessed in the CFL and does the little things so well. He finds holes and is patient when they are developing, always falls forward to get the extra yards, a great leader on the team, an excellent blocker and you always see him talking to guys and getting them in the right positions. I noticed a big dip in all these intangibles when he was out of the lineup. He's not as fast as BO or JA, but I think this year he would still be a better RB. I would love if he would come back with a few less touches and really try to help BO and JA gain some of the intangibles that he has. I'm not sure it would destroy the locker room - O'Shea is amazing at building that up, but I'm sure some players would get a hit of reality that careers are short and business means that sometimes a team turns their back on you, regardless of how tight knit the room is. I know Harris was a big fan of Charles Roberts growing up. Hope he is thinking about how his career ended and our organization keeps that in mind too. Roberts wasn't half the team guy Harris is which would probably sting both sides even more if it ends the same way. All that said, I can totally understand the team not wanting to pay him the amount he has been getting.
  13. Sorry to hear that. This is my worst fear. Can not imagine being in that family and having people trying to shut down the city over wearing a mask....
  14. What an idiot. I'm fortunate not to need to travel in the area, and I'm sure it is really frustrating, but this just gives more powder to the keg. This will definitely be used to excuse their own violence/hate.
  15. I don't think the organizers "messed up". I think this is what they wanted, except on an even bigger level. The million or so semi's they had running to Ottawa for example 😁. I think many genuinely believe the rules in place shouldn't apply to them despite the crap they would spew if the same was going on with indigenous protesters. Personally knowing some of the people that support this garbage, I know they would openly advocate violence against indigenous protesters.
  16. Stuff like this is really important if we want to try to avoid going down the hole that the US has been going down. There needs to be people with spines in the Conservative party. The same with when Eileen Clark quit her role in the Pallister government when they were defending residential schools. I was hopeful that O'Toole would condemn the convoy and that would be the Conservative party line, but they've gone in totally the opposite direction with the Candice "Maga" Bergen who can't even denounce nazism without bringing up indigenous protests and the toppling of the statue... Manitoba Premier's response to Candace Bergen questioned (citynews.ca) He also said the Conservative party has taken an “increasingly divisive and vitriolic” approach and he will continue to speak against extremism in the party. “We need to shift away from that,” he said. --------------- Former federal Conservative cabinet minister Chris Alexander called the Conservatives’ stand “both disgraceful and inexcusable.” “I’m ashamed to see Conservative Party of Canada members, including elected MPs, portraying vaccine mandates as ‘tyranny’ and Trudeau as the ‘biggest threat to freedom in Canada’ while Russia prepares to launch a massive war on Ukraine,” he said.
  17. Poilievre is great for those who are already Conservative voters and will drink whatever Kool-Aid he serves up (Justinflation anyone 😁). I'm not sure he could win over undecided voters when his lies and BS comes under more public scrutiny in an election campaign.
  18. And they won't let the public see the data that suggests this approach is warranted - we just have to trust them. We've had the itchy trigger finger on loosening restrictions before. Pretty much every wave when we see others loosening restrictions. For some reason we've been delayed in our waves compared to other jurisdictions, but don't want to delay reopening. "It seems a bit premature to be on a path to reopen things, particularly as we've lost all situational awareness when it comes to knowing where our cases are coming from, who is most affected, and what the transmission chains are," said University of Manitoba epidemiologist Souradet Shaw. "Hospitalizations are at an all-time high, and ICUs have not yet peaked, so the timing is curious."
  19. Again, it is really weird to put that on Trudeau when the US is at 7%! And we are lower than most other countries in the Europe as well. You are pretty much making the case for why Trudeau is doing a great job handling the economy.
  20. So you're saying 1991? That is the last time we had inflation at 6%. Actually, that was even the last time our inflation numbers hit 5%, so even if you're exaggerating... Again - Canada's inflation numbers are NOT 6%.
  21. Justinflation? lol. He's really got into your heads. Some kind of weird obsession. Have you bothered to check the facts on this, or is it just easier to repeat whatever you hear? Since the start of the pandemic, inflation in the US has been consistently higher than inflation in Canada. Guess what? The gap is growing too. US inflation running at 7% while we are at 4.8%. Or is Trudeau so all-powerful and evil that he is controlling US inflation as well. The interesting thing about the CPC is facts don't matter as long as you are louder and point the finger more intensely at someone else.
  22. This. Most Canadians are opposed to this convoy thing and disrupting life in urban centres and border crossings is likely swaying people even farther against the cause. I'm sure the extremist language and behaviour aren't helping. The CPC response - make Candice Bergen the interim leader who has been heavy in public support for the protests. Surely the undecided voter will love that the leader of the official opposition is highly supportive of this😏
  23. You used to be a staunch Conservative voter, correct? Would you return to the party if they had the right leader? Genuinely curious. I feel like any leader would have an incredibly difficult job uniting both elements of the party. They've fed their followers BS for years (see climate change) and they are dealing with the fall-out of a fairly divided group of voters. Like Noeller, it scares the hell out of me that they chose an interim leader who is an all-out convoy-supporting MAGA clown and they just might come to power somehow (Ontario has elected 2 Ford governments, we chose Pallister twice), but I see uniting the voters on the right as an increasingly difficult task.
  24. If this is any indication as to the direction the party is headed.... It will be nice to see the NDP as the official opposition for a change. Bernier will be right pissed off though.
  25. I think this trucker convoy has been great for Trudeau. Getting people to choose sides between the nutjobs protesting and Trudeau really makes people sympathize with Trudeau. Having F Trudeau signs and convoy leaders open talk about him facing bullets🙄
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